Thursday, July 31, 2008


-- Today is the deadline... these funds will count BEFORE the Convention next month. Hillary can use every dime we can donate TODAY TODAY TODAY. This is a reflection on us as the news pounces the Hillary supporters about her debt.


We urge everyone to DONATE whatever you can TODAY.

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--This is an urgent action alert. Please take action before noon 2 p.m. EST

The Drafting Committee of the Democratic National Convention is meeting this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Cleveland. This committee will draft the platform that the Platform Committee will debate and ratify at a meeting the following weekend.

Many people think the party platform is a document with no force, but it is actually binding on the party and the next DNC chair for four years. As Hillary supporters who believe the party needs to be reformed, it is absolutely critical that we use whatever opportunity we have to affect the platform.

The Obama Campaign invited voters to tell the Democratic Party what the Platform should be.

I Own My Vote responded by putting forward 10 possible platform planks that address the concerns of Hillary Clinton’s supporters and asking people who signed the I Own My Vote Pledge to vote on whether they agree or disagree with each plank. Each plank that receives a majority of the votes will be submitted to the DNC as part of the I Own My Vote Platform Suggestions.

It is imperative that we deliver the results to the Drafting Committee on Thursday afternoon before the committee meets. Hillary’s platform committee members are waiting for this platform.

Then go here and read more

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


--The Huffington Post talks to JUST SAY NO DEAL member, THE DENVER GROUP
July 30, 2008

Ask random passersby on an street corner to name the democrats' nominee for president. Among those who follow politics at all, 99.9 percent will answer, "Obama."

If Heidi Li Feldman, a blogger and a professor of law (and philosophy) at Georgetown University Law Center, and Marc Rubin, a blogger, veteran ad man, and movie and TV writer -- head writer for "The White Shadow" -- happened by, they would say there is no nominee yet, that the two ended the primary/caucus season in "a virtual tie," in Feldman's words, neither of them having the requisite number of pledged delegates to claim the prize. 2118 are needed; Obama got there only with the help of superdelegates who are free, Feldman says, to change their minds until they actually cast a vote at the convention in Denver late next month. That's when, if Feldman and Rubin, who co-founded and are the only official members of The Denver Group, have anything to say about it -- and of course they don't -- the superdelegates, in accordance with DNC rules and bylaws, should be called on to reconsider who is the stronger candidate against John McCain.

To read more click here

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Ludacris Releases Song Attacking Hillary Clinton

-- Ludacris is in da gutta

Ludacris, rapper and avid supporter of Barack Obama (Obama once claimed to have Ludacris in heavy rotation on his iPod) has released a new song called 'Politics: Obama Is Here' in which he attacks Hillary Clinton as an 'irrelevant bitch'.

To read the lyrics and hear the song click here

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We Say NO DEAL to Shady Marketing

*****MEDIA ALERT*****

We Say "NO DEAL" To Shady Marketing and Fund-raising Tactics
An "Open" Convention is Nominations Not Open-air Stadia

Online and Nationwide— The Just Say No Deal Coalition responds to the DNC’s statement yesterday regarding Senator Obama’s planned speech at Invesco Field in Denver on August 28, 2008.
A marketing and fund-raising email campaign sent out by the Democratic National Committee yesterday states:
One month from today, more than 75,000 Americans will join Barack Obama at the first truly open Democratic National Convention in a generation.
If you make a donation in any amount before midnight this Thursday, July 31st, you could join Barack backstage before he accepts the Democratic nomination.

Just Say No Deal welcomes the concept of a "truly open Democratic National Convention," but the only "openness" that the planned event will seemingly incorporate is the open-air style of the venue.

Just Say No Deal Coalition member Marc Rubin of the Denver Group explains, "Hosting the first 'truly open Democratic National Convention in a generation' would entail placing Senator Clinton's name in nomination according to Democratic Party rules and that super delegates would then have the opportunity to vote for either candidate as the rules dictate. It would also involve Senator Obama acknowledging that he is not the Democratic candidate for President and that there will not be an official nominee until the roll call vote on August 27, 2008, where at that time both he and Senator Clinton would have their names placed in nomination and the super delegates would cast their votes to decide the actual nominee."

Just Say No Deal asks Senator Obama yet again, "Which is it?" Is the Convention truly open or just openly full of hot air? The Coalition says NO DEAL to manipulating sacred democratic principles and traditions for marketing or fund-raising purposes.

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-- We need all your help.

Please call the following U.S. Representative in Swing States Who are Undeclared in States and Districts that Hillary Won. It is not too late to get Hillary nominated next month.

