Monday, June 30, 2008

Share Your Thoughts On Being A PUMA With Greta

Share your thoughts on being a PUMA with Greta
Here is what she posted today
"Alright….I am getting so so so many emails about “P.U.M.A.” that it is time to discuss it here on GretaWire."

Go here and comment
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New Video: CNN: Clinton diehards organize online

This is great that people are starting to notice our efforts.
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Help Hillary Reach Independence

I truly feel that Hillary is essentially trapped in the Obama Campaign. She can't break free because she has so much debt and Obama is trying to take credit for helping her retire her Debt. Don't let this happen, let's ban together and donate today and help her reach independence by July 4th. Donate and invite your friends to Donate. You can donate below.

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PUMA Radio Is Born

NO WE WONT launches PUMA Radio.

An online radio station is starting up, just for us PUMAs.
Here is the first segment, an interview with Will Bower.
Click To Listen To The Show

More segments coming soon. Check out NO WE WONT for more updates
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2 PUMAs on TV

Jessie Loren of justsaynodeal appears on MSNBC

John David Overton, a PUMA voter, talks to FOX

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Democrats Sink To New Low

I am no longer surprised when I see the new lows that the Democrats have sunk to. It is a shame because I was such a loyal Democrat, I truly believed in the party up until this election year.

Obama is giving a speech right now in Missouri about Patriotism. He opened by saying "I will never question someone's Patriotism." I hate how he always takes the high road only to have his surrogates do the dirty work.

The most appalling thing about the 2004 election was how groups swift boating John Kerry, now Obama's campaign is doing the same to John McCain.

Speaking for Obama here is what Wesley Clark said this weekend about McCain's service
General Wesley Clark, acting as a surrogate for Barack Obama’s campaign, invoked John McCain’s military service against him…

Clark said that McCain lacked the executive experience necessary to be president, calling him “untested and untried” on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” And in saying so, he took a few swipes at McCain’s military service…

“He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn’t held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn’t a wartime squadron,” Clark said.

“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”(Yahoo)
This makes me sad because I do believe Wesley Clark is an amazing man, who has just been led astray by Obama. Love or hate McCain, how can one criticize his record. The guy was a prisoner of war for goodness sakes. I am not saying vote for McCain(who we vote for is completely up to each and every one of us), but I am ashamed by the tactics that the Democrats have taken up.

If McCain's service does not qualify him to be President, I don't see how Obama's 3 years in the Senate does.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bill Clinton Tells Obama "Kiss My Ass"

I love this man! He tells it like it is.
A senior Democrat who worked for Mr Clinton has revealed that he recently told friends Mr Obama could "kiss my ass" in return for his support. (from the Telegraph)

President Bill Clinton is a PUMA!
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NPR’s Scott Simon on Obama’s Exploitation of the Race Card

Via NoQuarter

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Obama Clueless On How His Tax Plan Will Work

From NoQuarter

How is Obama going to fix Social Security? The One has NO IDEA. Yet, that’s not stopped him from coming up with more Change We Can’t Believe In.

In Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, Donald L. Luskin reports the following:

Would it help Social Security’s financing problems? Mr. Obama has no idea. One of his senior economic advisers admitted to me that no one on the campaign has run any detailed models or performed any rigorous analysis. When one proposes an enormous tax increase, shouldn’t there at least be a spreadsheet somewhere?

This kind of stuff scares me. Read the rest at NoQuarter
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Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy

From the Boston Globe, theer is also a whole article you can read here

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Friday, June 27, 2008

How Do We Feel About Unity?

Here is the official JustSayNoDeal stance on Unity
While the Coalition respects the genuine nature of Senator Clinton in keeping her word to campaign with and for Senator Obama, we will not support him now or on November 4, 2008. Senator Clinton’s vote is her own; our votes are our own and they will not be cast for
Senator Obama. The Just Say No Deal Coalition members will either choose to stay home in
protest, write in Senator Clinton’s name or vote for Senator John McCain. Our votes are our
voices and Just Say No Deal’s voices are 2 million strong and growing.

