Sunday, September 28, 2008

In case you missed it. SNL Skits

Couric / Palin Interview

Presidential Debate

Bill Clinton


Hillary in Michigan

Part 1

Part 2, 3, 4 and 5 available here


Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Thread Now Open...Discuss Away

Feel free to debate. Keep it civil!

**EDIT wow that was an intense debate


Video from Bloomberg's party for Hillary back in August

Bloomberg talking about Hillary

Barbara Walter talks about Hillary

Chevy Chase talks about Hillary



Hillary to GOP: Stop the "posturing"

From the Politico

Hillary Rodham Clinton backs yesterday's agreement between Congressional leaders and Hank Paulson and is slamming the House GOP for "posturing" and "partisan politics."

Her statement:

"The crisis that has seized our markets and millions of families throughout our nation demands our swift action. Any further delay motivated solely by partisan politics and posturing risks deeper financial crisis and catastrophe.

While legitimate concerns about the proposal should be and will continue to be discussed, obstruction for its own sake undermines the economic security of our financial markets and nation. The gravity of the current crisis compels us to put aside partisan wrangling and posturing so that we can proceed on a course of action that will ensure the stability of our markets."


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hillary on Entertainment Tonight


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hillary at Hiro


Hillary on CNN


Hillary on Morning Joe


Hillary on the Today Show


Join HillPac and help Support Hillary Supporters

Join HillPac

Join HillPac and help support candidates that supported Hillary and help support initiatives like Healthcare.


Bill Clinton On Letterman

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


-- Still with Hillary...

All, In the pursuit of a veto proof Congress, we have a wonderful opportunity to show support for a strong Hillary Democrat, Mike McMahon. Mike is running for an open Congressional seat serving Staten Island and Brooklyn which has been in Republican hands. Please join us on Monday, October 6, but if not, please contribute as generously as possible and indicate your appreciation for Mike's strong support for Senator Clinton.

n.b. Senator Clinton along with the New York Congressional delegation has been invited to attend.
Please Join

New York City Speaker
Christine C. Quinn
At the home of
Ricki Lieberman
for a reception honoring
Michael McMahon
New York City Councilman

Candidate for Congress, District NY-13 (Open Seat)

"This year we have a historic opportunity to turn the last Republican Congressional District in New York City Democratic. We are committed to seeing that Mike McMahon is successful." – Joint Statement from the New York City Congressional Delegation

Monday, October 6, 2008
6:30 – 8:00PM

610 West End Avenue (Enter on 90th Street)
New York, New York

Suggested Contribution

$2,300 Sponsor • $1000 Supporter • $500 Individual • $250 Friend • $100 RRL list

Please R.S.V.P. to Deb Solomon at 718.698.0649 or via email

Light supper served

Produced in-house.

Authorized and paid for by McMahon for Congress


I would like to contribute at the following level:

RRL list: $100 per person _________

Friend: $250 per person __________

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Please make checks payable according to the following guidelines and mail to:

McMahon for Congress
66 Arnold Street
Staten Island, NY 10301

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals who contribute in excess of $200 in an election cycle. An individual may contribute a maximum amount of $2,300 per election (the primary and general are separate elections) to a federal candidate. Federal multicandidate political action committees (PACs) may contribute $5,000 per election.

Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury funds, government contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited by federal election law. Corporations and other persons are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to McMahon for Congress.

Contributions or gifts to McMahon for Congress are not tax-deductible.
FEC ID C00451138

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives

-- This is absolutely brilliant.

TED Talks Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.

Sorry I couldn't post the video for you but I encourage you to click the link below to feed your mind.

To view this brilliant video ~ click here

Friday, September 19, 2008

Still In Highschool? Take the 2008 BB Election Survey

This doesn't have anything to do with Hillary but if you are still in Highschool take the Best Buy Election Survey


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Nancy Pelosi on Energy

-- How is Nancy Pelosi on energy?

Take a look.

Perhaps someone should turn her onto Skype?

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton Stands Up For Troops


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Video Forum on Women’s Issues with Hillary


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Lady Lynn Forester De Rothschild on CNN

-- This woman definitely speaks for me. If she speaks for you, then I invite you subscribe to ~ while this site remains a Hillary site.

Wolf Blitzer gives Lady Lynn another shot

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Buy The New Hillary DVD & Help Pay Off Her Debt

Contribute $50 and you'll get a DVD with Hillary's historic speech in Denver, the inspiring video that introduced her and President Clinton's remarks as well. It will also include a special message that Hillary recorded just for you.

For a gift of $250 or more, you can get a Limited "Signature" Edition personally signed by Hillary!