For call support click here

Brad Ellsworth (D-IN-8)(866) 567-0227, (202) 225-4636
Charles Wilson (D-OH-6) (202) 225-5705
Marcy Kaptur (D-0H-9) (202) 225-4146
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH-10) (202) 225-5871
Zack Space (D-OH-18) (202) 225-6265
Tim Edward Mahoney (D-FL-16)(202)225-5792
Tim Holden (D-PA-17) (202)225-5546
Jason Altmire (D-PA-4)(202) 225-2565

Targeted Senators Who Endorsed Obama Up for Reelection in 2008 in States Hillary Won (didn't include Sen. Kerry, he is a waste of time, or very safe incumbents)

Frank Lautenberg (NJ) * (202) 224-3224
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)* (202) 224-6472

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Superdelegates are for Sale?

Well what have we here?

Check it out... the source to this info is listed at the end of the video.

I look forward to your comments.

Once you're done watching this video, check this out....

Former Senator Ernest F. "Fritz" Hollings talks about what's right and wrong with Washington, and his book MAKING GOVERNMENT WORK. And he talks about MONEY as the source of our government's problems.

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July is fast coming to an end and WE ALL WANT TO SEE Hillary out of debt before Juyly 31.

We urge everyone to DONATE whatever you can TODAY.


If you have not already done so, please sign the I OWN MY OWN VOTE petition. It is located at (scroll down and you'll see the banner)

This is a very important petition !!!!


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Why, You Think Obama is Dangerous? Oh My...

By: Tracy Karol

It might be a subtle uneasy feeling felt deep inside, like a nagging suspicion you’ve left the iron on with a baby in the room. You are not even quite sure what it is about him, but you know something about Barack Hussein Obama is a bit, well, frightening…dangerous, even. Oops, I said his middle name…it’s only a matter of time before they come and get me!

It could be that you aren’t sure if he has socialist tendencies if not communist/Marxist views (witness his recent wild popularity in European countries with socialist leanings), or Muslim ties, relations and at best sympathies (he has received funds and endorsements from Muslim groups and even terrorists). The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so you don’t really know what to believe about Barack Obama but feel he’s slick, maybe too slick?

You might think Obama is dangerous because he doesn’t seem to think before he speaks, unless it is a carefully crafted speech, of course, and those are often blatantly stolen from speeches of the past. When he does speak off the cuff, his remarks show his inexperience, like his comments about invading Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons – and again after he has oft said he wants to pull out of Iraq. Where does he stand on war? Who truly knows, since he never seems to admit when he is wrong on issues? Hmmm….Clinton supporters have a bit more insight and intelligence when it comes to such things. Call it ‘intuition.’

You might think Barack Obama is dangerous because he never seems to tell the truth. He has changed positions so many times – flip-flopped, if you will – whispering to one audience what it wants to hear and another what it prefers, while the media turns a blind eye, so you truly have no idea what his policies are. In fact, he doesn’t seem to have any policies, other than “hope and change,” which are mere words that sound pretty but don’t actually mean anything.

You think Barack Obama is dangerous because you have been left to wonder if his friends are worse than Al Qaeda; oops I did it again, here they come.

By now, some, not all, but some of you have probably heard of his past associations (or not truly past; just tossed under the bus, for the time being) with:

1. Tony Rezco, the developer and criminal who helped him get his start in Chicago politics and was a close personal friend to both Barack and Michelle Obama, buying the empty lot next to their house so they could buy their home. He’s now in jail.
Louis Farrakhan, whom he helped organize the Million Man March, and who is known as the “black Hitler.”

2. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his pastor for 20 years at his radical church, whose rants about AIDS were blatantly racist, who damned America and said our country deserved the 9/11 attacks, while Obama sat in the pews listening and later brought Wright on as an advisor to his campaign.

3. William Ayers, the terrorist who blew up buildings and also held fundraisers for Barack Obama.

4. The last and most certainly one of the worst, Rajala Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya and cousin of Obama who is accused of radical terrorist acts and ethnic cleansing since as far back as 1985. Yet, Obama still endorsed his candidacy and campaigned for him during his run for Prime Minister.

These are just a few of his associates…there are plenty more to come. With friends like these, who needs Al Qaeda?

You think Barack Obama is dangerous because he is inexperienced?
You think he is a proven liar?
You are concerned about electability because of little things like being radically to the left on the issues?

Hmmm…what do you think of his stance on abortion – going further than even NARAL would in voting against legislation similar to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in Illinois, and his record as the most liberal Senator, a title he took away from Ted Kennedy? Barbaric maybe you think? Yet, as a woman I'm supposed to feel liberated by this. Why then do I feel like I need a shower?

Well, one could argue he's the savior of the economy; the ONE who can pull us out of this HELL. If only you’d studied his tax plan you’d know that no matter what your income level, you will pay significantly more in taxes under his leadership than you would under John McCain’s. That should make you feel less reluctant about his competency, right?

Yet even with his radical plans, he is still against gay marriage, something most in the homosexual community don’t even know – so they support him, assuming he will back that cause when in fact he is only in favor of civil unions, the same as John McCain. While his healthcare plan would not only leave millions still uninsured, it would drive up taxes so high that those who most needed it would be pushed into poverty. Yet, you think he is dangerous? I say indeed!

