Sunday, August 31, 2008

Greta Van Susteren Poses An Interesting Question

From Gretawire

Do you think PUMA (”Party Unity My A**) is real? meaning that there are a substantial number of Democrats who are still angry over the Democratic nominee? or do you think the Democratic Party NOW has UNITY? that those originally unhappy with the nominee have now come to terms with the situation and fully support Senator Obama?

Check out the video below…and yes, it could be posted by one person…and have no (yes, zero) impact…or it could have the support of some..or even many…what is it? watch and comment..

What do you think?


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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sexism Towards Sarah Palin

I just want to take a moment and say how disgusted I am at the sexism the Obama campaign supporters are showing towards Sarah Palin

Here is a Facebook status update from a friend of mine who happens to be an Obama supporter.
"(name protected) thinks Palin looks like a naughty secretary/librarian from a low-cost porno... NOT a Vice President. More ♥ for Obama."

How disgusting is that. My facebook status feed if filled with comments along those lines all from Obama supporters. Just makes me really think about how sincere all those calls for UNITY really are.


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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Harriet Christian Talks Straight

This is a simple and straight forward as it gets. I had the honor of meeting this terrific woman during my stay in Denver. She is remarkable, sweet and well... a real New Yorker.

Go get em Harriet.

This is the video that put her on the map. Can we all say 'hail Harriet'

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still Rockin in Denver

-- by RockinRobin

Still here in Denver basking in its perfect Summer weather. We started our Tuesday attending the Women Count lite lunch with Hillary. While I noshed on strawberry pecan salad and roast beef sandwiches, I met up with fellow PUMAs as well as Sophie B. Hawkins who joined our media rally in front of NBC studios in Los Angeles. And I had the honor of meeting the great Chicago politician, Alice Palmer. We all know the story without having to provide all the details. Alice Palmer was the former state senator for Illinois who put her faith and trust in Barack Obama only to ultimately get pushed aside for her seat in the senate.

As Hillary spoke, the crowd roared in applause. As usual, Senator Clinton came on the scene bursting with life with her radiant smile. She spoke about gender bias and the sexism we were subjected to during this primary season. While sexism has been a seemingly dormant social disease in our society, I am grateful that this year has brought it to light so that it can get addressed, perhaps even healed. On that same note, I am equally grateful that this season has brought up race. Another social disease that I always thought was healed. We now know it is not since both issues are in the very air we breath. Perhaps after this is all over, I'll be thanking Barack Obama for bringing about change in the discourse of race and gender. I may even credit him for bringing change to the political process Americans have been, until now, complacent about.

Moving on, some of our fellow PUMAs took our cause to the street ~ again. Delighted to meet some folks from one of our myspace pages. As we marched down 16th street we were met by a small group of students for Obama who were silly enough to think that forming a human wall was going to stop us. But it wasn't so silly to see them push off one of our gals into the street just as a bus rushed by. She came within a few inches of her life and these Obama bullies didn't care. Since there are so many law enforcement officers around us, I requested an escort and they were all too happy to help. We had a swarm of police escorting us as we protested causing quite the scene. Dozens of people jumping in front of us snapping photos, women giving us the thumbs up, and camera crews filming our message ~ so long as we are ridiculed, demeaned, told to 'get over it' and called ungracious, we will swing the vote.

For our readers, let me address what constitutes a PUMA. PUMA, Party Unity My Ass, is not an organization one joins. If you are a Hillary supporter and felt the party did you a disservice AND as a result you are not supporting the "chosen" democratic candidate, you ARE a PUMA. The Obama bloggers and the media such as Huffington Post would LOVE to see to it that the PUMAs are seen in a scary, crazy, radical light. This is more of the same ridicule that will continue to divide us. Go to our other myspace page and just read the comments. Do they sound radical?

Another distinction that we should all be clear about with PUMAs. Like the cat, we have our own territories of expression or talking points. Some terrorities are marked with McCain, others are marked in the Democratic process. Some PUMAs are marked in the fashion territory, the gender terrority, the racial diversity terrority and while not to hem us all in on any single terrority, there are PUMAs who are anti-Obama ~ distinct from NoBama, meaning their mission is to smear Obama. I can safely say that all PUMAs are Nobama but not necessarily interested in smearing him. Finally, PUMAs are not just a few hundred Hillary supporters who get in front of the cameras with their claws out. CLEAR?

By the way, its media like The Huffington Post who need a good claw clipping. We all know that they will not post your comments if it does not support their views. And wasn't it The Huffington Post that allowed horrendous comments about Bush's former press secretary, Tony Snow? Yes, comments about Tony Snow deserving cancer. And they kept those posts alive until MSM (probably a PUMA) hunted down Arianna Huffington with a video camera asking her why she allowed such hateful comments to be made on her site.

Did I digress?

Back to Denver. Later in the day we converged on another JustSayNoDeal site event with The Denver Group. Here, fellow PUMA, Heidi Li Feldman, held a reception where she talked about what's next for us after the convention. Heidi Li is a Georgetown University law professor. In her words, "we are preparing and planning a public course of action, once again using mass media in response to what the DNC has done to the process itself."

check out their latest ad...

