I'm gettin my popcorn and soda ready. And I don't think that the moderator that has a book with "The Age of Obama" in the title (Ifill) and a release date on inauguration day will be taking questions. It will be interesting to see if she has an agenda or not. I dont see how she can say that it isn't a conflict of interest when she stands to make millions if Obama wins and makes her book all that more popular.
I am just curious to why this is the only VP debate....if I made the rules I would make McCain/Obama debate once a week for the remaining six weeks and the VP's have at least 3.
The irony is that Biden is a feminist while Palin is the anti-feminist. She will do nothing for women or minorities except set us back further. I can't decide if she is a total idiot or a total sell out? I have faith that Biden will educate her ignorance tonight and send her and her lipstick back to Alaska!!!
I would just like Joe Biden to ask Sarah Palin why the republicans think they can rebuild the economy from the top to the bottom, and also why she thinks it is ok to mix church and state to over turn roe vs wade. Why Sarah and John think they know whats best for a women when they don't even know the cercumstans of why women want to abort? Also why they want to make every state a right to work state to destroy they unions witch our country was build on the backs of union labors who faught hard throught the years to get there rights in the work place. But most of all why rape victums will have to pay for there own rape kit and why in alaska it is very heard to get the 32 hour pill and why she thinks she can make the choice for us american women?
Too bad Hillary isn't in the debates. What a sorry state of affairs when Biden is chosen over Hillary.... and Obama.... what were they thinking became the nominee. The world is insane.... I don't care about the outcome of any of these debates, I am not voting for the Empty Suit, meida creation Nobama. Either I will write in Hillary (or Bill) or pull the lever for McCain.
tonight we will all see just how stupid Palin is. Everyone is saying how tough she is and they like it. What about Hillary? Hillary can chew her up and spit her out and she is also a woman. Why didn't anyone take up for Hillary in this fashion? maybe because she's tough as nails AND smart? How ironic and moronic. I hope Biden exposes her for the unrealistic and oblivious "June Cleaver" that Palin is. Furthermore- there is alot more to hunting then just shooting an animal. You have to know the difference between a moose and an elk. That shows that she is even stupid when it comes to her own state. I shudder to think of her making decisions for all 50 states.
Its funny how people that are already born are pro-abortion. Its also funny that if Obama's mother, who was a single mother, had aborted him you wouldn't have a canidate. In any case if Roe vs. Wade really was going to be overturned it would have been done in Bush's admin. Abortion is being used as a scare tactic to get people to vote Democrat.
I love how some people are saying PALIN is going to blow away BIDEN. That is absolutely laughable. Biden is at least intelligent with a ton of experience. Palins interviews with Charles Gibson and Katie Couric were laughable. She is a complete moron. Without big daddy McCain there to hold her hand, she just may cry. I can't wait to see Biden destroy her.
Look, we're all disappointed that Hillary didn't get the nomination...she woulda been great. HOWEVER...GET OVER IT. If you're a self respecting democrat/liberal and you pull the lever for McCain, you are an idiot.
If you elect McCain/Palin, say good bye to your social programs, good bye to any chance of national healthcare, goodbye to renewable resources, and good bye to your welfare check.
I know all the people supporting Palin on this board are former Hillary supporters that jumped ship because they don't like Obama's personaility, and want to vote for a woman. It's a proven fact that a good portion of Hillary supporters have done so, and it's laughable. That is being a moron, and it looks bad as a Hillary supporter.
Just to vote because it's a woman is ignorant. I'm not sexist...hell I wanted a woman to be president. Didn't happen. However, Palin is the exact polar opposite of Hillary. In every way. Hillary is smart, Palin is an idiot. Hillary has plenty of experience, Palin has QUESTIONABLE experience (which is also minute in number).
Obama at least has similar views on issues and ideals as Hillary....although McCain and Palin do not. Being a Hillary supporter than going with the McCain ticket is blasphemous.
McCain and Palin will will finish what bush started and take down america and all that that the americans have faught for to get there freedoms a step forward for republicans is a step back for man kind save america and vote dem
This CA lesbian is all about backing my girl, Sarah. I hope she makes people feel real stupid for being such vial and hateful pigs towards her. Why are people such haters? She's a hottie po-tottie that had the guts to tell the American people...particularly Conservatives that she embraces her best friend, who happens to be gay. I think that is the message of tolerance and acceptance that we need. What the hell has Biden, or Obama done to further equal rights?!?!?!?!?
A lesbian for a ticket that is anti-gay marriage? So what, Palin said her best friend is gay? DO YOU THINK SHE WILL ADVANCE THE RIGHTS OF GAYS!?!?! You have got to be kidding me. Way to root for your enemy, retard.
Let me straighten this out....Palin is not the equivalent of Hillary. Hillary is completely different, with different ideals. TOTAL DIFFERENT PERSON! Hillary was for equal rights for race, color, etc. Palin and her presidential running mater ARE NOT.
if you knew what you were talking about you would know in the 90s biden wrote the law to protect women aginst there attackers and faught for womens rights just cause she hugged a gay person does not make her good for office that just shows how smart you are
She's not even bothering to answer the questions. Honestly, this is someone you all want to be in office? Think about it, voting for McCain/Palin just because she is a woman is not a good idea. If you were a Hillary supporter why would do the complete opposite of supporting her to vote for McCain/Palin? Vote based on views and what this country needs. Not based on sex.
McCain has been more vocal for Gay rights that Obama has. Obama believes marriage is only between a man and a woman. McCain supports civil unions and rights for gays to be able to visit thier partners in the hospital, etc. Do your homework.
Too bad Hillary isn't in the debates. What a sorry state of affairs when Biden is chosen over Hillary.... and Obama.... what were they thinking became the nominee. The world is insane.... I don't care about the outcome of any of these debates, I am not voting for the Empty Suit, meida creation Nobama. Either I will write in Hillary (or Bill) or pull the lever for McCain.