You know Barack Obama is dangerous for this country, and you know he is dangerous for you personally? There are many reasons why people think he is dangerous, so you are not alone. He’s a study in contradictions. It’s impossible to point to just one, as it’s impossible to pin him down on any one thing. But one thing is clear: You know Obama, a dangerous man, is the wrong choice for America.

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Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession

The Wall Street Journal
July 29, 2008; Page A17

What if I told you that a prominent global political figure in recent months has proposed: abrogating key features of his government's contracts with energy companies; unilaterally renegotiating his country's international economic treaties; dramatically raising marginal tax rates on the "rich" to levels not seen in his country in three decades (which would make them among the highest in the world); and changing his country's social insurance system into explicit welfare by severing the link between taxes and benefits?

The first name that came to mind would probably not be Barack Obama, possibly our nation's next president. Yet despite his obvious general intelligence, and uplifting and motivational eloquence, Sen. Obama reveals this startling economic illiteracy in his policy proposals and economic pronouncements. From the property rights and rule of (contract) law foundations of a successful market economy to the specifics of tax, spending, energy, regulatory and trade policy, if the proposals espoused by candidate Obama ever became law, the American economy would suffer a serious setback.

~~ Whoa! Read the details ~ click here

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Obama Unable to Affect Change Even With the Media Courting Him

--This ought to wake up the DNC. After spending hoards of money (perhaps our money) on his staged world tour where Obama pretended to be the President of the United States of America ~ he has not affected the polls with the same dramatic affect.

Now, I have to scratch my head here. Anyone who has been paying attention to the primary election saw that Hillary won the college electoral votes hands-down. This was the writing on the wall and the DNC chose to ignore it. Hillary can easily win the general election.

I predict this week is the week, the DNC has a change of heart.

Take a look

Excerpt from,0,1054470.story?page=1

By Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

July 25, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Even as his turn on the global stage hit an emotional peak Thursday with a speech before a cheering crowd of more than 200,000 in Germany, Barack Obama faced new evidence of stubborn election challenges back home.

Fresh polls show that he has been unable to convert weeks of extensive media coverage into a widened lead. And some prominent Democrats whose support could boost his campaign are still not enthusiastic about his candidacy.

Click here for the electoral map

Remember... Anything is possible!

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

This Says It Like It Is ~ Doesn't It?


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McCain backer won't be Democratic delegate

Debra Bartoshevich of Wisconsin was pledged to Hillary Rodham Clinton, then said she'd vote for the Republican over Obama.
From the Associated Press
July 26, 2008

MADISON, WIS. -- Wisconsin Democrats on Friday ousted a delegate to the party's national convention for saying she would vote for Republican John McCain for president in November.

The Wisconsin party's administrative committee voted 23-0 to strip Debra Bartoshevich of her status as a delegate to the Denver convention next month.

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Obama Draws a Crowd of 200,000 with FREE Concerts, Pizza & Beer

The Just Say No Deal Coalition issues the following in response to Senator Obama’s address at the site of the Victory Column following a free rock concert on July 24, 2008 in Berlin, Germany.

"While coverage of Senator Obama's Berlin speech provided audiences here at home nothing less that a visual "shock and awe," it neglected to mention that the well-hyped speech had an opening act: a gratis concert by two wildly popular groups, Reggae artist Patrice and rock band Reamonn.

While we appreciate the Obama Campaign's hospitality, on behalf of furthering US international relations, offering free bratwurst, pizza and even beer for three hours during the free rock concert, we question whether or not the monies might have been better spent here on financially strapped US citizens. Furthermore the Just Say No Deal Coalition identifies this pattern as deceptive to media consumers.

Similarly, back on May 20, 2008 in Portland, Oregon, the critically acclaimed local band Decemberists performed a rare free concert prior to Senator Obama’s appearance (note: there are no reports of free refreshments being served during this appearance).

While news stories generated by both appearances focused on the enormity of the crowd size, few reports mentioned the accompanying perks, leaving some to question whether revelers are showing up for Senator Obama or for free food and entertainment. Without this additional information, Just Say No Deal contends that Americans are being misled about the presumptive Democratic nominee’s true popularity."

The Just Say No Deal Coalition will not merely fall in line behind a presumptive Party nominee that was chosen by a flawed system that disenfranchised millions of legally registered voters. The Just Say No Deal Coalition members will still either choose to stay home in protest, write in Senator Clinton’s name or vote for Senator John McCain. Our votes are our voices and Just Say No Deal’s voices are over 2 million strong and growing. The Coalition will continue to organize in pursuit of its mission of keeping another unqualified candidate from reaching the Oval Office.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

He Ventured Forth To Bring Light To The World

The anointed one's pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a miracle in action - and a blessing to all his faithful followersGerard Baker
And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the shores of the Great Lakes had been laid barren, that a Child appeared in the wilderness.

The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family, offspring of a miraculous union, grandson of a typical white person and an African peasant. And yea, as he grew, the Child walked in the path of righteousness, with only the occasional detour into the odd weed and a little blow.