Heidi is no slouch on these matters. The Denver Group have been effective with their ad campaigns. If you would like to donate to this cause please click here

The highlight to our night was when a group of us decided to go see Hillary speak. We didn't have passes but heard that some folks were leaving and giving away passes. We needed six passes so when these nice young men came over to share a couple of extra passes, we expressed our gratitude in the way anyone would. No sooner did we accept those passes did one of the guys recognize us as the protesters bullied earlier in the day. They quickly snatched those passes out of our hands. No worries, I was fortunate enough to get a pass from a delegate which allowed me access to all areas in the building, including the floor. I settled for the Club where the bullies were denied access!

Senator Clinton's speech was most inspiring. It was presidential material that hit me over the head with a well of sadness. How the DNC passed up this woman in favor of an inexperienced politician who has no proven track record and is more of the political "status quo" that he spouts of changing as our next president is beyond me. I looked around at others as they watched her with jaws slightly slacked. Could it be they were thinking the same thing?

maybe so

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rockin Robin a GOP Contributor? LOL

-- Dont know if this deserves that much attention but thought I'd post this to you all to clarify ~ I am not a GOP contributor. I have been fighting cancer for more than 3 1/2 years and in no way in a position to contribute monies to someone I don't know in Michigan. Further, I only know one person who lives in Michigan and that is a delegate who got handed over to Obama on May 31.

This will shed some light on what I am talking about.

What a sloppy piece of work. None of its true.

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No Roll Call Vote for Clinton?

-- by Rockin Robin

I am having a blast here in Denver. It is a bit bittersweet though since the democratic party is like teflon to the 18 million Hillary supporters. I marched down 16th street with Cristi Atkins with Clintons4McCain, another JustSayNoDeal group. The press swarmed us for 8 blocks where we ended up at the MSNBC with other PUMAs. Cristi and I were invited to speak to Chris Matthews. ewwwwwwwwwwwww

I'm the first to speak here...

after we marched, the PUMAs headed off to a cocktail party where I talked to a delegate who is "out of her mind" with frustration with the Obama "ra ra" campaign at the Hillary delegate proceedings. She shared that they are being pushed into a corner to vote for Obama.

THIS DELEGATE WILL BE ON THE RADIO BLOG TODAY @1PM Denver Time. Call in to listen at 347-4870.

Meantime, there are all kinds of rumors about whether or not there will be an official roll call. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Stephanopoulos: No Roll Call Vote for Clinton?

ABC News' Nitya Venkataraman reports: After former rivals Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton worked to broker a deal where Clinton's name would be placed into nomination alongside Obama's at the Democratic convention, speculation swirls in Denver that Clinton insiders may be willing to accept no roll-call vote, fearing the blame of disrupting the party's efforts at unity.

ABC News' Chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos says no decisions have yet been made, but that the state-by-state vote faces the possibility of elimination in favor of Obama's nomination "by acclamation."

"The whole idea of a roll call vote could be in flux at this point," Stephanopoulos told ABC's Charles Gibson on World News Sunday night.

"The Clinton people here, they've said they wanted catharsis, they wanted that roll call, but they may not get it," Stephanopoulos said, describing the decision as one being discussed at the highest levels of Clinton's camp. "They don't want to be blamed for any trouble at this convention."

The roll call vote was planned in an effort to soothe Clinton supporters bitterly disappointed by her loss to Obama during the primary season.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday showed Obama only receiving the support of 79 percent of Democrats -- a number Stephanopoulos says is due in part to the fact that Obama doesn't yet have all of Clinton's supporters on board.

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In Case You Missed It: Robin in the Media

Robin on Biden from the AP

Robin Carlson, a hard-core Clinton supporter, told Fox News: "It would be demeaning for someone with more experience to take a back seat."

"We love Hillary and we love her commitment to the party," said Carlson, but she added that her group is "committed to not voting for Obama."

Robin marching on Denver from the Philly

Even though Clinton herself has urged support for Obama, Hillaryite Robin Carlson said, "I refuse to be emotionally blackmailed to vote for a candidate."

Carlson and her group marched down 16th Street to Union Station, where MSNBC was taping "Hardball with Chris Matthews."

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Pelosi admits Democrats not yet united

-- Pelosi should call me. I can advise her on how to reconcile Hillary supporters.

1. stop calling us ungracious and start being gracious to us

2. stop threatening womens' rights and be a stand for womens' rights never again be a manipulative weapon to get our votes.

3. stop lying about how Barack Obama's inexperience is a good thing -- somehow we cannot wrap our minds around that one.

4. stop pretending that our votes counted - we all saw what happened on May 31st.

5. stop pretending that Obama will win without us - there are more of us than you can imagine.

6. stop pretending that its only the women who are upset ~ this alone is a sexist assumption.

7. stop pretending that the primaries weren't a big sham ~ caucus fraud !

8. stop pretending that this was a fair election process

9. stop pretending that your a democratic party and start being a democratic party

By SCOTT LINDLAW, Associated Press Writer

DENVER - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged Monday that Democrats are not yet united following the bitter primary fight that divided supporters of likely Democratic nominee Barack Obama and rival Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Asked by reporters about female voters' comfort level with Obama, Pelosi said women show a strong preference for Obama in public opinion polls. A "gender gap" in Obama's favor had emerged "even before the convention, and even before the complete reconciliation that we need," she said.

