Thursday, September 4, 2008

Contacts for US Senators

Here is a link to all Senators
Contact your Senators today and tell them that you want them to support the election of Hillary Clinton as Senate Majority Leader in '09!

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Anonymous said...

Just a short lesson in Senate Majority Leader. I fully support this action and have been calling for it since her suspension speech. But we have to go about it the right way:

Please ONLY contact Democratic Senators. The majority leader is chosen by the caucus of the majority party (whichever party has the greater number of members in the senate). So, if the Democrats do their job down ballot and retain the majority, they will elect a leader in January during their caucus. So, Republicans have NOTHING to do with Hillary getting elected as Senate Majority Leader. So, please do not call Republican senators and aggravate them. She will need some of their support to get her legislation passed.

Secondly, please call Senators in your own state. They generally don't respond to constituents outside of their own state. I think this action will work but we need to be effective and smart about what we're doing...

Go get em!

Anonymous said...

"Secondly, please call Senators in your own state. They generally don't respond to constituents outside of their own state."

Wise advice - but if you want to widen your reach you can also encourage friends/relative in other states to contact their Senators as well