When he was twelve years old, they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organisation with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: “Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?”

To Read More, click here...

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Foreign Policy Flip Flops, Fake Interviews & the Media's Obama Love Fest...

…Why You Deserve the Truth about the “Messiah’s” Magical World Tour

Big shot media anchors, a fawning, hand-picked press corps and an arsenal of “fake interviews” can’t stop Barack Obama from piling up mistakes on his tour of the Middle East. “Obama is running around meeting with world leaders negotiating foreign policy as if he’s president,” said Cristi Adkins, founder of the grassroots political group Clintons4Mccain. “Obama’s behavior is wrong and dangerous.”

“Obama is making up his script as he goes,” continued Adkins. “As a sitting senator, he has no authority to agree to an Iraqi timetable for withdrawal or commit sending troops to Afghanistan. His actions are unacceptable and he’s jeopardizing our country’s safety.”

Political pundit David Gergen agrees that Obama made a mistake this week when the senator released a statement outlining details of his discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
"We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time,” Gergen said in an interview with CNN. “He's the commander in chief and the negotiator in chief. I cannot remember a campaign which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that's under way with another party outside the country. I think he leaves himself open to the charge … that he's meddling, that this is not his role, that he can be the critic, but he's not the negotiator."

In addition to Obama’s foreign policy gaffes, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell also criticized the senator for conducting fake press interviews during this week’s Mideast tour.

"Let me say something about the message management,” Mitchell said on the air. “He didn't have reporters with him, he didn't have a press pool, he didn't do a press conference," either in Afghanistan or Iraq. Instead Obama manufactured "what some would call 'fake interviews,' because they are not interviews from a journalist."

For more information on the 2008 presidential campaign and other current affairs ignored by the main stream media, be sure to catch the Clintons4McCain new weekly radio show.

The interactive 60-minute show, originating from cities across the United States, will air every Saturday from 5pm to 6pm EST on the BlogTALKRadio network.

Anyone with a computer can listen from anywhere in the world at and listeners can take part in the conversation by calling (347) 633-9273.

This week on Clintons4McCain Radio: Saturday July 26, 2008 5 PM EST
The Right VS. Left, Can We Come Together by November?

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-- PUMAs!

I can't tell you how excited I am for EPISODE ELEVEN of "No We Won't" P.U.M.A. Radio!

Beginning at 8pm EST, we'll be hosting one of my (and our) heroes from this campaign season, LANNY DAVIS. While it's true that he is currently giving Obama his support, no one was braver or more articulate in supporting Hillary on the campaign trail than was Lanny. I still consider him our friend. We look forward to giving him a warm welcome, and to asking him about ways in which we can support the process of having Hillary Clinton's name placed into nomination at Convention.

But the show doesn't stop there! At 9pm EST, we will be welcoming Hillraiser RICKI LIEBERMAN of "ToGetHer4Us" and "The Electability Watch" to discuss her ongoing efforts to make sure that the most electable candidate, Hillary Clinton, is the Democratic nominee.

As always, please be aware that -- regardless of what may tell you -- the show will begin at 8pm EST Sunday night.

This is a Must-Listen-To episode, folks! We look forward to meeting up with you again at "No We Won't P.U.M.A. Blog Talk Radio!"

Will Bower & Sheri Tag
"No We Won't" P.U.M.A. Radio

Ps -- Have you started planning a local PUMA Gathering in your neighborhood for the weekend of August 1-3? Ground swell! Now is the time!

Thanks again! Will

If the parties won't uphold democratic principles, who will?
If the voters don't hold the parties accountable, who will?

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--The Just Say No Deal Coalition issues the following statement

In response to Senator Obama's "World Tour" and his choice to scrap a visit to our wounded U.S. Troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, while in Germany.

The Just Say No Deal Coalition asks, does Senator Obama believe that addressing throngs of adoring foreign fans is more important than visiting legions of wounded soldiers? Is this the New Kind of Politics we're asked to adopt? We say, NO

To read more click here

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Obama's path to presidency is far from clear

--LA Times

By Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 25, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Even as his turn on the global stage hit an emotional peak Thursday with a speech before a cheering crowd of more than 200,000 in Germany, Barack Obama faced new evidence of stubborn election challenges back home.

Fresh polls show that he has been unable to convert weeks of extensive media coverage into a widened lead. And some prominent Democrats whose support could boost his campaign are still not enthusiastic about his candidacy.

Click here to read more

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Out of bounds! Obama's false claims

--Out of bounds! Obama falsely claims to be Banking Committee member
By Steven Thomma | McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON - Throw the flag against: Barack Obama.

Call: Intentional grounding.

What happened: Obama on Wednesday was speaking to reporters in Israel when he tried to boast about what he'd done to protect Israel.

"Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee - which is my committee - a bill to call for divestment from Iran as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon," Obama said.

Why that's wrong: Obama is not a member of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee.