Sarah Palin can't handle Washington.... I don't even think she's even been there. She keeps slamming Obama and Biden on legislation that they went wrong on..... SHE hasn't even been in Capitol Hill so what the hell is her problem???
Joe Biden talks and talks to make him look smarter than he is. I admit he is a smart and well experianced man.
However Sarah Palin is directly talking to the American people. The moderator has been quoted as a bias Pro-Obama supporter. Sarah Palin is being civil and talking about thinkgs that are important to the people.
Do your homework ricco, Obama says he personally does not believe in gay marriage but does believe in giving each state the authority to decided individually whether or not to legalize gay marriage. This is not as great as legalizing it completely but it's a step. He also believes in allowing gay people to serve openly in the military and for gay couples to adopt children as easily heterosexual couples. These all look like steps in the right direction.
The sad part about this debat is we don't have to watch it any more caus Sarah will not answer one question that just the kind of leader i want in office lol is this what americans really want in office another bush its just like lissioning to him
i want to know what the republicans think when their is only uppuer class america left what is going to happen with middle and lower class america with the was they handle economy issues what will happen to america
He voted against the G.I. Bill. The bill to give Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan government money to go to college once their military commitment was complete.
McCain believes any person who joins the military should make a career out of it. And that is the only way you could get college funding from McCain. CHECK IT!! McCain VOTED AGAINST THE TROOPS!!!
you cant put demands on ppl and exspect answers when you are saying you have to do this this and this before we can sit down and talk out our problems lets go to war first then talk thats stupid and kills many on both sides with no answers is that how you would tell your kids to solve there problems how smart is that
Please Krystal I trust McCains judgement when it comes to the military hands down. He knows and has paid the closest to the ultimate price as a soldier.
i am done with this you get facts from biden and a whole lot of crap from palin she has not shown anything for any one all she is, is another pretty face
If you read the article you can see he voted against the bill (not the troops) as it was presented but supports an alternate version of the bill that addresses certain issues.
Wow, Ricco. You are out of touch. Why aren't you in a Republican blogger post leaving comments. Seems like he is in here just to ruffle feathers and get off on it.
Were you ever a Hillary fan? I don't think so if you are rooting for Palin here.
She is a joke, can't even answer questions correctly. Alaska does not equal the USA. Granted it's her experience.
Her winking is annoyong. How she would ever get into Washington is beyond me. Right around 10 PM EST, she had a questionable, nervous tone to her voice. I thought she was going to cry.
I sure do under stand Sarah Palin. I understand she has not idea what she is talking about. I understand the McCain camp gives her talking points she can't stray from. Good for her being such a good girl, and not speaking for herself.
So yes. I do understand. She has no place in Washington!!
Palin, answer a question. It's like Katie Couric all over again. She is clueless. WOW!
Did she just give a shout out to school children and talk about her family. Her families experience and jobs is NOT necessary to even say. She needs a clue.
No true Hillary Democratic supporter would EVER VOTE REPUBLICAN!!! That is status quo and falling backwards. How could we fall anymore back then where we are right now? VOTE McCAIN!!
Palin can't answer a straight question.. it's like she's been instructed to attack one of Obamas' plans when she feels cornered! Did anyone else notice the wink she gave during her brain fart? lol
There aren't as many "Hillary" supporters turning red as you think. McCain pulled out of Michigan today. Colorado is turning blue. Virginia is turing blue. Florida is even polling turing blue. So all the "Hillary" red supporters are scant, or talk more game than action!!!
are you voting for him because you believe his views or because you just don't have a clue and you think you are in high school vothing for the prom king or queen and if so you should not be allowed to vote
This thread is looking a little better then last weeks debate thread! I was sick from all the McCain love on Hillarys' site! lol What in the hell is with all this "Maverick" talk? What an IDIOT! I am woman.. that won't convence me to vote for McCain and that joke of a side kick!
I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left. - Mararet Thatcher
Just because we Hillary supporters were excited about having a woman in the White House does not mean that we should now settle for this doofus just because she has a va-jay-jay. Obama-Biden if you're smart ;-)
Her only tactic is to relate to Americans. I don't want to relate to you, we're not the same, you want to VP of the USA! I mean come on, she doesn't even know what she's talking about. It's laughable!! Also, I'm so thrilled that FL is changing their mind and switching over to the Dem side! As some who lives in FL that just makes me smile!! :)
I do like how both are actually looking at each other. Not like the bitter screen that McCain held over the last debate......not even looking at Obama.
McCain will create jobs and cut taxes? Yea, cut taxes for big business owners and people that are in the high dollar bracket. Not everyday common workers, blue-collar americans.
These crazy political pundits...why do they even bother. "Ooh, I just loved Sarah Palin. She was brilliant." If you thought that going into the debate, there is no way you will say anything else now so why even talk about it? Same for Biden's camp...if you loved him before, you love him now. Wasted breath!
who the hell uses the phrase 'darn sure' in a vice presidential debate? She is so unclassy it makes my stomach turn. I love Matt Damon's interview where he compares Sarah Palin as VP as a 'bad Disney' movie...
You know what, watching all the democrats attacking other democrats with words like moron and stupid is just disgusting. It's a pretty marxist attitude to think everyone must agree with you or else their stupid or moronic. And whatever Hillary supporters were left on the fence, Im sure you've helped push them red! Wrong strategy, but seems to be nothing more than typical Obama supporters thug tactics. No matter who you vote for, its your vote, and you should never let someone bully or intimidate you into voting for their candidate. Go with who you think is right, not who the majority of the sheeple think is right.
Thank you for posting anonymouslyand slamming the democrats - just like a republican to do... I will vote for who I want to - its a free country... thanks to the democrats.