Pelosi, who is chairwoman of the convention by virtue of her post as House speaker, brushed off a question about that reconciliation effort.

"The nomination is decided, we have a vice president, we're going to work together and go forward," she said, adding that all 12 national conventions she has attended have been marked by contentiousness.

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Dishing Up Denver

-- by RockinRobin, AUGUST 25, 2008

A quick Denver update for HillaryGrassroots folks...

Lots happening here in the mile high city of Colorado. The city is packed with police, swat teams and barricades in anticipation of riots. Saturday night I went to the Hyatt Regency where I met up with PUMA king, Will Bower, to enjoy a cocktail and take in the stunning view from the 27th floor lounge. It was a good thing we choose this place because we were told by the restaurant manager that it was the last night the lounge was open to the public. Bonus benefit ~ a show of fireworks gives us the impression that we are about to embark on an auspicious week. Either that or Will just has a way of making fireworks happen wherever he goes. All kidding aside, we knew that this show and most of the special events happening here in Denver should really be for Hillary.

Last night, PUMA Pac, one of more than 400 sites that make up the JUSTSAYNODEAL coalition, threw a media PUMA party where we enjoyed meeting other PUMAs having cocktails and feasting on an array of delicious food. We came together to premiere the screening of 'THE AUDACITY OF DEMOCRACY'. It was a 30 minute preview of the film that will be ready to view at full length some time next year. What a great job everyone did.

The following video is not AUDACITY OF DEMOCRACY as that is not posted on youtube yet. However this is another mini-documentary on caucus frauds during this primary election. I can't help but wonder. If the democratic party was so intent on having a democratic president, why did they pick the guy that has not proven he can win the G.E.? And why did they not scrunitize these frauds immediately when they were reported?

Check this out

Let me know what you think.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

How Well Do You Know Obama?

-- This is only the beginning. If Obama gets the official nomination, these ads will only get more embarrassing to the democratic party.

This pic was taken in 2001

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Lawsuit Filed to Remove Obama as Candidate

-- Wow! This is interesting. Just when factfinder verified Obama's birth certificate as authentic, we get word that someone is taking action to legally remove Obama as a candidate. Let's keep our eye out for how this unfolds.


Philip J. Berg, Esq. Files Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed as a Candidate as he does not meet the Qualifications for President

Thursday, 21 August 2008 22:09 administrator For Immediate Release: - 08/21/08

Suit filed 08/21/08, No. 08-cv-4083
Contact information at the end of this press release. Documents filed with the court and a copy of this press release can be downloaded at the end of this press release.

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 08/21/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate in Democratic Primaries; former Chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County; former member of Democratic State Committee; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, filed a lawsuit in Federal Court today, Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083, seeking a Declaratory Judgment and an Injunction that Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. Berg filed this suit for the best interests of the Democratic Party and the citizens of the United States.
Philip J. Berg, Esquire stated in his lawsuit that Senator Obama:

1. Is not a naturalized citizen; and/or

2. Lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or

3. Has dual loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.

Berg stated: “I filed this action at this time to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated.

There have been numerous questions raised about Obama’s background with no satisfactory answers. The questions that I have addressed include, but are not limited to:

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Tribute to Stephanie Tubbs Jones

-- keep your tissue box at your side. Geek Love has created a beautiful video as a tribute to Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family, loved ones and her constituents for their loss.

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Is Obama Fresh? Or is He a Political Insider?

-- by RockinRobin
August 21, 2008

I have these really fun conversations with my neighbor about Politics. He is an Obama supporter and I am a full fledge PUMA. Heck I was part of the creation of the coaltion which has been highly effective at expressing the views of disaffected Hillary supporters. So much so that the Obama supporters are now threatened by the possibility that we may make actually AFFECT something so they are launching their assaults on us.

Did you know that is 500,000 strong? Yep, we are a huge part of what is happening in politics right now so we want to acknowledge all of you for participating on this site as well as our our myspace pages, facebook, twitter and the list goes on.

Back to my neighor. This morning we had a conversation while I was watering my garden. He insists that Obama is most suitable to be our next president because he is "fresh" but, on the other hand, he is a product of Chicago politics. So that makes him savvy? My neighbor went on to say that what Obama has against him is that he is black. In his opinion many Americans will refuse to vote for a black man. While this may be true, it is my opinion that many will vote for him BECAUSE he's black.

I pointed out how the Hillary supporters don't like how Obama has been painted as the messiah and can do no wrong (especially since he's 'fresh'). Fresh, meaning he has no record to criticize.

While I'm not about to waste much time trying to convince my neighbor into seeing things in the same way many Hillary supporters see it, he did make one remark that got under my skin (though I didn't give him the satisfaction of protesting this remark). He said that the Hillary supporter have been written off by the DNC and that our efforts will make no difference in the outcome of the race.

In my humble opinion, this dismissive remark leaves Hillary supporters demeaned and suppressed. Does this country really want to "go there" with Hillary supporters?
Grassroots is a half million strong. We are only one of more than 400-500 groups that make up JustSayNoDeal / PUMAs and he's telling us we make no difference in the election?