Ironically, a man who traveled with Obama to the Mideast this week, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., is a member of the committee. He was one of the "no" votes when the committee passed the bill July 17 on a vote of 19-2.

Penalty: Perhaps Obama was thinking that as the presumptive leader of his party, all of the Senate committees are his, as President Lyndon Johnson once quipped, when told he was heading toward the wrong military helicopter, that they all were his. Obama's Johnsonian hubris sets his credibility back 10 yards, and he loses a down in this offensive series.


See Obama make his claim:

This is the link to see who is REALLY on the Committee!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Letter From Soldier in Afghanistan (On Obama's Visit)

-- I grabbed this off my MYSPACE bulletin.

Hello everyone,

As you know I am not a very political person.

I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram, Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to "The War Zone.

I want to share with you what happened.

He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the
area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at

As Soldiers lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say
a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General.

As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big
top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with
weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball.

He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for
their service.

So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back
home that he is their candidate for President.

I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way
over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they
are providing for you.

I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be
the President of the United States.

I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our

It was almost that he was scared to be around those that
provide the freedom for him and our great country.

If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry, but I wanted you all to
know what kind of caliber of person he really is.

What you see in the news is all fake.

In service,

TF Wasatch
American Soldier

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-- There will be a pre-Denver Conference in D.C.

Dear PUMAs,

The 2008 PUMA Conference Committee is ready to ROAR with these incredible conference deals! For the amazing (and we mean that sincerely) price of $250, you will receive the following:

- Lodging at a FIVE STAR hotel – the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. for THREE nights (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)

- Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.

- Lunch on Saturday.

- AND it also includes the price of the conference itself.

Mind boggling, crazy good isn’t it?

Registration is open at


After the first 250 people register at the $250 price, IT IS GONE. As we are under tight time constraints with the hotel for numbers and commitment at this time, once you register there will be NO refunds. (Please reread that sentence before you register.)

1. YES we have a registration offer if you’re local or not planning to stay at the hotel. If you would like to attend without the hotel room, the price is $150 (or if you aren’t one of the first 250 to register).

2. YES we welcome vendors. If you would like to have a “vendor table,” you may do so (we reserve the right to determine if your organization is a good fit). We have 30 slots open for $100 per table.

3. YES we need sponsors. If you’re interested, please email us immediately at

4. YES you will have an opportunity to volunteer – you can do so during the registration process.

5. YES we are still working on how folks can participate via the internet (Just Say NO DEAL) and radio. Details will follow late next week.

Email us with any questions at

READY? So are we! Meet you in D.C!

~ PUMA Conference Committee

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Hillary Supporters ~ Let's Rise to this Delegate's Side


Quote FROM Debra Bartoshevich...
"The Wisconsin Democratic Party is holding a conference call THIS FRIDAY, July 25, to make a decision about whether to allow me to retain my status as a Hillary Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention in August in Denver."

BACKGROUND: The Wisconsin DNC is telling Debra she will lose her delegate status. She is fighting so she can vote for Hillary @ the convention. Please help Debra by immediately contacting the Democratic Party Chair and ask them to stop rigging this process by punishing someone simply for supporting Hillary Clinton:

Joe Wineke, DP Chair
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin
222 W. Washington Ave. Suite 150
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

CALL: (608) 255-5172
FAX: (608) 255-8919

thank you.

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URGENT ACTION ~ Make a HUGE difference in less than a minute

Hi everyone,

Here is an action to take today that will cost you less than a minute. If you haven't already done so, go to this page and sign the petition.



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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obama “Presumptuous” & Negotiations Overstep His Authority

Please send your comments to


Tuesday, July 22, 2008
CNN Reporters: Obama “Presumptuous” & Negotiations Overstep His Authority as a Senator
Last night on Anderson Cooper 360, two CNN political analysts charged that Senator Obama overstepped his authority as a United States Senator in acting as a negotiator with the Iraqi government and publicly disclosing statements made during those interviews.

During an interview with Anderson Cooper, David Gergen, CNN’s Senior Political Analyst stated,

“Barack Obama made the first mistake of his trip, in my judgment, in releasing a statement in which he said exactly what Maliki had said in those conversations.

We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time. He’s the commander in chief and the negotiator in chief. I cannot remember a campaign which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that’s under way with another party outside the country.

I think he leaves himself open to the charge tonight that he’s meddling, that this is not his role, that he can be the critic, but he’s not the negotiator. We have a president who does that. So, I think the underlying facts support him, but I think it would be a real mistake — and I think it was a mistake — to get into these conversations and let it be used politically. “

Gergens comments were later echoed by a second CNN Analyst, Gloria Borger, who charged,

“I do agree with David. And Candy, in her earlier piece, talked about walking the fine line between being this candidate and being presumptuous. And I think that he may just have crossed that, because, you know, it is a tradition. You don’t talk about these private conversations. And it’s not up to Barack Obama right now to negotiate troop withdrawals. It’s up to Barack Obama to be on a fact-finding mission, which is indeed what he has said he was on. “

Gergen and Borger have it right, Senator Obama is not the President and in fact is not even the official presidential nominee of his party. Obama’s trip to Iraq is a taxpayer funded “Fact-Finding” mission in which he has no authority granted to him by congress nor the administration to engage in negotiations. His actions yesterday were indeed ‘presumptuous’ and violated his duties as a United States Senator.