I personally think Palin is not smarter than a fifth grader. she never gives a straight answer. i watched the debate and think that Biden did a wonderful job.
Is anyone else just sorry that we aren't voting between Biden and Palin? I really enjoyed their debate tonight...it was as it should be...they were disagreeing with each other and saying what their ticket would do differently. Now you can vote on what you think is better policy, not on stupid MUDSLINGING that most people and yes even on this thread are doing. Vote one way or the other or fill in the blank based on what you feel is better policy...that's all.
I was not impressed with either VP candidate. Both, to me, don't represent the change that the country needs. I am futher convinced that my not voting as a protest(I am a proud PUMA member) is the right thing to do because whether Obama or McCain wins this next election, the American people still lose...
I cannot believe how unprepared Palin came across. Palin totally blew it. You are lying to yourself if you think Palin won the debate or even came across as mildly knowledgeable.
Sarah Palin is just your run of the mill Village Idiot, with lipstick and one pea rolling around in her head for a brain. If one thinks she won the debate tonight, well, I guess this explains the mentality of this country.
Biden did the same old Washington routine. He said things that were not true, and only the Fox news addressed it. Palin was refreshing. She has been in the mainstream while Biden has been one of the fat cats in Washington. Ask Biden about his own and his son's close relationship with MBNA-check the new bankruptcy law that Biden orchestrated. Oh yes, people can lose their homes, but businesses are protected under the new bankruptcy laws. That Bridge to No Where--well, it was before Palin was governor that it was passed by the Senate and guess who voted for it--Obama and Biden. When the money was refused by Palin, it was put on the floor to have that money channeled to bridges in the Katrina disaster area and guess who voted against it--Obama and Biden. I would rather take my chances with her and her non-connection with the Congress now. Remember, in 2005 McCain tried to pass a bill to regulate Fannie and Freddie-but guess who blocked it? Our wonderful Democratic Congress. Remember, Dodd and Obama got the most donations from Fannie Mae. One of Obama's advisors, a former head of Fannie, walked away with 80 million dollars in 6 years. And remember Palin is the only one who has actually been an executive. Remember, Clinton was only a governor, too, and of a smaller state. If you are really thinking of the country as a whole, then you will think the McCain/Palin ticket. By the way, I was a former Hillary state delegate, and after the crooked, underhanded ways of the Obama camp and the DNC, which I actually saw, I am now an Independent. As Palin said tonight, Obama is dangerous in more ways that the media will let you know. Read, research his past and present and you will understand the fear.
thanks for bringing up "fox news" .. ever noticed that they are the only news to bring certain things up, as opposed to all the other networks? lol they are the most narrow viewed news you can watch! "only fox news brought it up?. well of course! they are 100% right wing!
Biden I think, won this debate. My opinion is, if you have been satisfied with the last 8 years and how our economy is crumbling, then vote for McCain and Palin, but I AM READY FOR A CHANGE!!!...and I strongly believe Biden and Obama can give out country what it needs!
Can't believe the same Obama blogger writing all these insane comments against Palin.
The lady blew Biden away tonight. He made 10 errors in facts (provable).
I will be glad when Obama loses and all you trolls don't get paid for all your negative blogs everywhere. You aren't fooling anyone.
DNC and Obama dished Hillary, and why she is still supporting them I don't know. But I have no choice but go with Palin ticket. The abortion issue is a non-issue scare tactic. Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. You stupid women who think that you must vote for Obama to save your abortions is pathetic. If our country is attacked, will it matter????Security and Economy are the issues. Never seen so many stupid comments before on this blog.
Who the hell said women were voting Obama to save abortions? They are interested in a ladies right to do what they want to their own bodies. An abortion scare-tactic?
This last poster is a bonafied idiot. Claiming 10 error in facts, saying it's provable with no proof.
How about Palin, denying to answer questions, bumbling on about Alaska and not the country of the United States. How about how she dances around the questions. Cut taxes and add jobs? WHAT!?!?!
Palin is a joke, and so is McCain for choosing her as a ticket to steal Hillary supporters. Apparently it worked, because there are some on this boards.
I'm a Hillary supporter, and feminist, and I would NEVER vote for Palin! I would not want my daugther growing up to be like her. She's a disgrace to woman.
"Remember, Clinton was only a governor, too, and of a smaller state."
In land mass which is irrelevant. It really depends how many people. Arkansas has 2.8 million people, as opposed to Alaska, which has 680,000 (4 times as less). Plus much of the land in Alaska is uninhabited....which makes this point more irrelevant.
For all of you who wanted Clinton and will vote for McCain...you are what is wrong with America. In addition, you make Clinton look bad. She is over it by supporting Obama, and you should too.
I didn't watch the first debate (with McCain and Obama) because I wasn't crazy about either one. But I watched last night's debate because I was finally curious about Palin and Biden, which I know very few about either one. After last night's debate, so far, I'm voting for Obama cuz it scares me to death that Sarah Palin might be representing the US on foreign policy. I'm afraid she's going to say "darn tootin' we're gonna blow your ass away if you don't do what we say," to any country that opposes us. and that is just pathetic!
Hillary supporters are diverse. Not all are jumping on that ship. I for one will stay with Hillary and vote for Obama though I dislike that guy greatly
Im puzzled by people like Heather who automatically assume everyone who doesn't like Obama is a republican! I was not slamming democrats, I am a lifelong democrat. But tearing each other apart is NO SIGN of party unity, was my statement. Maybe you should read the entire post before jumping on the "you're a republican" train! And I do NOT like being bullied into voting for anyone I disagree with, being called names or intimidation tactics. That's no way to achieve party unity.
I also was a Hillary supporter. I will not vote for Mr. Obama. Why do I have to follow Hillary for this? Hillary (and Bill) can say or do what she is comfortable with. I will not vote for somebody who is a weak candidate and selected (not elected) from the Democratic party.
