Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Will Not Forget

ClintonDems posted a great post about something Obama said in February

Days before Super Tuesday
“I am confident I will get her votes if I’m the nominee,” Obama stressed. “It’s not clear she would get the votes I got if she were the nominee.”(Obama MSNBC)

I will not forget and I will not vote for Obama

Also just thought I would throw this out there...
I really hate Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. I was watching MSNBC and they are literally reveling in the fact that they think Hillary has lost. They keep making jokes and snipes towards Hillary.


Anonymous said...

How arrogant Obama is. Hillary would beat McCain by a landslide, she has already proven that with the popular vote. She has received more votes than any other candidate running for office EVER!!! I feel cheated by the democracy, my vote for Hillary doesn't matter. It all boils down to what the delegates want, who they want to see in office. They want Obama, so forget what America has voted for. I mean really why even bother holding an election if what we want is going to be ignored and left up to the delegates?! The better woman won, yet it's looking like Obama will be the Presidential elect. That sadends me because I will not vote for Obama, and our only hope of having a democrat in office is being robbed by delegates. I guess we are in for 4 more years of republicans messing up our economy. Sad, I was really looking forward to pulling out of what is becoming another depression. Hillary was our way out, and should be our Presidential elect..NOT OBAMA!!!

Anonymous said...

The media should be obliterated for this. This has been the most sexist, incredibly disgusting thing I have ever seen.

And by the way, Obama. I will NEVER EVER vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are middle aged, bloated, flaccid has beens. They have lost any and all credibility in the media. It is rumored that the MSNBC director is looking to fire them. They can cackle all they want.....They will be crying when McCain is elected....(Ok, maybe Chris Matthews will be happy)

Anonymous said...

We will not forget, so so true im with you and i think more folks will be now, you run idapendent do you hear me Idapendent

Thank you
James King. Missouri USA

Anonymous said...

How arrogant Obama is. Hillary would beat McCain by a landslide, she has already proven that with the popular vote. She has received more votes than any other candidate running for office EVER!!! I feel cheated by the democracy, my vote for Hillary doesn't matter. It all boils down to what the delegates want, who they want to see in office. They want Obama, so forget what America has voted for. I mean really why even bother holding an election if what we want is going to be ignored and left up to the delegates?! The better woman won, yet it's looking like Obama will be the Presidential elect. That sadends me because I will not vote for Obama, and our only hope of having a democrat in office is being robbed by delegates. I guess we are in for 4 more years of republicans messing up our economy. Sad, I was really looking forward to pulling out of what is becoming another depression. Hillary was our way out, and should be our Presidential elect..NOT OBAMA!!!

June 3, 2008 5:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Hillary fight on, we are with you!
All 18 + million of us. You know the people who gave you the popular vote...obviously not very important according to the Democratic officials, but we know better.

Anonymous said...

BECOME A MCCAIN WOMAN!!!! TODAY..news is saying he WANTS us big time. I think there is something to this. I am going on his website and giving my MONEY and my SUPPORT!!! I love the fact that she STUCK it to the MEDIA last night!!! SHE PISSED THEM ALL OFF, it was the best I have EVER SEEN!!! They are still saying today how dare SHE!!! THE BEST!!

Anonymous said...

I approve all the sentiments expressed here, but until we take real action we are simply exchanging rants with one another. If the media have been unfair and sexist - and, of course, they have - we have to hit the offenders where it hurts: WITH THEIR SPONSORS. Do it now: call or write sponsors on MSNBC, CNN and even, I'm especially sorry to say, NPR and PBS. Tell them you will boycott their products unless they stop advertising on those channels/stations. As a group we have power. Let's use it.