The President of The United States is responsible for the course of foreign policy, and although Obama has the right to question or criticize that foreign policy, he has no constitutional authority to act in a negotiative role with foreign dignitaries.

The current administration is in ongoing negotiations with the Iraqi government concerning the role of US forces in assisting that government; a government that has been strengthened by a ’surge’ that Barack Obama opposed and claimed would fail. Obama overstepped his role as a Senator and potentially undermined ongoing negotiations by engaging in diplomatic negotiations for his political gain.

Obama actions yesterday should be condemned by other members of congress, just as former President Carter’s actions in Palestine earlier this year were condemned by congressional members. Obama is not the President and he is on a taxpayer funded fact-finding mission. Senator Obama’s actions in Iraq yesterday clearly demonstrated his use of this trip for political purposes; the military should immediately pull funding for the trip and charge the Obama campaign for the millions of dollars that this overseas farce is costing.

No Congressional Member has the authority to engage in negotiations or dictate US foreign policy. Yesterday’s actions show a clear arrogance and lack of respect for the office of the presidency and state department.

J Brown

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Since We at Grassroots, Just Say No Deal and PUMA are being accused of being a clever GOP operation we thought we'd let them know we are not that.

Go to

Its right on the front page.

Thanks for your participation. Its these little things that make a big difference.

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The DNC Website

--Grace O'Rourke:
The DNC seems to be negating the need for a convention. Just visit the DNC web site where you will see – on the home page – the image of only ONE candidate. Can you guess who? Is this a selection or an election?

A phone call to the DNC's 'Contact Us' number proved challenging [no one is available to take calls!]. I finally spoke to Christy in the 'Press/Media' unit. Christy tried to do the "brush off"; however, she opted to listen once I advised her that, if the DNC did not want to hear the concerns of a fellow Democrat then, perhaps, the NY Daily News, NY Post, etc…would be interested. Christy did want to know if I was a reporter! What is the DNC afraid of?

Right now, the DNC Home Page, depicts a photo of only Barack Obama. By doing this the DNC is, in the minds of millions of Democrats, effectively disengaging them. Until the convention is over, there are still two candidates. Must we remind the DNC that they are not the press/media; the DNC represents ALL Democrats and must abide by our rules and fundamental beliefs of inclusiveness. The DNC risks disengaging millions of Democrats and assisting in electing a Republican if they forget these truths.

The DNC should immediately depict the images of both Sen. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The DNC should publicly set the record straight, via the DNC web site and other media, that there will be a [delegate] vote at the Convention in Denver. The DNC best remind themselves that Sen. Hillary Clinton can still be on the ballot in November! What will they do then?

Tell us what you think....

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The New Denver Group Ad


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YOU'RE THE Obamamania

Watching television on Mother's Day, with a growing degree of angst, I surfed the channels to see Senator Clinton's historic Grafton, WV appearance. The first female presidential candidate of my lifetime, this champion for women campaigned on the 100th anniversary of Mother's Day at the international shrine of Anna Jarvis, the founder of mother's day.

Like Clinton, Jarvis committed herself to the betterment of womankind. She meant for Mother's Day to be a sacred occasion, dedicated to honoring our mothers for their sacrifices and devotion. Yet, on that Sunday, May 11, 2008, not even a whisper of this meaningful event was heard on any of the airwaves.

What was the substitution that mothers all over America were left to be honored with this Mother's Day? Bizarre episodes of “Obamamania.”

The day passed with no mention of Clinton's appearance on any broadcast that I could find. In fact, there were but a few mentions of Senator McCain's commercial with him sitting beside his 96-year-old Mother. Somehow, they weren’t “newsworthy.”

Instead, television accounts of Senator Obama's events and movements accosted this country on that blessed day like an acoustic assault. Through the tears in my eyes and soreness in my heart, I watched our chance of positive change slipping further away. I could ask but one do I help supporters of Mrs. Clinton say good bye to their hopes of a fair and balanced political season?

If you've wondered again and over again how all this Obamamania started, then you’re not alone. It is by no accident you find yourself reading this now. Never knowing what could have been should the popular consensus have conquered the ignorance of the elect, we are forced to swallow the noise. What we are left with is the Obama hype, also known as Obamamania.

Yet, there are champions among us...holding the front line steady and asking for your help now. Like Anna Jarvis, who was never too busy or too lazy to write letters in support of her cause, you too have all that is needed right now to impact this Obamamania.

In fact, a pen and paper were the greatest weapons in Anna Jarvis' arsenal in her efforts to use motherhood as a tool for healing the country during the Civil War.