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JustSayNODeal in the WashingtonPost

Here is a great WashingtonPost article on Just Say No Deal

Diane Mantouvalos is an anger-shaker. The night before Clinton announced the suspension of her campaign, Mantouvalos was at home in Miami checking posts on her blog and sensing a mood that went beyond disillusionment, beyond sadness, beyond "I'm upset and bummed out." As co-creator of, which describes itself as "a forum of power chics for Hillary," Mantouvalos hangs out on the sassy edge of the blogosphere. Feeling more empowered than embittered, the public relations consultant wondered: "Wouldn't it be great if we could thread all of these disparate factions and form one coalition?" A brassy coalition of rebels.

On June 8, the evening after Clinton conceded the Democratic presidential contest to Barack Obama, Mantouvalos organized a conference call with some 40 bloggers, political activists and other hardened loyalists of the New York senator's, in what became "a jam session of very intense opinion" -- about the party, its leadership, its presumptive nominee, the media. Five hours later, Mantouvalos, age "north of 35," had built a new Web site,, which has become a clearinghouse for the renegade forces that are now confounding Democratic Party officials and Obama campaign operatives.

Read More Here

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Day 1 of "Buck$ the DNC VOTE"

"Buck$ the DNC Vote"
Remember to Contribute June 27th-29th
Remember to cut and paste message:

My contribution is part of the "Buck$ the DNC VOTE" drive and is only to be
used for Hillary Clinton primary or general election campaigns so Hillary
will be fully funded and ready to finish the fight for the White House by
Independence Day July the 4th

Click on Image To Donate

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cynthia Ruccia(JustSayNODeal) on Larry King

Larry King interviews Cynthia Ruccia from and Ellen Moran from Emily's list. womenforfairpolitics is a member of the justsaynodeal coalition. Ellen just comes off as a total tool, but Cynthia did an amazing job

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Anyone Want To Protest In DC On July 4th

Here is an invitation I was asked to post in case anyone is interested.
From Cristi
I am looking for people interested in a protest on Independence Day. On July 4, would you or anyone from your group be able to come to DC for a public protest outside of the FOX studios? It is a national press conference and Indepence from the DNC/Obama Protest...our signs can have our individual groups on them, and messages to the DNC stating this is our official statement...
We celebrate our Independence from Obama, sexism, threats of Roe V Wade and unfair/unbalanced politics with national media
Have a blessed and healthy day,
Cristi Adkins, RN Cht
Follow Me Over To

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Will Bowers with justsaynodeal on Fox and Friends

Will Bowers abppeared on Fox and Friends to discuss justsaynodeal and PUMA voters

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We Say "NO DEAL!" - Protest the Unity Sham!

Puma Action Group is putting together a rally tomorrow in Unity New Hampshire. If your interested check out this website for more information.

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Have I Mentioned How Much I Can't Stand Nancy Pelosi

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here Is A Video We Received In Our Email

The video comes from Hillary supporters called Deja Vote
The video was taken at the DC rally

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One Thing Obama Is Good For...Selling Cars

This is hilarious, a KIA car dealership using the Obama theme to sell cars. This is amusing to me because I been saying for sometime that Obama has a used car salesman feel and approach. Aggressive with lots of pretty words to confuse you, but never any details about what your actually getting.

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"PUMAs": Angrier than I thought

Here is a video by -- Rebecca Traister of about a PUMAs article she did and how she was caught off guard by the 800+ comments from angry Hillary supporters.

Make a Point at

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Vote Hillary or McCain No Obama in 2008

Democrats Against Obama just sent a bunch of flyers that include all kinds of facts.
Here are a few facts found on the flyers. If you would like to download the flyers you can do so here

Myth: McCain will reverse Roe V Wade so abortion will be illegal and women’s rights will be reversed!

Truth: The president of the United States does NOT have the power to reverse judgments of the Supreme Court1. The president appoints Supreme Court Justices. It is possible that McCain could try to appoint conservative anti-abortion judges, but the DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS MUST ratify or approve those judges. In other words, McCain could attempt to appoint anti-abortion judges, but those judges would be stopped by the democratic members of the Congress and Senate. Therefore, McCain reversing Roe v Wade is a BIG LIE. By the way, if Bush was not able to reverse Roe v. Wade with a Republican House and Senate, I don’t think McCain would be successful.

MYTH: McCain will keep us in Iraq for 100 years. He’s a War mongerIII!