I let him have his point of view on this. Why? Because I love being underestimated and I'm not much for beating my chest. I am a woman who does what women do ~ which is what has men afraid of us in the first place.

Don't get me wrong here. I love my neighbor. I consider myself lucky to share a wall with him. We all have points of view and we are not always going to agree on what we see or think especially among race, gender and politics.

However, it's no accident that after our conversation this morning that I get an email with the following video;

Is Obama "fresh" or is he a "political insider?"

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama is Losing in the Electoral Votes

--RealClearPolitics Electoral College
(270 Electoral Votes Needed To Win)

Click here to see the breakdown in each state

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Last Chance Superdelegates ~ Do The Right Thing

-- McCain is now leading Obama in the polls. Obama has lost his luster. To me, his European trip was akin to scaling Mt. Everest of politics and the only place to go from there is DOWN.

Hillary has proven she can win the GE. She won the electoral votes, she won all but one swing state. And if the Superdelegates endorsed the candidate that their constituents voted for, Hillary would have won early on.

So I urge the Superdelegates, let's not repeat what we have done in the past. Let's get Hillary nominated so that we will a democratic President.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Do The Democrats Win Now?

How do the Democrats win now?
by Roger Ryan

Months have passed with time to reflect on things and it is now time to speak ones mind. This article could be twice as long if all the facts were restated but instead let’s try to make this a one pager, as all of America by now knows the true facts.

Senator Clinton must un-suspend her campaign and go to Denver with a firm resolve at becoming the Democratic Party nominee! She and all of America know that at the very least she did end the primaries as a rightful co-presumptive nominee. All this talk about a delegate lead is silly when we all can do the math and know that the primaries ended with the nomination totally up in the air! There may have been a strategy forced upon her by the media and the DNC to suspend for awhile but now that she is on the ballot and on the platform it is time to get solid and tough again! We have done our part and fought off the bias media these last two months and will keep fighting until we make it right!

What is this talk about negotiating I hear her speak of? We don’t negotiate, we demand our rights and with more votes and only a 50 less honestly chosen delegate count difference between Hillary and Obama, She and 20 million Americans have more then earned that right of not needing to negotiate or ask permission but instead have the duty to demand their rightful place as the co-presumptive nominee. No let me restate that, ALL of America has earned this right!

Stop this campaigning for Obama the opponent and get on with the business of fixing our country the way it should be fixed. Obama is not electable and that is real world fact. There are way too many democracy loving American Democrats who are upset as a human can be about what they have witnessed as being the same type of wrongs that they have endured under Bush and they are never going to vote for any ticket Obama is the top of. Even if the DNC or the media do not understand, we need to understand that we are not talking about a few vocal activist or just your avid supporters but included in these upset Americans are all the bread and butter Democrats who never say a thing except in the privacy of the ballot booth! They do not like what they have witnessed in the media and actions by the DNC which include Obama and his McCarthyism Chicago style politics. They also do not like how he has acted and voted since the end of the primaries. Obama has done nothing but throw promises, people and Democratic principals under the bus, betraying them all. They do not like the way the media and the Democratic Party leadership including even Hillary are trying to sell them on an untrue version of the facts. We can do math and we can read the history of all the conventions. What has occurred and is still occurring has a very anti democratic feel and is all wrong! Something is not right and we know it and are not going to vote for it but against it!

Does Hillary really want that Democrat in the White House? If she truly does the time has come to get real and un-suspend her campaign and go into Denver and win that nomination. Senator Clinton it is time to do some demanding and stop these mamby pamby actions or talk about negotiation. This is being very up front and honest with everyone so now it is squarely on Hillary Clinton’s shoulders if you want that Democrat in the White House. Before the blame could be put on the DNC including Obama and the media but we have been st ron g and have fought the good fight and have wrestled them all into a corner for an open and honest convention fight! We all know if that happens that the supers would take heart and select Hillary Clinton as the party nominee because they know she will make the better President. The American Public now knows that in even bigger numbers then before the primaries. That is the only good thing that has come out of these w ron gs is that the PEOPLE of America stopped and really listen to Hillary Clinton and said collectively “very impre ss ive”, we pick her! That is why the new 20+ million avid supporters number!

The day Hillary Clinton re- announces “I’m in to win” is the day McCain loses. The day it becomes clear Hillary Clinton is not going to do this is the day McCain wins. Either way Democratic Party & Obama loses. It’s just a matter if you want a Democrat in the White House or not! Like in 1972 that 18 million have already walked out the door. If Obama is the nominee that 18 million will not only keep walking but also like in 72 will turn the USA solid red by voting for McCain. If Hillary Clinton becomes the nominee less then 18 million may walk but they will not vote for McCain.

Again lets be very clear here, this means the 18 million that have already walked because of the wrongs done to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the rightful nominee will have the effect of 36 million while the Obama’s walkers would have an effect of only 9 million and as they are made up first time or seldom voter for the Democrats anyway it would be more like a zero effect. Think about that! The nomination of Hillary Clinton will turn the USA blue like everyone thought at the start of 2007 when that 20+ million walk back in the door and join the other 9 to 16 million in putting the right Democrat in the White House. This is reality the Democratic Party must face and make happen in Denver for a November win.