I understand why some are angry with Obama for deciding not to choose Hillary as his running mate. It is sad for me as well. But I am not going to let it affect my support because the alternative is too grave to think of. If you are so angry with Obama that you can not vote for him, fine. But please DO NOT punish the country for Obama's mistake. That is what you would be doing if you voted for McCain.
Some of you would crack me up but your sexist stupidity is pathetic. You whined and cried because Hillary didn't get chosen. You b****ed and moaned because a woman wasn't on the ticket. Lo and behold, John McCain heard you and you did orgasmic flipflops and handstands over his pick. You wanted a woman...and you got a woman. And GOD HELP US, look at what women got. A vapid, stumbling, bumbling little vamp who uses her looks and sexuality to make people overlook her whacko right-wind ideology!
Sarah winks. Sarah says "gosh darn" and "golly" and people fawn all over her homespun, All-American insincerity and pronounce her fit to rule.
And of course, some women still think she's The Second Coming of Hillary just because she isn't "that black man who's a misogynist".
Get real. Get a clue. Get a brain. Get a life. Sarah reduced herself to every sexist stereotype of a bimbo the other night in the debate. What's next,a strip tease? Hillary is pleading with us NOT to fall for Palin because she's so opposite of everything Hillary stands for. But that's OK, in some eyes, because Hillary (to some) has become a misguided shill for Obama and some of her supporters actually think SHE'S wrong!
Like a said, get a brain and grow up! Sarah Palin is making a mockery of feminism and you're aiding and abetting her if you support that ticket. But since you're ready to throw Hillary under the bus, go right ahead and throw women and the Democrats under the bus while you're at it.
You make women look stupid, whiney, sexist, and illogical. Way to go. Hillary Supporter for Obama
If Hillary supporters don't vote for McCain, she has no chance of ever getting into the white house. If The economy doesn't turn around in 4 years it will be bad for either Obama or McCain if elected. However, if Obama is president, the Americans will not trust the Democrats, and Hillary won't stand a chance. Also, you can rarely beat the incumbent in a political race if you're from the same party. If Obama wins, Hillary will have to wait a long long time for another chance. She will probably be 70 by the time she gets another chance. If you are 100% sure that Obama can turn the economy around, go for it. But remember, if he taxes big companies, the jobs will definitely go overseas. He will lose in a landslide to the Republicans in a re-election, and it will take Democrats another 12 to 16 years to get the white house back.
Vote for McCain because it'll help Hillary win the Presidency in the long run?
If Obama wins, and the economy recovers, ect., she'll be in a great position to run in 8 years. IF he wins and the mess continues, she's in a great position to run in 4.
Aside from being utter nonsense, your suggestion assumes people are more concerned with Hillary's career than the good of the country.
How can we get Biden to address the Obama truth squads in Missouri and the Obama network on Dish Network in tonights debate?
I'm gettin my popcorn and soda ready. And I don't think that the moderator that has a book with "The Age of Obama" in the title (Ifill) and a release date on inauguration day will be taking questions. It will be interesting to see if she has an agenda or not. I dont see how she can say that it isn't a conflict of interest when she stands to make millions if Obama wins and makes her book all that more popular.
Sarah Palin is about to blow Biden away.
I am just curious to why this is the only VP debate....if I made the rules I would make McCain/Obama debate once a week for the remaining six weeks and the VP's have at least 3.
Yes I agree old Joe will not know what hit him when Sarah goes and gets him LOL!
Sarah Palin is going to PALIN SLAP Joe Biden.
Biden will wipe the floor with her
The irony is that Biden is a feminist while Palin is the anti-feminist. She will do nothing for women or minorities except set us back further. I can't decide if she is a total idiot or a total sell out? I have faith that Biden will educate her ignorance tonight and send her and her lipstick back to Alaska!!!
I would just like Joe Biden to ask Sarah Palin why the republicans think they can rebuild the economy from the top to the bottom, and also why she thinks it is ok to mix church and state to over turn roe vs wade. Why Sarah and John think they know whats best for a women when they don't even know the cercumstans of why women want to abort? Also why they want to make every state a right to work state to destroy they unions witch our country was build on the backs of union labors who faught hard throught the years to get there rights in the work place. But most of all why rape victums will have to pay for there own rape kit and why in alaska it is very heard to get the 32 hour pill and why she thinks she can make the choice for us american women?
union wife
and proud dem
Too bad Hillary isn't in the debates. What a sorry state of affairs when Biden is chosen over Hillary.... and Obama.... what were they thinking became the nominee. The world is insane.... I don't care about the outcome of any of these debates, I am not voting for the Empty Suit, meida creation Nobama. Either I will write in Hillary (or Bill) or pull the lever for McCain.
Wondering if Palin brushed up on her foreign policy
I just hope she doesn't bring her gun..Everyone hide all the animals everywhere!
with ppl not voting all that does is hurt the american ppl.
Would you rather want john and sarah running the country not me
tonight we will all see just how stupid Palin is. Everyone is saying how tough she is and they like it. What about Hillary? Hillary can chew her up and spit her out and she is also a woman. Why didn't anyone take up for Hillary in this fashion? maybe because she's tough as nails AND smart? How ironic and moronic. I hope Biden exposes her for the unrealistic and oblivious "June Cleaver" that Palin is. Furthermore- there is alot more to hunting then just shooting an animal. You have to know the difference between a moose and an elk. That shows that she is even stupid when it comes to her own state. I shudder to think of her making decisions for all 50 states.
Its funny how people that are already born are pro-abortion. Its also funny that if Obama's mother, who was a single mother, had aborted him you wouldn't have a canidate. In any case if Roe vs. Wade really was going to be overturned it would have been done in Bush's admin. Abortion is being used as a scare tactic to get people to vote Democrat.