In 1905, through tireless letter writing to politicians, religious leaders and even retail moguls, real change came about. Anna Jarvis' simple idea of honoring mothers spawned a movement that before long swept the world. Yes, this middle-class, blue collar woman at the turn of the century achieved an unusual accomplishment for her time; all through the persistence of her pen.

Anna Jarvis' time here has passed, but her spirit lives every second Sunday in May. It is in this same spirit that she can still teach us a thing or two about change that is more than merely pretty words.

The leaders of this movement, our movement, your movement ...Nobama... are asking you now to bring about a positive change. You can nurture and grow this effort; and, all you need to do now is write – more often now with key strokes than with Anna’s pen strokes.

Now, this time, in our time, 2008, we too have the power to help once more to change the course of history and ease the pain of this country. Yes, Obama is right – although not in the way he thinks about change for this country; but, yes it is time. And as Patty Loveless reminds us, ‘life is about change; nothing ever stays the same.'

As our forces continue to gather, we ask everyone to take pen to hand, tap on your laptop and network through the Tell the world, tell it here, tell it now, tell it loud.

It's time to reach out...reach out to the news media, to the Obama supporters and even to the Super Delegates and ask them, "How can we help you to Say Goodbye to Obama-mania?"

Email friends, relatives and even not-so-loved ones to remind them that while change is unavoidable, Obama's kind of change is suspect, the product of an inexperienced and dangerous man. Write to super-delegates as Ricki Lieberman suggests and point out the obvious. Send editorials to your local papers...tell America Why Obama is Untrustworthy and Dangerous!
It’s time for a positive change, a healing moment and a new beginning in this next chapter of our country. It starts with saying 'Goodbye' to the politics of the parties and hello to the President for the People, all the people.

Then, while you're at it, give the people you write to all of the reasons ‘Why You Think Obama is not trustworthy – and not the man for America.’
Cristi Adkins

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Action Item: Please Read

Dear Hillary Family,

If you do one thing (ok two things) today, we URGE everyone to call in a request to Hillary's D.C office and make a simple request.

Why you ask? Well simply because we want her to know directly from us that are standing for her to get on the ballot. And we want this be a strong, consistent message.

Here is the message:

"We want our delegates to have the opportunity to vote for Hillary as "nominee" at the convention. Our votes aren't for negotiation and our pledged delegates aren't for negotiation. We need an open and fair convention, please let Senator Clinton know that we still support her! Thank you!"

This is not the time to throw in the towel in the 11th hour or in the 9th inning. It is we who are up to bat, and the bases are loaded...What would Babe Ruth do?

Call Senator Clinton Today Ask to Leave a Message in Message box!

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Phone: (703)469-2008 .


THIS IS IMPORTANT... (we want to get 1,000,000 emails ASAP)

Email the same message to

re: Please let Hillary know...
to: (yes we know this is heather's address)


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Obama Media Baised Noticed

ClintonDems have a great post on this
“Belief Growing That Reporters are Trying to Help Obama Win”

Was there really any doubt?? LOL!

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Critical Action -- simple steps

-- another way to make a big difference for Hillary in less than a minute.


Let's flex our muscles with an very simple step.

Thank you for every thing you do that stands for democracy inside a democratic party.

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The Audacity of Vanity

The Audacity of Vanity Charles Krauthammer
Americans are beginning to notice Obama's elevated opinion of himself.

There's nothing new about narcissism in politics. Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president. Nonetheless, has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?

Obama is a three-year senator without a single important legislative achievement to his name, a former Illinois state senator who voted "present" nearly 130 times. As president of the Harvard Law Review, as law professor and as legislator, has he ever produced a single notable piece of scholarship? Written a single memorable article? His most memorable work is a biography of his favorite subject: himself...

After all, in the words of his own slogan, "we are the ones we've been waiting for," which, translating the royal "we," means: "I am the one we've been waiting for." Amazingly, he had a quasi-presidential seal with its own Latin inscription affixed to his podium, until general ridicule -- it was pointed out that he was not yet president -- induced him to take it down

He lectures us that instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, "you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish" -- a language Obama does not speak. He further admonishes us on how "embarrassing" it is that Europeans are multilingual but "we go over to Europe, and all we can say is, 'merci beaucoup.'" Obama speaks no French...

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Updates from Ricki Lieberman

Obama Donor Base Shrivels, Campaign Blows $35 Million, Obama Bloggers Reporting False Numbers

This morning the papers were overloaded with positive stories proclaiming that Barack Obama was back on his A-Game and raising money like there was no tomorrow. Unfortunately the MSM once again failed to look at the actual numbers that should be of concern for the Obama campaign.

It is true that the Obama campaign did raise $52 million in June, along with DNC fundraising that added another $22 million to their coffers. That's a total haul of $74 million for the Democrat party in the month of June. But Obama, whose campaign has been so proud to taught his 1.5 million donors during the months of February, March & April, changed it's tone in yesterday's campaign release. In yesterday's release, David Plouffe stated, "Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people contributed...". Naturally, I pulled out the calculator only to grin at the reality that Obama, while raising a record $52 million, saw his donor base cut in half in June. That's right, just 764,000 donors compared to the 1.5 million who donated to his campaign in April.