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Obama Lying About His Abortion Record

Obama Lying About His Abortion Record
By Rich Lowry

Barack Obama had a mini Bob Dole moment after the Saddleback presidential forum the other night. Asked on the Christian Broadcasting Network about a controversy over his opposition to legislation in Illinois protecting infants born alive after surviving abortions, an irked Obama replied, "I hate to say that people are lying, but here's a situation where folks are lying."

Obama's line recalled Dole's plaint on national TV after the first George Bush beat him in New Hampshire in 1988, "Tell him to stop lying about my record." Dole's outburst would live in infamy as evidence of his distemper. Obama's problem isn't his temperament, but the unsustainable exertions necessary to attempt to square his reasonable-sounding rhetoric on abortion with the extremism of his record.

click here for more juicy details

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Grassroots meet Alegre's Corner

-- Dear Hillary Grassroots Campaign subscribers

As you all may know there are hundreds of blog sites that support the PUMA movement. Alegre's Corner is one of them so I thought I'd feature her blog as a way of broading your reach for information on Hillary.

check it out...

We're not finished folks - not by a long shot!

BREAKING! Rendell Voting for Hillary! (Updated)
by: Alegre
Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 19:48:27 PM EDT

Guys this is a HUGE get. We were after Rendell just a few short days ago for trying to block efforts to bring aboard Hillary's delegates in Pennsylvania - he told people not to sign that nominating petition.

And now he's saying he's going to vote for her on the first ballot. This is huge - HUGE I tell ya!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Will Bower Urges PUMAs to Take Action


Yes, we've been told that Hillary's name will be placed into nomination...

...but now we need to help make sure that that actually happens... and that it MATTERS !!

First, we need to let Hillary know (in a heartfelt and respectful manner) that we want her to retain her delegates... and that we do *not* want her to discourage them from voting for her!:

Next, we need to contact Phil McNamara (Director of Party Affairs and Delegate Selection) and (respectfully but firmly) "ask" that the delegate voting process be a *fair* and *legitimate* one!:

Finally, for more information on these matters, please read Heidi Li Feldman's latest articles at:

THANK you!


Will Bower

Going to Denver? Let me know!

If the parties won't uphold democratic principles, who will?
If the voters don't hold the parties accountable, who will?

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Does the DNC intend to rig the nomination election?

--So much for the benefit of the doubt - the DNC increases the impression that they intend to rig the nomination election

In the previous two posts on this blog, I wrote under the working assumption that the DNC and the DNCC would actually wake up to the terrible situation they are creating, switch course, and hold a meaningful fair and free nomination election (roll call vote process with both Senator Obama's and Senator Clinton's name equally in nomination, de facto as well as de jure).

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Pelosi's Money Makes The World Go Round

-- Interesting video that list Pelosi's donations to the Superdelegates that endorsed Obama ~ but Hillary won their districts.

It is all starting to make sense.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama's Sense of Judgement

- Whew! Is this an example of how Obama will lead our country?

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

PUMAS are going to Denver


The Puma PAC ROAR!

Fundraising Challenge
Today - $4,000 Tomorrow - $6,000 TOTAL - $10,000

We have our SECOND *match* challenge going on between the PUMA PAC members, lurkers, and sympathizers on our site.

We are finalizing our plans for Denver. Things are changing constantly on our schedule because what we can do depends on you! Our FINAL schedule will be released Monday morning. As long as you're in Denver, you'll be able to get to ANY of these events.

Fundraising efforts end Sunday at midnight. Help us with:


If you've never contributed to Puma PAC before but support our efforts and like what we're doing, now is the time to do it! Every $10 donation goes a long way. Every $100donation goes an even longer way. Each and EVERY donation, of whatever size, is appreciated with equal gratitude and relief.

If you've been a long time supporter of Puma PAC, as so many of you have, I'm asking you this one last weekend, to please consider giving one more time. After tomorrow, my focus, and the focus of the other Puma organizers, will by 1000% Denver Action. We will do everything we can do with whatever we have after tomorrow. So please do give one last time today.


Murphy and MarylandPUMA

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Message from Real Democrats (Take Back Our Party)

Real Democrats

Taking back our party; one neighborhood at a time©

A Real Party for Real People.

Real Democrats is a grassroots initiative with the primary purpose of informing and educating. Many of us believe that the mainstream media has abdicated their responsibility to scrutinize Senator Obama in a fair and open manner. Others want to call the public’s attention to examples of sexism, discrimination or illegalities in the nomination process.

We are organizing groups in local communities in 50 states to take direct action (mailing postcards, handing out flyers, speaking to local civic groups etc.). Where local organizations already exist, we want to assist them by giving them membership leads and providing access to materials and resources. Send a message to the DNC and the media—we matter, we can organize, we have power, and we are taking back our party; one neighborhood at a time.

HWatch Marilu Sochor and Paulie Abeles introduce Real Democrats on FOX:

Please help!
H Join us at or call: 877-DEMS-USA or, send us an email to join a group in your state. (For example Pennsylvanians can reach us at; New Yorkers at Please sign up. We need you. We have national coordinators for media, radio, activities, volunteers, research and outreach that will get you off the ground running.

H Buy a T-Shirt for $20.12. This campaign has taught us the power of symbols. Send the message that we are organized and united.