Palin isn't stupid. I love to be underestimated. It makes it all that much better when you show who the real idiot is.
it would be nice to have a women in office who believes in women
I love how some people are saying PALIN is going to blow away BIDEN. That is absolutely laughable. Biden is at least intelligent with a ton of experience. Palins interviews with Charles Gibson and Katie Couric were laughable. She is a complete moron. Without big daddy McCain there to hold her hand, she just may cry. I can't wait to see Biden destroy her.
Look, we're all disappointed that Hillary didn't get the nomination...she woulda been great. HOWEVER...GET OVER IT. If you're a self respecting democrat/liberal and you pull the lever for McCain, you are an idiot.
If you elect McCain/Palin, say good bye to your social programs, good bye to any chance of national healthcare, goodbye to renewable resources, and good bye to your welfare check.
Legal Abortions...
It's not a scare tactic.
Democrats don't preach fear.
Conservatives do.
Go ahead, make abortions illegal.
It's just like smoking pot.
Even if its illegal, people will still find a way to do it.
I know all the people supporting Palin on this board are former Hillary supporters that jumped ship because they don't like Obama's personaility, and want to vote for a woman. It's a proven fact that a good portion of Hillary supporters have done so, and it's laughable. That is being a moron, and it looks bad as a Hillary supporter.
Just to vote because it's a woman is ignorant. I'm not sexist...hell I wanted a woman to be president. Didn't happen. However, Palin is the exact polar opposite of Hillary. In every way. Hillary is smart, Palin is an idiot. Hillary has plenty of experience, Palin has QUESTIONABLE experience (which is also minute in number).
Obama at least has similar views on issues and ideals as Hillary....although McCain and Palin do not. Being a Hillary supporter than going with the McCain ticket is blasphemous.
McCain and Palin will will finish what bush started and take down america and all that that the americans have faught for to get there freedoms a step forward for republicans is a step back for man kind
save america and vote dem
time for the action
i am a formenr hillary supporter and i stay true to my party its the same views said in a different way by a different person
if she never ran would you still be backing mccain
not me
as for the abortion comment goes wouldnt you reather do it safe and at a hosipital
than in a hotel or ally
with the chance of death
it is the womens choice not sarah or johns
the should be more worried about our economy and making frinds again with other countrys
and cleaning up bush mess
that needs so much help
This CA lesbian is all about backing my girl, Sarah. I hope she makes people feel real stupid for being such vial and hateful pigs towards her. Why are people such haters? She's a hottie po-tottie that had the guts to tell the American people...particularly Conservatives that she embraces her best friend, who happens to be gay. I think that is the message of tolerance and acceptance that we need. What the hell has Biden, or Obama done to further equal rights?!?!?!?!?
A lesbian for a ticket that is anti-gay marriage? So what, Palin said her best friend is gay? DO YOU THINK SHE WILL ADVANCE THE RIGHTS OF GAYS!?!?! You have got to be kidding me. Way to root for your enemy, retard.
Let me straighten this out....Palin is not the equivalent of Hillary. Hillary is completely different, with different ideals. TOTAL DIFFERENT PERSON! Hillary was for equal rights for race, color, etc. Palin and her presidential running mater ARE NOT.
if you knew what you were talking about you would know in the 90s biden wrote the law to protect women aginst there attackers
and faught for womens rights
just cause she hugged a gay person does not make her good for office
that just shows how smart you are
She's lookin' good. She's in her element. Go Sara Go!
Watching the debate right now your girl sarah does not even got her fax righ
he just corrected her on two differnt points
she needs to realize we are not talking about alaska we are talking about america as a whole
She's not even bothering to answer the questions. Honestly, this is someone you all want to be in office? Think about it, voting for McCain/Palin just because she is a woman is not a good idea. If you were a Hillary supporter why would do the complete opposite of supporting her to vote for McCain/Palin? Vote based on views and what this country needs. Not based on sex.
McCain has been more vocal for Gay rights that Obama has. Obama believes marriage is only between a man and a woman. McCain supports civil unions and rights for gays to be able to visit thier partners in the hospital, etc. Do your homework.
Too bad Hillary isn't in the debates. What a sorry state of affairs when Biden is chosen over Hillary.... and Obama.... what were they thinking became the nominee. The world is insane.... I don't care about the outcome of any of these debates, I am not voting for the Empty Suit, meida creation Nobama. Either I will write in Hillary (or Bill) or pull the lever for McCain.
Sarah Palin can't handle Washington.... I don't even think she's even been there. She keeps slamming Obama and Biden on legislation that they went wrong on..... SHE hasn't even been in Capitol Hill so what the hell is her problem???
Joe Biden talks and talks to make him look smarter than he is. I admit he is a smart and well experianced man.
However Sarah Palin is directly talking to the American people. The moderator has been quoted as a bias Pro-Obama supporter. Sarah Palin is being civil and talking about thinkgs that are important to the people.
Do your homework ricco, Obama says he personally does not believe in gay marriage but does believe in giving each state the authority to decided individually whether or not to legalize gay marriage. This is not as great as legalizing it completely but it's a step. He also believes in allowing gay people to serve openly in the military and for gay couples to adopt children as easily heterosexual couples. These all look like steps in the right direction.
Sarah can handle Washington. Ya know if people aint hatin' you aint hot. Sarah is hot and people are hatin'.
What does supporting or not supporting gays have to do with running the country
it has nothing to do with
national security
forgin policy
it is mixing church and state it does not belong
and neither party is talking about it
Why does Joe Biden keep taking deep breaths? Is that his tell for an incoming gaffe?!?
I was responding to the person that said they were a lesbian and then was attacked for wanting to vote for McCain.
Why will she never answer the question asked?? She keeps taking a U turn to something else!!! ANNOYING!!!
Honestly, everything is about Alaska.