Truth: We have been in Korea, Germany, and Japan for 50 years2. To jump up and radically pull out of Iraq would be a grave disservice to all and a waste of American life. Bush/Cheney decided to go to war with Iraq and we cannot just wish it away. We need diplomacy and a plan to end the war in the best way possible.


On July 28th, the day after his speech at the Democratic convention, Barack Obama told a group of reporters in Boston that the United States had an "absolute obligation" to remain in Iraq long enough to make it a success. "The failure of the Iraqi state would be a disaster," he said at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, according to an audiotape of the session. "It would dishonor the 900-plus men and women who have already died. . . . It would be a betrayal of the promise that we made to the Iraqi people, and it would be hugely destabilizing from a national security perspective."3 In winter, 2008, Obama says he wants to bring the troops home immediately…humm, which is true?

MYTH: Obama was against the war. Hillary and McCain supported the war!

Truth: Obama was Not a senator during the war vote. However, he has since voted to continue funding the war4. There is no way we will ever know what Obama would have done. Barack on Iraq War: ‘Not Much of a Difference Between My Position and George Bush's Position’. — July 2004.

MYTH: McCain is Bush Part III

Truth: Bush did NOT have foreign policy experience and little record of bi-partisanship. Bush was in the pockets of big Oil and Gas companies. Bush was arrogant and Bush depended on advisors to make decisions. Bush’s arrogance, naiveté, lack of experience and greed were the foundation for the invasion of Iraq. McCain has extensive foreign policy experience. Obama does NOT. Mccain, unlike any other candidate knows the reality of war. Also, Obama voted YES for the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill. Both HILLARY AND McCain voted against it.5 Obama said he would invade Pakistan if necessary (a nuclear armed country) and Obama remains arrogant, inexperienced, with little foreign policy experience.

Obama voted for the Bush-Cheney energy bill that that put $6 billion in the pocket of big oil. Obama said he voted for it "reluctantly." Therefore, Obama’s inexperience, support of the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill, lack of credible bi- partisanship, arrogance and willingness to bomb Pakistan, in my opinion makes Obama Bush Part III!

All the

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Message from Hillary "Keeping my promise"

Sent out today from the Hillary Campaign
Dear Supporter,

I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it.

I told you that if you stood up for me, I would always stand up for you. You did more for me than I could have ever imagined, and I'm going to keep my end of the bargain and keep fighting for what we believe in -- in the Senate and on the campaign trail, helping to elect a new Democratic president and a bigger Democratic majority in Congress.

That relationship will endure thanks to the remarkable journey you and I have shared. But there's something else -- less endearing and I hope less enduring -- that our campaign has left behind: our substantial campaign debt.

I'm so grateful for all you've done for me -- all the ways you have given your time, energy, and financial resources. But today I am asking once again for your help ridding our campaign of debt so we can keep fighting together.

Contribute today to help us reduce our campaign debt.

As you know, I had to loan money to my campaign at critical moments. I'm not asking for anyone's help to pay that back. That was my investment and my commitment because I believe so deeply in our cause.

But I do need your help paying the debts we accrued to others over the course of this campaign. We put everything we had into winning this race, and we came just about as close as you can.

I will never regret the energy, effort, and passion we put into one of the closest and most expensive primary contests in history. But I need your help to move on to the next phase of our journey together.

Your contribution today will help us pay down our campaign debt.

You've done so much for me over the past 17 months, and I can never thank you enough. But I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you put into our campaign.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

P.S. Everywhere I go, people tell me what a big difference our campaign has made in their lives. Let's keep working together throughout 2008 and beyond to advance the causes we believe in and to advocate alongside people whose voices need to be heard.
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To the Loser Go the Spoils

The WashingtonPost has a great article about Hillary's return to the Senate. (Read It Here)

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Obama Pulls The Race Card...Again

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Pelosi Feels Clinton was victim of sexism

Talking to a group of reporters this morning Pelosi admitted that sexism played a roll with Hillary's Campaign.

What I don't understand is why Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat leadership didn't do anything about it. She saw it in the media and in the news but apparently didn't tell Howard Dean because we already know he didn't hear about it until after Hillary pulled out of the race.