H Send a contribution. If you don’t want a shirt, please send us $10. This is an enormous undertaking. Some of the groups will be self-funding. But in some of the most critical areas, where there has been economic dislocation, volunteers will not be able to afford printing $200. for flyers. We need to help them. We need money. If you want to help in this critical effort, please contribute. Whatever you can spare to get this initiative off the ground--$10, $20. --whatever—it’s all good. We’re all volunteers. Your money goes directly for outreach.

Join us today. Help us show the DNC and political pundits that Clinton Supporters can act as a coordinated, cohesive group to educate America about Barack Obama. If we’re successful, they’ll never discount us, or our vote, ever again.


At you will also find you can subscribe to updates by state and join your local supporters. Head over and join.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

The PUMA Conference

-- Yes... it was good to meet Andy last weekend. Here's what he has to say about the PUMA confernece in DC and a few choice words for our critics...

Thank you Andy.

The PUMA conference and its aftermath: renewed reform in the Democratic Party

Executive Editor

"Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct"


We're not always first because we're #1;
We're #1 because we are always first.



(NEW YORK)(August 15, 2008) Last weekend I spent three days at a conference sponsored by a maverick group of dissident Democrats. The "PUMA" conference was held in a nondescript Washington suburban motel. I was writing a new essay on the history of reform in the Democratic Party over the past 80 years; the PUMA's appealed to me as exemplars of reform and dissent (the column is still not finished). I was asked not to write about the conference until after the proceedings were completed and I complied with that embargo.

Little did I realize that crackpot left-wingers and right-wingers would be attacking this placid and almost tranquil conference as a hotbed of radicalism. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The Huffington Post also sent one of their acolytes to attend; she was so inept she didn't even know where the conference was being held. I also became the target of vicious and irrational attacks from people who were not there.

On reflection, the desire of the organizers to close the meeting to news media appears sensible. I was happy to be the only media presence in attendance.
I am now convinced the PUMA movement is morphing into something vastly more influential than I realized, all due to the hysteria of the left and right. Here's a little background.

Every day we get hundreds of e-mails from all sorts of sources. Our job at is to make sense of this mélange, and to sort the wheat from the chaff. We do a pretty good job of doing just that. As a result of being fair to both conservatives and liberals we also receive input from all types of sources and channels. The result is that we are usually a week to ten days ahead of our competitors in the mainstream media.

For example, the now legendary cell phone video of Hillary Clinton seeking to have her name placed in nomination for "catharsis" reached my desk within hours; it took the mainstream media ten days to get the same material and realize its significance. I attended the PUMA conference in a spirit of inquiry.
Some writers have sought to ridicule the meeting for a variety of perceived failures. On the contrary, the meeting was an extraordinary event and highly successful.

First, the meeting was national. People came from across the United States. It's not easy to create a national movement overnight. PUMA's have accomplished something very challenging when they convince people from coast to coast to assemble in one place.

Second, the PUMA movement provided "cover" for the ultimately successful efforts to have Hillary Clinton's name placed in nomination. PUMAs were even more successful than any Clinton supporter could have predicted.

Third, as in the case of most political meetings, much of the "content" was boring, organizational, and basic politics. Although David Shuster (sitting in on MSNBC's Hardball) tried to suggest PUMA was a Republican "front," I saw no evidence of that fact. The attendance was primarily, though not exclusively, composed of women who had hitherto been loyal Democrats.

Fourth, although hostile bloggers have criticized the TV presence of PUMA representatives, the PUMA media techniques are not a concern. The people involved are amateurs. They are not professional politicians and they are not professional media types. They are going to have rough edges. They are not going to be smooth and polished.

Fifth, the Democrats are taking "women" for granted because of some of the loonier planks of the Republican Party platform. But in an election where Democrats are likely to retain congress, Democratic women maybe much more inclined to stray to McCain when they know he will be hemmed in by a solidly Democratic congress. The women I saw at the PUMA conference are being discounted and underestimated, and they don't like it.

I attended my first Democratic National Convention forty (40) years ago, in Chicago. I saw the chaos on the streets. Today, the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras, blogs and the paraphernalia of the i-pod generation have largely supplanted street protests. But people are more powerful in 2008 than they were in 1968. I have not seen anything since 1968 with the gathering storm potential of 2008.

Well, what is happening and what does PUMA represent?

First, PUMA activity is a quintessential example of the "aggregating" power of the Internet. People across the United States are linked in a network that, however rudimentary and preliminary it may appear to outsiders, is gaining strength and managed to assemble a national turnout.

Second, there is a nascent reform movement in the Democratic Party. The "outsiders" may ridicule PUMA, but something happened this week to afford Clinton a name on the convention ballot as well as a prime-time speaking engagement. Dick Morris on Hannity and Colmes called these concessions an Obama disaster. Why did Obama's people give in? They realize that there is sustained opposition out there. PUMA's may not have the internal party power to have a conventional impact, but they can act as a focal point for others to concentrate their own energy and opposition.

Third, the PUMA movement is going to be extraordinarily well-organized and powerfully connected in Denver. The right/left wing bloggers and mainstream media may claim that PUMA's are "small in number." That's not a problem. Small groups can function with lethal impact. Just ask the Green Beret (12-man) "A" teams.