She doesn't have to be corraled by her opponent or the biased moderator. I think she's handling it awesome.
I love how Palin never answers the question asked, and never has a retort to any of Biden's arguments. HAHA. She is so scripted.
The sad part about this debat is we don't have to watch it any more
caus Sarah will not answer one question that just the kind of leader i want in office
is this what americans really want in office another bush
its just like lissioning to him
None of her "facts" are even facts. Come on.
Here is the same sex question. Lets see how Palin turns this question into energy. HAHA
Palin is a puppet. SERIOUSLY!! Speak for yourself. I think I remember hearing this Iraq answer from McCain last week.
this is comical. she has no idea what she is talking about!!!
Yeah give the enemies the timeline so they know our plan... Greeeeaaat.
"Uhm.....................you're plan is a white flag to Iraq." WTF is that?
Is it just me or is the winking and the "Darn Right!" things annoying?
He voted against a timeline not funding for the troops.
i want to know what the republicans think when their is only uppuer class america left
what is going to happen with middle and lower class america with the was they handle economy issues what will happen to america
Ricco, NO.
He voted against the G.I. Bill. The bill to give Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan government money to go to college once their military commitment was complete.
McCain believes any person who joins the military should make a career out of it. And that is the only way you could get college funding from McCain. CHECK IT!! McCain VOTED AGAINST THE TROOPS!!!
you cant put demands on ppl and exspect answers when you are saying
you have to do this this and this before we can sit down and talk out our problems
lets go to war first
then talk
thats stupid
and kills many on both sides
with no answers
is that how you would tell your kids to solve there problems
how smart is that
She's awesome. If she can get up to speed in 5 weeks imagine when she has 4 years!
Biden sounds like a balloon releasing air. He was outed of the primary after two states for a reason.
Please Krystal I trust McCains judgement when it comes to the military hands down. He knows and has paid the closest to the ultimate price as a soldier.
Did Hillary support gay marriage?
i am done with this
you get facts from biden
and a whole lot of crap from palin
she has not shown anything for any one all she is, is another pretty face
If you read the article you can see he voted against the bill (not the troops) as it was presented but supports an alternate version of the bill that addresses certain issues.
I think I am done.
Palin bores me.
She is puppet who can't speak for herself.
She says NUC*YOU*LAR, not Nuclear!!!
She has no idea what she is talking about.
*wink wink* You're darn right!!!
Yeah Krystal and Anj you thought she was going to get run over and she stood strong. Thankya for underestimating her.
Wow, Ricco. You are out of touch. Why aren't you in a Republican blogger post leaving comments. Seems like he is in here just to ruffle feathers and get off on it.
Were you ever a Hillary fan? I don't think so if you are rooting for Palin here.
She is a joke, can't even answer questions correctly. Alaska does not equal the USA. Granted it's her experience.
Her winking is annoyong. How she would ever get into Washington is beyond me. Right around 10 PM EST, she had a questionable, nervous tone to her voice. I thought she was going to cry.
I sure do under stand Sarah Palin. I understand she has not idea what she is talking about. I understand the McCain camp gives her talking points she can't stray from. Good for her being such a good girl, and not speaking for herself.
So yes. I do understand. She has no place in Washington!!
Palin, answer a question. It's like Katie Couric all over again. She is clueless. WOW!
Did she just give a shout out to school children and talk about her family. Her families experience and jobs is NOT necessary to even say. She needs a clue.
Take it as you will. I am a Hillary supporter and she will win me back. Just like Hillary said, "I just don't want to see the country fall backward".
No true Hillary Democratic supporter would EVER VOTE REPUBLICAN!!! That is status quo and falling backwards. How could we fall anymore back then where we are right now? VOTE McCAIN!!
Palin can't answer a straight question.. it's like she's been instructed to attack one of Obamas' plans when she feels cornered!
Did anyone else notice the wink she gave during her brain fart? lol
YES!!! The *WINK* is killing me!!! lol
i can't wait to read what the critics have to say about this debate. They're going to tear Palin to shreds!!!
me to
Well I am true Hillary supporter and I am voting for McCain. Get over it. There are alot of people like me.
There aren't as many "Hillary" supporters turning red as you think. McCain pulled out of Michigan today. Colorado is turning blue. Virginia is turing blue. Florida is even polling turing blue. So all the "Hillary" red supporters are scant, or talk more game than action!!!
are you voting for him because you believe his views or because you just don't have a clue and you think you are in high school vothing for the prom king or queen and if so you should not be allowed to vote
This thread is looking a little better then last weeks debate thread! I was sick from all the McCain love on Hillarys' site! lol
What in the hell is with all this "Maverick" talk? What an IDIOT!
I am woman.. that won't convence me to vote for McCain and that joke of a side kick!
Palin. Stop saying Maverick. You just sound unintelligent.
I am confident that Biden will be proclaimed as a winner here. It is apparent. Thanks for Obama/Biden a bump Palin. I saw this coming.
Wow, way to go Biden. Finally shut this maverick crap up. What a great way to respond to her.
I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left. - Mararet Thatcher
Just because we Hillary supporters were excited about having a woman in the White House does not mean that we should now settle for this doofus just because she has a va-jay-jay. Obama-Biden if you're smart ;-)
she has not said a thing all night
just a bunch of bs
america is not just alaska
The only way you "work together" in Alaska is firing everyone until EVERYONE agrees with YOU!!!
You also hire friends to your government from high school, because they like horses!!!
At the begining of this debate did i actually here her say most of her life she has been middle class!!? wow.. she is oblivious!
Her only tactic is to relate to Americans. I don't want to relate to you, we're not the same, you want to VP of the USA! I mean come on, she doesn't even know what she's talking about. It's laughable!! Also, I'm so thrilled that FL is changing their mind and switching over to the Dem side! As some who lives in FL that just makes me smile!! :)
i think it is safe to say Biden won
she says i like to answer these questions
what questions did she answer
she does not fight for the middle class and neither does mccain
YOU'RE DARN RIGHT, I got my ass handed to me.