I am so disgusted with our Democratic Leadership. Whats up with passing FISA?
On Friday Pelosi and other Democrats voted to pass FISA giving the Government Wiretapping abilities and giving telcoms protection from civil suits. Since when are Democrats in favor of wiretapping and protecting companies that break laws? Obama also voiced support for FISA, another reason why I don't feel bad for leaving the Democratic Party and not supporting Obama in the general election.
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Monday, June 23, 2008

Obama's Fabricated Enthusiasm

Check out this footage Terry Ann took at a recent Obama Rally.

You can read her post here

I love the first comment posted on Terry Ann's Blog

I first noticed fake homemade signs like that watching Robot Wars on Techtv, then that celebrity boxing show on Fox, and lately on the new American Gladiators. It's really sad the lengths people will go to create the impression of enthusiasm for someone on a reality tv show, much less a politician. It says alot about politicians that they are learning how to manipulate the public by watching reality tv.

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POLL: Majority of Americans Believe Obama Does Not View America Favorably

No Quarter has a great article on the recent Rasmussen Poll. (Link to the article)

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Hillary Speaks At Highschool Graduation

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For everyone who had problems with the email earlier, it has been fixed.

Let's Face It :

The 1 in 18 million ad campaign

ace it. You may only be one. But you are not alone.

Just Say No Deal represents a percentage of the 18
million + Americans who did not vote for Barack Obama.

If you have not fallen in line - we want
your face.

Your voice will continue to be heard as long as we stay

You are one voice. But you are not alone.

Photo Submission Guideline

  • First Name, CIty, State
  • Digital Only - High Resolution
  • Close-Up, Portrait or Solo Shots - NO GROUP SHOTS
  • Minimum Background "noise"
  • Work Environment ideal! Professor, Nurse, Fireman, Nurse, Construction Worker,
    Plumber, Soldier, Lawyer...
  • Every shot will be considered - but not all will be used
  • Submissions automatically grant Just Say No Deal usage for purpose of campaign

Email :
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Obama to Women "Get Over It"

One thing that has really bothered me in this campaign has been the lack of outreach from the Obama campaign. Obama has not taken the time to actually reach out to Hillary supporters, instead Obama turns to others to do it for him.
  • He hired Patti Solis
  • He forms a committee and puts Madeleine Albright & Gen. Wesley Clark on it
  • He gets Hillary to commit to campaign with him
Yet the one thing missing is Obama, he doesn't actually do anything himself to reach out to Hillary supporters. Maybe he is afraid that people will ask him about his VP or how the DNC is taking Hillary off the ballot in August.

Here is an exchange that happened at a meeting between Obama and the Black Caucus on Thursday.

"Sources at the meeting said that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, a Clinton supporter, expressed the desire that Obama and his campaign would reach out the millions of women still aggrieved about what happened in the campaign and still disappointed that Clinton lost.

Obama agreed that a lot of work needs to be done to heal the Democratic Party, and that he hoped the Clinton supporters in the room would help as much as possible.

According to Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., Obama then said, "However, I need to make a decision in the next few months as to how I manage that since I'm running against John McCain, which takes a lot of time. If women take a moment to realize that on every issue important to women John McCain is not in their corner, that would help them get over it."

Rep. Diane Watson, D-Calif., a longtime Clinton supporter, did not like those last three words -- "Get over it." She found them dismissive, off-putting. (ABC News)

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

GOOD Magazine's Meet Hillary Clinton

This is such a good video, I am pretty sure its old from earlier but its worth checking out.

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Hillary Needs You To Champion Your State

18 MILLION VOICES RISE HILLARY RISE is a grassroots, nationwide, volunteer network of Hillary Clinton supporters who are organizing actions in Denver and nationwide during the Democratic National Convention to support Senator Clinton, celebrate her historic achievement, and advocate for Women's Rights worldwide.

We are seeking grassroots volunteers to help publicize and organize the Denver action (coordinating mass transport from their states, helping network people with housing shares/accommodations, etc.), and to help organize concurrent state actions for those who cannot travel to Denver.

There is much to be done before the Convention, and we need boots on the ground in every state to make these actions a reality.

We need:
> --State Organizers
> --State Volunteers

Please contact if you are interested in joining our efforts, please specify STATE ORGANIZER INTEREST or STATE VOLUNTEER INTEREST in the subject heading.

This action will be a pro-Hillary event so it promises to be an uplifting and inspiring experience, both at the action itself, and in the planning of it.