Fourth, PUMAS are going to Denver to be heard. I will also be in Denver to observe and report. I was initially a little concerned about spending three days in Washington; now that I have seen the developments of this week, I am absolutely glad I attended.

Fifth, with time and exposure and experience, amateurs become more professional and more effective. That will no doubt happen with the PUMA movement. It has happened to every party reform movement in the past.

Sixth, the process by which Barack Obama claimed the nomination, namely a skewed delegate system that underweights big states and overweights small states, is a disgrace to democracy. The caucus system is rife with corruption and cronyism. There is no way Obama would have won in a race where Ohio and Pennsylvania had the proportional impact with Idaho and Kansas. The current proportional allocation system leads to an undemocratic and disproportionate result. There will be reform of the Democratic Party; PUMA activists could help spearhead it.

My audience and influence have grown exponentially during 2008 because of my impartial commentary and cutting edge investigation. Those who criticize me are merely expressing sour grapes. If the best people can do to smear me as a columnist is to dig up 25 year old litigation I handled, they are worse sickos and more desperate than anyone can imagine. And they are all funded and controlled by Barack Obama and George Soros.

My record of writing on Obama since 2004 and Clinton since 2008 has proven prescient and unerringly accurate. My new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, details much of this research and commentary. I will keep telling the truth, and keep driving both the extreme left and the extreme right crazy.

UPDATE: We are working on a response to the media hysteria triggered by Barack Obama's latest pamphlet of lies, titled "Unfit for Publication," attacking one of my competing authors. I don't make a habit of supporting my competitors because they are, after all, taking money out of my pocket. Proceeds from my book all go to the anti-Obama movement, not my personal enrichment. But because Obama's "defense" against "lies" is a new set of his own lies, I feel I should respond.

In the meantime, readers of my book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, can rest assured my work is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.

Book orders: Immediate shipment from the publisher now available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I have decided to oppose Barack Obama's election and have become Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, By default, I have become the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views express are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my columns for
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law. His columns are also posted at; Andy is the author of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, published in July 2008, see MEDIA CONTACT: E-MAIL: [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]

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The Triumph of Fraud

In two weeks the Democratic Party will formally nominate Barack Obama as its candidate for President of the United States.

It's the triumph of fraud.

I've spent the past two months immersed in data from the 2008 Democratic caucuses. After studying the procedures and results from all fourteen caucus states, interviewing dozens of witnesses, and reviewing hundreds of personal stories, my conclusion is that the Obama campaign willfully and intentionally defrauded the American public by systematically undermining the caucus process

This site represents the fruits of my research. It's a work in progress, obviously, and also a central repository for a vast array of data: articles and blog posts from around the web, personal emails to me, interviews with witnesses, affidavits and testimonials, campaign communications, and videos of the caucuses themselves.

I have elected to make this information public. I hope that it sheds light on the caucus process and inspires reform or total elimination of the caucuses. I also hope it gives pause to those Democrats who believe that Barack Obama is the rightful nominee and that Hillary supporters should just "get over it." I have been a Democrat my entire life, but I will not support the Democratic Party at the cost of democracy.

Lynette Long
August 2008

Check out Lynette's site by clicking here - very interesting.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is America Blinded By Desperation?

By Liquid Amber 8/14/08

It is expected that a democrat would work for a democrat not cross party lines. However, I've learned recently that some Hillary staffers have crossed over to work for McCain.

People don't work for the "other" party because they are getting paid for it. Is it because they cannot work for someone who they don't see fit for the white house? ~ or perhaps they see a bigger threat here. That threat being George Soros.

Here's the thing... George Soros and his filthy cronies are funding Obama. Soros is an evil man. At age 14, he worked for the Nazis during WWII -- some of which included extracting gold from the teeth of dead jews in concentration camps. He learned how to profit from the demise of others (even though he himself is a jew). This is his thing. He has no remorse in doing it then nor doing it now.

Soros is responsible for collapsing the economy in Indonesia and other SE Asian countries as well as descrating Italy's lire. How he does this is through financial speculation. He influences Wall Street and the public in turn responds to Wall Street.

Think about it. All he has to do is say there is an oil shortage, and gee, we now have higher gas prices. Why would he does this? One might conclude that its the perfect set up to make the public panic at the voting booth.

Now our currency is taking a hit due to Soro's dirty deeds and we are blaming the republicans? So that we all panic and make sure we do not vote republican.

We are blaming the economy on the war? Guess who's making money on the war? Soros. Soros critized Halliburton for profitting on the war which drove their stocks down then, in turn, 2,000,000 shares for himself ~ ceased critisism and the stocks went up.

We are on the brink of a terrible recession and Soros is pulling the strings. Why? So we will vote for Obama.

Think about it. Soros has given nearly $6,000,000 (though I've heard that amount is even more, but to error on the conversative side, we'll say $6 Mil). then developed a grassroots campaign to support Obama. And the press gives credit to Obama's phenomenal leadership.

Soros works in billions of dollars on a regular basis and has no real heart in what happens in America. He is all about power and control.

What's my source? Just google him and you don't have to look that far. And don't be fooled by his so called charity work. They are frought with schemes.