**wink wink**
I do like how both are actually looking at each other. Not like the bitter screen that McCain held over the last debate......not even looking at Obama.
McCain will create jobs and cut taxes? Yea, cut taxes for big business owners and people that are in the high dollar bracket. Not everyday common workers, blue-collar americans.
What a joke.
Joe Biden just took this debate away from Palin with the first and only show of actual PASSION!
She kicked @ss. How many times did Biden do a double-take or take a deep breath? It was awesome.
We don't need someone "ordinary to deal with this countries "extraordinary problems!
exactly killer!!
whatever ricco, your perception is off...we'll just see who they claim won this debate! lol
Most great speakers take a deep breath prior to beginning a point, so they don't sound like Miss. Teen South Carolina. (or Sarah Palin)
Oh ok. Thanks for the wake up call "Psycho Killer". You might want to use your real name if you want to be taken seriously.
right on krystal! lol you're "DARNED RIGHT' HAHA
HAHA! The commentators are mentioning how Palin refused to answer and then go to pointless talking points.
Biden totally won. Without a doubt in my mind. The bump for the dems. Thanks Sarah.
Krystal he was taking deep breaths when Palin was talking. I wasn't talking about when before he spoke.
Ohh ok Ricco! no problem, if that's all it take to took serious you must be as shifty as your soccar mom! lol
Anyway, it was fun. I enjoyed the banter. Peace out.
Psycho Killer you are a girl! I always thought you were a dude. Cool. Anyway I enjoy debatin' with you. You are fun. Later Jennifer.
These crazy political pundits...why do they even bother. "Ooh, I just loved Sarah Palin. She was brilliant." If you thought that going into the debate, there is no way you will say anything else now so why even talk about it? Same for Biden's camp...if you loved him before, you love him now. Wasted breath!
who the hell uses the phrase 'darn sure' in a vice presidential debate? She is so unclassy it makes my stomach turn. I love Matt Damon's interview where he compares Sarah Palin as VP as a 'bad Disney' movie...
You know what, watching all the democrats attacking other democrats with words like moron and stupid is just disgusting.
It's a pretty marxist attitude to think everyone must agree with you or else their stupid or moronic. And whatever Hillary supporters were left on the fence, Im sure you've helped push them red! Wrong strategy, but seems to be nothing more than typical Obama supporters thug tactics.
No matter who you vote for, its your vote, and you should never let someone bully or intimidate you into voting for their candidate. Go with who you think is right, not who the majority of the sheeple think is right.
Thank you for posting anonymouslyand slamming the democrats - just like a republican to do... I will vote for who I want to - its a free country... thanks to the democrats.
I personally think Palin is not smarter than a fifth grader. she never gives a straight answer. i watched the debate and think that Biden did a wonderful job.
Is anyone else just sorry that we aren't voting between Biden and Palin? I really enjoyed their debate tonight...it was as it should be...they were disagreeing with each other and saying what their ticket would do differently. Now you can vote on what you think is better policy, not on stupid MUDSLINGING that most people and yes even on this thread are doing. Vote one way or the other or fill in the blank based on what you feel is better policy...that's all.
I don't like Obama or McCain...
I was not impressed with either VP candidate. Both, to me, don't represent the change that the country needs. I am futher convinced that my not voting as a protest(I am a proud PUMA member) is the right thing to do because whether Obama or McCain wins this next election, the American people still lose...
I cannot believe how unprepared Palin came across. Palin totally blew it. You are lying to yourself if you think Palin won the debate or even came across as mildly knowledgeable.
Sarah Palin is just your run of the mill Village Idiot, with lipstick and one pea rolling around in her head for a brain. If one thinks she won the debate tonight, well, I guess this explains the mentality of this country.
Biden did the same old Washington routine. He said things that were not true, and only the Fox news addressed it.
Palin was refreshing. She has been in the mainstream while Biden has been one of the fat cats in Washington. Ask Biden about his own and his son's close relationship with MBNA-check the new bankruptcy law that Biden orchestrated. Oh yes, people can lose their homes, but businesses are protected under the new bankruptcy laws.
That Bridge to No Where--well, it was before Palin was governor that it was passed by the Senate and guess who voted for it--Obama and Biden. When the money was refused by Palin, it was put on the floor to have that money channeled to bridges in the Katrina disaster area and guess who voted against it--Obama and Biden.
I would rather take my chances with her and her non-connection with the Congress now.
Remember, in 2005 McCain tried to pass a bill to regulate Fannie and Freddie-but guess who blocked it?
Our wonderful Democratic Congress.
Remember, Dodd and Obama got the most donations from Fannie Mae.
One of Obama's advisors, a former
head of Fannie, walked away with 80 million dollars in 6 years.
And remember Palin is the only one who has actually been an executive.
Remember, Clinton was only a governor, too, and of a smaller state.
If you are really thinking of the country as a whole, then you will think the McCain/Palin ticket.
By the way, I was a former Hillary state delegate, and after the crooked, underhanded ways of the Obama camp and the DNC, which I actually saw, I am now an Independent. As Palin said tonight, Obama is dangerous in more ways that the media will let you know.
Read, research his past and present and you will understand the fear.
thanks for bringing up "fox news" .. ever noticed that they are the only news to bring certain things up, as opposed to all the other networks? lol they are the most narrow viewed news you can watch! "only fox news brought it up?. well of course! they are 100% right wing!
oh and thanks Ricco, it's been groovy!
Biden I think, won this debate. My opinion is, if you have been satisfied with the last 8 years and how our economy is crumbling, then vote for McCain and Palin, but I AM READY FOR A CHANGE!!!...and I strongly believe Biden and Obama can give out country what it needs!
