Tuesday, September 23, 2008


-- Still with Hillary...

All, In the pursuit of a veto proof Congress, we have a wonderful opportunity to show support for a strong Hillary Democrat, Mike McMahon. Mike is running for an open Congressional seat serving Staten Island and Brooklyn which has been in Republican hands. Please join us on Monday, October 6, but if not, please contribute as generously as possible and indicate your appreciation for Mike's strong support for Senator Clinton.

n.b. Senator Clinton along with the New York Congressional delegation has been invited to attend.
Please Join

New York City Speaker
Christine C. Quinn
At the home of
Ricki Lieberman
for a reception honoring
Michael McMahon
New York City Councilman

Candidate for Congress, District NY-13 (Open Seat)

"This year we have a historic opportunity to turn the last Republican Congressional District in New York City Democratic. We are committed to seeing that Mike McMahon is successful." – Joint Statement from the New York City Congressional Delegation

Monday, October 6, 2008
6:30 – 8:00PM

610 West End Avenue (Enter on 90th Street)
New York, New York

Suggested Contribution

$2,300 Sponsor • $1000 Supporter • $500 Individual • $250 Friend • $100 RRL list

Please R.S.V.P. to Deb Solomon at 718.698.0649 or via email deb.solomon@gmail.com

Light supper served

Produced in-house.

Authorized and paid for by McMahon for Congress


I would like to contribute at the following level:

RRL list: $100 per person _________

Friend: $250 per person __________

Honored Guest: $500 per person _________

Supporter: $1000 per person _________

Count me in as a Sponsor: $2300 per person _________

I cannot attend but would like to support McMahon for Congress by contributing $_________

Please charge $_________ to my personal, not corporate, credit card: Visa/ Mastercard/ AMEX

Name of Cardholder:_______________________

Credit Card #: ___________________________

Signature Required: ______________________



Occupation: ___________________

Employer: _________________

Address: __________________________________________

City:___________________ State:____ Zip:___________

Home Phone: _________________

Work Phone:_________________

Mobile Phone: _________________


Please make checks payable according to the following guidelines and mail to:

McMahon for Congress
66 Arnold Street
Staten Island, NY 10301

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals who contribute in excess of $200 in an election cycle. An individual may contribute a maximum amount of $2,300 per election (the primary and general are separate elections) to a federal candidate. Federal multicandidate political action committees (PACs) may contribute $5,000 per election.

Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury funds, government contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited by federal election law. Corporations and other persons are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to McMahon for Congress.

Contributions or gifts to McMahon for Congress are not tax-deductible.
FEC ID C00451138

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