Thank you for your efforts in helping make this event be a success.
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Operation Paul Revere

Paul Revere was glorified after his death for his role as a messenger in the American Revolutionary battles of Lexington and Concord, Revere's name and his "midnight ride" are well-known in the United States as a patriotic symbol. (Wikipedia).

I have chosen to name this operation Paul Revere because we need thousands to send the message that something is deeply amiss in the Democratic Party. If Obama remains the Demcratic nominee, we must sound the alarm, stand up to the elites, and demand fair treatment. Otherwise, the voice, the will of the American people may never mean anything in a General Election again.


Each of us must sound the alarm, spread the word, boycott the DNC, CNN, MSM, Oprah or any other major media dedicated to hiding the truth.

  • Howard Dean went to the 2004 DNC convention with 167.5 pledged delegates. And his name was on the first ballot.
  • Ted Kennedy was 1000 delegates behind Jimmy Carter in 1980. And Kennedy’s name was on the first ballot at the convention.
  • Hillary Clinton has 1640 pledged delegates today. But Howard Dean says her name will not be on the first ballot at this year’s convention because it would “discourage party unity.”
Join the revolution. Demand accountability. Demand that this presidential election reflects the will of the American people. Experience matters. Hold your ground and don’t give in to Obama. Get involved. Spread the word. Tell your elected officials, superdelegates, and media that you will not bow down and you will Remember in November!!

Just say NO Deal
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Hillary Supporters To Run A Full Page AD In The Chicago Times

This Sunday the group Hillary Clinton supporters for John McCain will run a full page add in the Chicago Times. Just a reminder that we don't have anything to do with this but I think it is great what they are doing. I had some people email me and say that we should rewrite this but again we did not write this I am only posting about what this group is doing.

Here is an excerpt of what will appear in the newspaper

"This is an open letter to inform you that we will not be backing, supporting or voting for Obama in November at the General Election. We have heard all of you say that we are "FEW" or that we are a "SMALL" group of angry, bitter women, but that we will fall in line and vote for a Democrat when we look at the issues. Well, you can keep on thinking that if it makes you all feel better about the "crooked" election you ran in the 2008 Presidential Primary. We are here to tell you now that there are over 2.5 million of us and in November, we will vote for "John McCain and ONLY for the Democrats on the ticket that supported Hillary Clinton", unless she suddenly becomes the nominee.

This is not because we are "sore losers" or any other stupid reason you come up with. It is because you took the Democratic Party and made a SHAMBLES out of it. The Democratic nominee was NOT elected, he was selected by "those smoke filled back room deals” that you all have said over and over you didn't want to see happen. It was the way you proportioned the Delegates, the way you STOLE Delegates, the way that you started trying to push Hillary to drop out before the Primary Season was over and all of the people had voted. It is about the way you blamed her for the "Division" in the Party, saying that she was only staying in to hurt Obama's chances. You and Obama are the ones that divided the Party with a lot of help from the media, so all of you need to pat yourselves on the back and stand up and take responsibility for destroying the Party and any chance we had of taking the White House back." (you can read more here)

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Hillary Supporter Cynthia Lowney on Cavuto

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Barack Obama opts out of Public Funds

(picture from NYMag)
Obama is really just one big Flip Flopper

With his decision, Mr. Obama became the first candidate of a major party to decline public financing — and the spending limits that go with it — since the system was created in 1976, after the Watergate scandals......Mr. McCain has been a champion of public financing of campaign throughout his career.

Ever since it became clear that Barack Obama's record-breaking fund-raising juggernaut could make him richer than God during the general election, it was expected that he would eventually opt out of public financing, a system which would have given him about $85 million to spend after the convention, but would have capped private fund-raising. The only problem is that he had pledged to work within the public-financing system if his opponent did. This, then, won't help dispel the notion that Obama is all talk. But will it actually damage Obama's image, or is the issue just too boring for anyone to care about? (NYMag)

Here is the latest video from Obama

Obama supports public financing

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Check out "Just Say NO Deal" on the Radio

Check out Cristi Adkins on WIBA 1310 Upfront with Vicki McKenna talking about Just Say No Deal

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Obama "I think families are off limits"

From the Seattle Stranger

Quote from an Interview Obama did with the BrodyFile
"I think families are off limits. I would never consider making Cindy McCain a campaign issue, and if I saw people doing that - I would speak out against it. And the fact that I haven't seen that from John McCain I think is a deep disappointment."