Can't believe the same Obama blogger writing all these insane comments against Palin.
The lady blew Biden away tonight.
He made 10 errors in facts (provable).
I will be glad when Obama loses and all you trolls don't get paid for all your negative blogs everywhere. You aren't fooling anyone.
DNC and Obama dished Hillary, and why she is still supporting them I don't know. But I have no choice but go with Palin ticket. The abortion issue is a non-issue scare tactic. Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. You stupid women who think that you must vote for Obama to save your abortions is pathetic. If our country is attacked, will it matter????Security and Economy are the issues. Never seen so many stupid comments before on this blog.
Who the hell said women were voting Obama to save abortions? They are interested in a ladies right to do what they want to their own bodies. An abortion scare-tactic?
This last poster is a bonafied idiot. Claiming 10 error in facts, saying it's provable with no proof.
How about Palin, denying to answer questions, bumbling on about Alaska and not the country of the United States. How about how she dances around the questions. Cut taxes and add jobs? WHAT!?!?!
Palin is a joke, and so is McCain for choosing her as a ticket to steal Hillary supporters. Apparently it worked, because there are some on this boards.
I'm a Hillary supporter, and feminist, and I would NEVER vote for Palin! I would not want my daugther growing up to be like her. She's a disgrace to woman.
"Remember, Clinton was only a governor, too, and of a smaller state."
In land mass which is irrelevant. It really depends how many people. Arkansas has 2.8 million people, as opposed to Alaska, which has 680,000 (4 times as less). Plus much of the land in Alaska is uninhabited....which makes this point more irrelevant.
For all of you who wanted Clinton and will vote for McCain...you are what is wrong with America. In addition, you make Clinton look bad. She is over it by supporting Obama, and you should too.
I didn't watch the first debate (with McCain and Obama) because I wasn't crazy about either one. But I watched last night's debate because I was finally curious about Palin and Biden, which I know very few about either one. After last night's debate, so far, I'm voting for Obama cuz it scares me to death that Sarah Palin might be representing the US on foreign policy. I'm afraid she's going to say "darn tootin' we're gonna blow your ass away if you don't do what we say," to any country that opposes us. and that is just pathetic!
I am really puzzled by the Hillary supporters who are jumping ship to McCain.
Hillary supporters are diverse. Not all are jumping on that ship. I for one will stay with Hillary and vote for Obama though I dislike that guy greatly
Im puzzled by people like Heather who automatically assume everyone who doesn't like Obama is a republican!
I was not slamming democrats, I am a lifelong democrat. But tearing each other apart is NO SIGN of party unity, was my statement. Maybe you should read the entire post before jumping on the "you're a republican" train!
And I do NOT like being bullied into voting for anyone I disagree with, being called names or intimidation tactics. That's no way to achieve party unity.
I also was a Hillary supporter. I will not vote for Mr. Obama. Why do I have to follow Hillary for this? Hillary (and Bill) can say or do what she is comfortable with. I will not vote for somebody who is a weak candidate and selected (not elected) from the Democratic party.
I understand why some are angry with Obama for deciding not to choose Hillary as his running mate. It is sad for me as well. But I am not going to let it affect my support because the alternative is too grave to think of. If you are so angry with Obama that you can not vote for him, fine. But please DO NOT punish the country for Obama's mistake. That is what you would be doing if you voted for McCain.
Some of you would crack me up but your sexist stupidity is pathetic.
You whined and cried because Hillary didn't get chosen. You b****ed and moaned because a woman wasn't on the ticket.
Lo and behold, John McCain heard you and you did orgasmic flipflops and handstands over his pick.
You wanted a woman...and you got a woman.
And GOD HELP US, look at what women got.
A vapid, stumbling, bumbling little vamp who uses her looks and sexuality to make people overlook her whacko right-wind ideology!
Sarah winks. Sarah says "gosh darn" and "golly" and people fawn all over her homespun, All-American insincerity and pronounce her fit to rule.
And of course, some women still think she's The Second Coming of Hillary just because she isn't "that black man who's a misogynist".
Get real. Get a clue. Get a brain. Get a life.
Sarah reduced herself to every sexist stereotype of a bimbo the other night in the debate. What's next,a strip tease?
Hillary is pleading with us NOT to fall for Palin because she's so opposite of everything Hillary stands for.
But that's OK, in some eyes, because Hillary (to some) has become a misguided shill for Obama and some of her supporters actually think SHE'S wrong!
Like a said, get a brain and grow up! Sarah Palin is making a mockery of feminism and you're aiding and abetting her if you support that ticket.
But since you're ready to throw Hillary under the bus, go right ahead and throw women and the Democrats under the bus while you're at it.
You make women look stupid, whiney, sexist, and illogical.
Way to go.
Hillary Supporter for Obama
If Hillary supporters don't vote for McCain, she has no chance of ever getting into the white house. If The economy doesn't turn around in 4 years it will be bad for either Obama or McCain if elected. However, if Obama is president, the Americans will not trust the Democrats, and Hillary won't stand a chance. Also, you can rarely beat the incumbent in a political race if you're from the same party. If Obama wins, Hillary will have to wait a long long time for another chance. She will probably be 70 by the time she gets another chance. If you are 100% sure that Obama can turn the economy around, go for it. But remember, if he taxes big companies, the jobs will definitely go overseas. He will lose in a landslide to the Republicans in a re-election, and it will take Democrats another 12 to 16 years to get the white house back.
Vote for McCain because it'll help Hillary win the Presidency in the long run?
If Obama wins, and the economy recovers, ect., she'll be in a great position to run in 8 years. IF he wins and the mess continues, she's in a great position to run in 4.
Aside from being utter nonsense, your suggestion assumes people are more concerned with Hillary's career than the good of the country.
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