Dear Supporter,
I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it.
I told you that if you stood up for me, I would always stand up for you. You did more for me than I could have ever imagined, and I'm going to keep my end of the bargain and keep fighting for what we believe in -- in the Senate and on the campaign trail, helping to elect a new Democratic president and a bigger Democratic majority in Congress.
That relationship will endure thanks to the remarkable journey you and I have shared. But there's something else -- less endearing and I hope less enduring -- that our campaign has left behind: our substantial campaign debt.
I'm so grateful for all you've done for me -- all the ways you have given your time, energy, and financial resources. But today I am asking once again for your help ridding our campaign of debt so we can keep fighting together.
Contribute today to help us reduce our campaign debt.
As you know, I had to loan money to my campaign at critical moments. I'm not asking for anyone's help to pay that back. That was my investment and my commitment because I believe so deeply in our cause.
But I do need your help paying the debts we accrued to others over the course of this campaign. We put everything we had into winning this race, and we came just about as close as you can.
I will never regret the energy, effort, and passion we put into one of the closest and most expensive primary contests in history. But I need your help to move on to the next phase of our journey together.
Your contribution today will help us pay down our campaign debt.
You've done so much for me over the past 17 months, and I can never thank you enough. But I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you put into our campaign.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
P.S. Everywhere I go, people tell me what a big difference our campaign has made in their lives. Let's keep working together throughout 2008 and beyond to advance the causes we believe in and to advocate alongside people whose voices need to be heard.
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"...Let's keep working together throughout 2008 and beyond to advance the causes we believe in and to advocate alongside people whose voices need to be heard."
I like that. It says it all. Thank you Hillary for not giving up. I trust we will still get the leadership we need with you keeping an eye on things and leading the way!
Just curious...does this mean that she is continuing on or that she is supporting Obama? That has a lot to do with how much I contribute.
I like everyone else likes surprises, but I must say I would be horrified if in an effort to help Hillary I helped Obama.
Let's be clear about what this message means.
If she is continuing on, I will support her whole heartedly. It just needs to be a little more clear.
Best of luck Hillary. There are a lot of people still cheering you on!
You will be contributing to Obama. Look at Senator Clinton's web site. It ask for contributions to him..
Sad isn't it? As hard as we all worked and supported Senator Clinton that it seems we believed in her more than she believed in us. I cannot support Obama as much as I wish the best for Senator Clinton. We all wanted her to be the President not his supporter or second runner up. We pleaded with Senator Clinton to run as an Independent or take her seat in the Senate and wait until 2012,and we would follow and support her and contribute to pay off her campaign debts. There were web sites with her Senate address in Washington DC set up for her nearly 18,000,000 supporters to send a Thank You and for each one to include $1 to pay help off her debts.Unfortunately I think Senator Clinton has made a monumental mistake, by backing a radical racist, sexist, rude and inexperienced egotistical elitist like Obama. She's caved into Dean and the DNC and she didn't need to do that. We will go with McCain the man, not the Republican.Most voters vote for the person and not the party.We will never "GET OVER IT" as Barrack Hussein Obama put it last week...
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