But I wonder: Where was Obama's strict "families are off limits" stance when he was snapping at Clinton that he "didn't know who he was running against" sometimes--her or her husband--in the South Carolina debate (after Clinton pointed out that she, not her husband, was Obama's opponent)? Where was his "families are off limits" stance when he blasted Clinton in that same debate for "your husband['s]" criticism of Obama's statements on Ronald Reagan? Where was it when he implied Clinton was dipping into her wealthy husband's assets to pay her campaign debt? And for that matter, where was it when media pundits like Chris Matthews were implying that Clinton didn't win her Senate race on her merit, but because people felt sorry for her because her husband "messed around"?

If families are off limits, they're off limits--whether the spouse in question is a former President or a whip-smart corporate attorney working full-time for your presidential campaign. I find it disappointing that Obama's desire to take the high road didn't emerge until it was his spouse under attack. Nor will I be surprised if Obama has a similar revelation about sexism, a topic he consistently declined to address when it was used to against his female opponent, once it's turned against his wife.

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Press Release: Just Say No Deal Asks Obama Supporters To: “Show Some Class”

Just Say No Deal Asks Obama Supporters To: “Show Some Class”
Tasteless Behavior Like the Booing of Public Officials Has NO Place in Our Election Process

- Online and Nationwide—, a coalition of voters, individual activists, blogs, PACs and grassroots organizations, reacts to the scene on Monday night in Detroit’s Joe Louis Arena when Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm received a deafening chorus of boos at her mention of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Moments later former Vice President Al Gore experienced similar jeering when he referred to Senator John McCain.

Just Say No Deal Coalition members will not tolerate such offensive and disrespectful conduct from supporters of Senator Obama aimed at any individual— whether they be an elected official or a member of the community at large, and the Just Say No Deal organization will not align itself with any candidate that permits this shameful behavior to be exhibited in any forum.

During this lengthy primary process Senator Clinton and many of her 18 million supporters have endured pointedly hurtful behavior and vulgar attacks by unruly and inappropriate backers of Senator Obama in public arenas and in new media outlets. The most prevalent arena of these assaults has been on the most recognized sites within the blogosphere.
Concerned citizens continue to break their silence to express their dissatisfaction with party leaders and the short-circuiting of the nominating process. The Just Say No Deal portal offers those voters a plethora of voting strategies, calls-to-action and blogpostings to guide their general election decision-making. In doing so, they reclaim their voices and vow to Just Say No Deal!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Calling All Hillary Delegates

A lot of States have already had their state conventions. If you are a Hillary Delegate and you have already attended your state convention, I would love to hear from you.
  • How was it?
  • How were you treated?
  • Were there any serious attempts at Unity?
Email me or leave a comment:

Here is one response I got from a Delegate in Washington State

The convention was a disappointment to the Hillary coalition. Most of the speakers barely if ever mentioned Hillary - many of us felt invisible - there were no olive branches to us ...
Cindy Schwartz

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Danger Signs for the Democratic Party

ABC News has a great article about Obama's Danger Signs via NoQuarter

"A ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Obama, D-Ill., leading McCain, R-Ariz., by a margin of 48 percent to 42 percent. It is a surprisingly small lead considering that the incumbent Republican president George Bush is at record lows and public opinion overwhelmingly feels the country is on the "wrong track".

No Bounce, Resistance from Clinton Supporters

The poll indicates that Obama did not get the traditional "bounce" in the public's opinion by finally defeating Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and getting her endorsement as the Democratic presidential candidate.

While leading among young voters and other key demographics, ABC News chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos saw what he called "danger signs" for Obama."

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Buck$ the DNC VOTE

Our goal is to liberate Hillary from her campaign debt so that she can truly be Independent by July 4th. Donate what ever you can between June 27th through June 29th.

Click Here To Donate To Hillary

Together we can help retire Hillary's campaign debt in one weekend.
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Other News: Al Franken Could Use Some Support

Al Franken is a bit behind in the polls, if you live in Minnesota head over to this website and support him.

I used to really enjoy his show on Air America. I specifically remember when he defended Hillary and grilled "Edward Klein on the many factual errors, distortions, and misleading claims in his attack book on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), The Truth About Hillary." (mediamatters)

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