The Obama campaign and it's surrogates had proudly projected that Obama would raise $100 million in June and a total of $250 - $300 million prior to the election. But the media failed to focus on the fact that Obama's total was only half of what they projected, primarily due to his shrinking donor base. Interest in the Obama campaign is also shriveling up online, where Obama's website which once ranked near the top 500 according to Alexa Web Tracking, has seen a consistent downward trend in visits since reaching it's pinnacle in early March. Today, Obama's website ranking has dropped to it's lowest level since the first of the year, and ranks around 3,000. The campaign website trend may also be disturbing considering the consistency within McCain's site visits and an upward trend since the beginning of June.

More disturbing for the campaign is the the cash on hand scenario. The McCain campaign and RNC currently have just shy of $100 million in the bank to take their fight forward. Meanwhile the Obama campaign announced yesterday that the campaign and DNC had a total closer to $72 million. This number is troubling for many in the Obama campaign, considering that just one month ago the two groups reported over $35 million of cash on hand. Considering that the DNC and Obama campaign raised $74 Million in June and that the DNC only spent $2 million; that would mean that the Obama campaign burned thru $35 million during the month of June. An astonishing amount considering that the Summer months are typically the doldrums of the campaign season. Even more disconcerting are the polls that continue to show the Obama has failed to increase his support, with his favorability ratings dropping and unfavorable rising...

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PUMA / Just Say NO DEAL will be on "Your World" on FOX News *today* at approximately 4:20pm EST.

We'll be discussing the heated divisions within the Democratic Party, our desire to see Hillary Clinton place her name into nomination for Convention, and the similarities between the nomination of FDR in 1932 to the possible nomination of HRC in 2008.

So please tune in!

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

URGENT ACTION ~ Make a Difference in less than one minute

-- Make a Difference in less than one minute

Dear Hillary Family,

If you do one thing (ok two things) today and/or tomorrow, we URGE everyone to call in a request to Hillary's D.C office and make a simple request.

Why you ask? Well simply because we want her to know directly from us that are standing for her to get on the ballot. And we want this be a strong, consistent message.

Here is the message:

"We want our delegates to have the opportunity to vote for Hillary as "nominee" at the convention. Our votes aren't for negotiation and our pledged delegates aren't for negotiation. We need an open and fair convention, please let Senator Clinton know that we still support her! Thank you!"

This is not the time to throw in the towel in the 11th hour or in the 9th inning. It is we who are up to bat, and the bases are loaded...What would Babe Ruth do?

Call Senator Clinton Today Ask to Leave a Message in Message box!

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Phone: (703)469-2008


THIS IS IMPORTANT... (we want to get 1,000,000 emails ASAP)

Email the same message to

re: Please let Hillary know...
to: (yes we know this is heather's address)


and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T RE-DIRECT PEOPLE. Our way of us being measured on their end is by sending emails to one email address.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Special Sunday TRIPLE HEADER on "No We Won't" P.U.M.A. Radio !!


Sunday, July 20th, at 8pm EST !!



Lots of great stuff for you for EPISODE NINE of “No We Won’t” P.U.M.A. Radio -- in fact, a TRIPLE HEADER !!

This Sunday night at 8pm EST, please join Sheri Tag and Will Bower as they host Deb Barnes of “HAPi by Design" and of PUMAConference08 ( ). Deb is the event coordinator for the "Pre-Convention PUMA Conference" and will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding the event.

Then, at 8:30pm, stay with “No We Won’t” as we welcome the one, the only, Texas Darlin !! She will join us to discuss issues surrounding the lack of transparency in the "Barack for America" campaign and the issues surrounding Obama's birth certificate.

And, finally, at 9:30pm, we'll welcome rapper extraordinaire "E Luv" as he premieres for us his PUMA rap sensation, "Party Unity My As-" !!

As always, please be aware that -- regardless of what may tell you -- the show will begin at 8pm EST Sunday night.

Thank you, and we look forward to meeting up with you again at “No We Won’t” P.U.M.A. Blog Talk Radio!

Ps -- We at PUMAConference08 need to make sure we get at least 250 participants by the end of Tuesday, and we would love to have lots of sponsorship for this (at all levels). This is going to take a group effort, but we believe that this is very much worth our efforts and that the rewards will be great.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Hillary Video created by a Reader

Here is an email I received in an email.

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Dean Confirms: Hillary Will Be On The Ballot

According to the DailyKos
[Governor Dean] put to rest the rumor perpetuated by an ad campaign, that Hillary Clinton would not be on the ballot at the DNCC in Denver. Clinton will be on the ballot and will speak at the convention--the DNC rules are clear on this. In relation to this, he talked about the importance of fighting back against these rumors, of answering the inflammatory e-mails with the truth.
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