Click Here To Buy The DVD

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Harkin & Clinton Assail Bush Admin on Pay Discrimination


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Wow I Could've Had A Clinton

This is a great video


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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

--McCain to appear at Clinton conference; Obama to speak via satellite
By Ben Smith

Bill Clinton just released the program for his annual Clinton Global Initiative, a New York conference that coincides with the United Nations General Assembly and typically draws an international A-list of speakers and guests.

John McCain will appear at the event in person, while Obama addresses it via satellite.

"Both United States presidential candidates will have a role in the Annual Meeting. Senator John McCain will deliver the opening remarks live at the "Integrated Solutions: water, food and energy" plenary session," says the press release.

The event, which carries a hefty price tag for guests, includes a revival-style conclusion, at which business leaders come on stage to make pledges to charities.

This year's attendees are expected to include, along with the two candidates, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and the presidents of Mexico, Rwanda, Libera, and other countries. Also expected: former Vice President Al Gore, oilman T. Boone Pickens, and Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk.


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Hillary and Palin on SNL

-- For anyone who didn't see last Saturday's SNL skit. This had to be the funniest political skit so far.

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Hillary on the Economy from Good Morning America


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Monday, September 15, 2008

Support Sheila Jackson Lee

-- Bravo ~ Soldier4Hillary

~~ Sheila Jackson Lee

By Soldier4Hillary

How do you want to be remembered? As someone who sat on the sideline and watched our country spiral down to a point of no return? Or someone who had the ability to stand up and save a nation? The time for indecision is past. Words spoken throughout this last year will forever be a reminder of those who had the ability and courage to place there country, over a political party. The needs of a nation, and its people, over Pac contributions, dollar signs, hidden agenda's and ulterior motives. Look around you for a moment. Stop and take a hard look at the things that are happening in this world through someone else’s eyes. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. View someone else’s life and reality Travel there path. A path that they travel on, from day to day to get a different perspective. Sit aside your personal thoughts and beliefs and view the world through someone else’s eyes. Stop believing in someone and start believing in some thing. Leading a country is not just about having and maintaining the highest position our country has to offer. It's about understanding that the decisions you make, the judgments you may decide will not just affect one person, but all of us.

Stop thinking about what you personally want, click here

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rumor! Hillary to replace Biden as VP - Take The Poll

Rumor all over the internet is that Biden is going to step down due to a health issue and that Hillary is going to replace him as VP. Here is a link to recent chatter on the internet

What does everyone think about this? Take the poll

Poll Answers


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Friday, September 12, 2008

Show your support for this blog!


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Thursday, September 11, 2008


Dear Hillary Supporters,
Now that The Democratic Convention is over and Hillary is out of the presidential race for 2008, it has become clear we supporters are re-examining what is important to us in this election.
Some of you will be voting a third party
Some of you will be voting for a democratic president
Some of you will vote for McCain in protest
Some of you will not vote at all
Wherever you are is valid and your personal choice.

For anyone who is planning to vote for McCain as a move that we consider "tough love" or still in the inquiry ~ we ask that you add our new myspace page ~ DemsMoveOn ~ as well as subscribe to & bookmark our new site,
The will return to being all about Hillary. Supporting Hillary in all her future endeavors and helping those politicians that laid it all on the line to help Hillary. In the meantime, if and when Hillary runs for senate re-election, Senate Majority Leader, or for President of the United States, we will ALL be ready to support her on day one.

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Steinem Does Not Speak For Me

--Gloria Steinem does not speak for me.

The feminist blew it this year. They had plenty of time to pull together and come to Hillary's side but they did not. Meanwhile, Obama's camp and the media did nothing but belittle women.

Now Steinem may mean well but we have two choices;

1. Vote for Obama to preserve women's rights even though his campaign, the democratic party and the media showed nothing but disdain for women. How ironic.


2. Vote for McCain as a way to let remind our party that if they don't care about our votes during the primaries, then we'll take our vote somewhere else.

To me, Palin is a bonus.

We don't all share the same values and that should be okay.

My values are based in principle. Steinem's values are based in the past. She and her community of women with strap ons blew it. By asking me to support the party that abused women in the first place is like asking me to stay in an abusive marriage in order to protect women's rights.

Uh, I don't think so. It's my "right" to JustSayNoDeal

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Biden says, 'Hillary Clinton Is A Better VP Pick'.

This is both funny and sad at the same time because it is so true.

From ABC News
"Spokesman Ben Porritt offered this response from the McCain camp: "Barack Obama’s most important decision of this election, and Biden -- the candidate he selects -- suggests, himself, that he wasn’t the right man for the job, and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice. Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this."
From NewsBusters
"Of course, what makes this even more delicious is what Obama told CNN's Candy Crowley back in June:

Calling his choice of running mate "the most important decision that I will make before I am president," the senator from Illinois said he would "be deliberate and systematic about it, because this will be my final counselor when I am making decisions in the White House, and I want to make sure I get it

I get it's reassuring to the junior senator from Illinois that the person he picked doesn't agree with his decision."