Where is Obama getting money to pay off superdelegates. Look no further than Soros and his goones.

We have on record how much money Obama has been giving superdelegates where Hillary won their constituents.

Think about it... why else would these long time loyal Clinton friends and allies unceremoniously dump Hillary during the primaries? ie.., Richardson (who said 4 times he wouldn't do what he did).

Why did Edwards come out and endorse Obama the day after Hillary won West Virginia by 41 points (when his wife voted for Hillary?) He was likely blackmailed with his affair. We all knew he was having an affair and Obama's peeps had him by the balls. However, they knew something we didn't. Edwards was financially supporting his mistress and his campaign finance guy. This is serious fraud that Edwards was cornered into it. What dumb ass.

We are clear that Chicago style politics is not limited to Chicago.

I want what you want for this country AND the truth is we are in bad shape and don't need another unqualified president in the white house ~ Bush was a disaster.

Lastly, I hope you don't take any of this personally. In the past, I have worked in politics with another Senator and learned that its very important to know who we are voting for and be clear about what they can deliver.

Obama is not scrutinized close enough by his supporters because people are so hungry for hope and change. I don't blame them. Bush sucks and Soros is amplifying that as best as he can to get you to vote for Obama.

However, if we get desperate, we will get in huge trouble. Obama will go down in history as the most foolish and desperate move Americans have made.

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Democrats to stage symbolic vote on Clinton's bid

-- What a load of crap !! There's no honor here. This looks like a humiliating pat on the head.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said Thursday they had agreed to submit her name to a symbolic vote by convention delegates who will decide the Democrats' White House nominee this month.

"I am convinced that honoring Senator Clinton's historic campaign in this way will help us celebrate this defining moment in our history and bring the party together in a strong united fashion," Obama said in a joint statement.

If you can keep your lunch down, there is more to read by clicking here.

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AOL ~ Some Clinton Backers Won't Go Quietly

-- Obviously it is in my humble opinion that unless we have Hillary on the roll call ballot, we have no democratic party ~ only the DOP Party (Dean, Obama, Pelosi)

Thursday 08/14/08 01:39 PM EDT

Some Clinton Backers Won't Go Quietly

Barack Obama's campaign is preparing for the possibility that Hillary Clinton's supporters will force a roll call vote as a show of support for their candidate during the Democratic convention. Would such a vote divide Democrats, or would it help them come together after a brutal primary battle?

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-- Look at what the Obama supporters are doing now.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

The Center moves away from Obama

From the WashingtonTimes

State Republican Party leaders interviewed by The Washington Times said fear of a far-left Obama presidency is warming once-skeptical voters to Sen. John McCain, fueling growing enthusiasm among Republicans that Mr. McCain's more aggressive campaigning can lead to victory.

"It appears that the more that Obama speaks, the more afraid folks in South Carolina get," said Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairman Rick Beltram. "We are seeing 'die-hard' Democrats tell us that Obama is not their man.

"We are expecting the white Democrats to be fleeing the Democratic ship when November 4 comes around - plus, the Democratic candidate [Bob Conley] that is running against Senator [Lindsey] Graham is also running away from the Democrats, and you can quote me on that," Mr. Beltram said.

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Obama partisans block Clinton faction bid to end caucuses

Obama sure loves those unfair Caucuses
From the ChicagoTribune
PITTSBURGH - Hillary Rodham Clinton loyalists tried Saturday to kill off the caucus system that proved so damaging to her presidential bid, but were beaten back by a Democratic Party leadership firmly under the command of Barack Obama.

Democrats who supported Clinton's candidacy pushed to amend the new party platform so that caucuses would be banned in future presidential nominating contests.

But the party's platform committee refused to allow the amendment to come up for a vote or even a discussion.

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Action Item

With the convention just around the corner, it is imperative that Democrats all around the country understand that whether or not Hillary is nominated, we are in this for the long haul.
This primary has revealed DNC "leadership" to be corrupt, mean-spirited, and lacking respect for basic democratic principles. They have completely and effectively ceded the moral high ground to Republicans at this point.
  • We have seen the race card played, with assistance from both Dean and Brazile.

  • We have seen rampant sexism with no objection by the DNC.

  • We have seen the superdelegates endorse as quid-pro-quo for campaign contributions.

  • We have seen arm-twisting of the congressional delegates by "neutral" Nancy Pelosi to declare for Obama.

  • We have seen an unabashed ageism campaign against John McCain, calling him "confused", and that he has "lost his bearings".

  • We've seen a softening of support for the gay and lesbian community.

  • We've seen caucus cheating.

  • We've seen intimidation of Hillary supporters, hack attacks and coordinated threats against voters and media that dare to dissent.

  • We've seen manipulation of the party nominating system and media to favor one candidate over another and the outright redistribution of votes cast for one Hillary and given to Obama.

This is now a democratic party in name only.
Please watch the following videos and forward the links to at least five other people. Please ask each of them to forward them to five others.
We need to get the word out.
It will take an effort from all of us to restore the Democratic party to its former self, to a party that we can be proud of. This is just one step in that direction. More to come.
"Money Changes Everything"
"Survival of America and Her Dream"
"DNC: Fractured Fairy Tales"
"DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee"
"History Repeats Itself"

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