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Matt Damon Calls Palin VP-Palooza

-- Damon Calls Palin VP-Palooza 'Like a Really Bad Disney Movie'

OMG! What a disappointment. I love Matt Damon but where was he when Obama came out of nowhere with no experience. Do men not get it? Can they not see themselves as they resist women and then pretend their not doing that?

Calling the possibility of Sarah Palin being elevated to the presidency in the next four years a "really terrifying possibility," actor Matt Damon condemned the GOP's newest rock star as too green for the job in a new, no-holds-barred interview.
In it, the "Bourne Supremacy" star called the media swirl around John McCain's VP pick "like a really bad Disney movie" and openly questions whether the "folksy stuff [Palin] learned at the hockey rink" will go over well when she's "facing down
Vladimir Putin" and other world leaders.

He also makes it very clear he wants to know Palin's views on Earth's history, and whether "she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago," apparently referring to the Alaska Governor's creationist views, adding "because she's going to have the nuclear codes."

To Watch the video click here -- and take the poll:

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hillary Campaigns for Bruce Lundsford (Kentucky)

Hillary Campaigns for Bruce Lundsford (Kentucky)
We all know Kentucky delivered for Hillary. The primary vote total was historic  We need to show PUMA influence by making a $10 contribution to pitch in.  If you really dislike Mitch McConnell, the Republican, as much as Kentucky Dems do, then send $20.  Click To Contribute. She is our kind of people, a lifelong Dem, and a hell of tough American.

Volunteer opportunities to HELP BRUCE:


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Help Hillary and Sheila Jackson Lee

Calling all Clinton Dems!
Hillary will be attending a reception for Sheila Jackson Lee on September 21st in Houston Texas and they need your help! This is no ordinary fundraiser...
There appears to be an all out effort on to oust representatives that supported Hillary from their congressional seats. Sheila is one of them. 
Big money players are supporting Sheila's opponent and really putting the heat on. The "politics of personal destruction" is their game. The smear campaign is in full swing.
Sheila stood with Hillary though her entire primary run and received threats, intimidation and namecalling just for supporting her. This kind of behavior can not be rewarded! Please come to her defense by attending this Houston fundraiser.
If you can't be there, please consider donating to her campaign.
Invitation (Please RSVP):
In the Message box, please type "HOST: ANN MacNAUGHTON". 
It is important that Hillary keeps as many of her friends as possible in office to help carry out her work for the American!
Please support Sheila if you can.
Clinton Dems

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Gloria Steinem on What Women Value

--- The Democrats Have Reached A New Low.
by Rockin Robin

I just got an email from asking me to

Tell The Media to Call Sarah Palin a Serial Liar

What? I will do no such thing.

Have we lost our minds? Are they really asking us to partake in the sewage of smearing another woman? Hasn't the media already played their hand in sexism? Now the democrats are asking me to sling mud at another woman?

Did anyone get a note from the republicans asking us to trash Biden?

Yesterday, while campaigning in Virginia, Obama made reference to putting lipstick on a pig then denies to the media that it had any correlation to Sarah Palin's reference to lipstick on a pitbull during her campaign altering speech. Are you kidding me? This comment is rationalized with claims that it was an intended slap at McCain, but again Obama has insulted the intelligence of American women.

Radio host Caplis tells a 20,000 person crowd-"It just seems funny to hear Barack Obama say that he's for equal opportunity for women," Caplis said. "Tell that to Hillary Clinton."

Do you think if Hillary was on the ticket she would appreciate standing next to Obama while he makes that lipstick on pig comment? I surmise he wouldn't have dared to go there.

It blows my mind how the democrats are clinging to their party not even getting that its no longer a democratic party. They are the party that seem to take women for granted. And the womens' issue, which has become the democratic party's signature threat, has ceaselessly been thrown in our faces since Hillary suspended her campaign.

Are women threatened by Palin and her values? Do they think she's going to slip into the white house and tell us all that we have to live according to HER values? Her value are hers. My values are mine. Neither of us are wrong.

Palin and I are the same age. I can relate to the possibility that the woman's movement before us made it difficult for us to navigate our future by pushing us into uncharted waters. Feminist broke ground on women's rights and equality but what that initially looked like for me was that we had to learn how to become a man to survive in the world. Suddenly wearing a tie was fashionable for women.

In light of this, Palin navigated her life according to her values. It may not be what the feminists before her had in mind, but Palin's values are hers and she is not obligated to adhere to feminists' values even though she is a product of their movement.

Likewise... while I appreciate what the feminists have done for women, they do not speak for me on what I value. We may agree on principle, but you cannot force your values onto me. This is where I draw the line.

In an LA Times article dated September 4, Gloria Steinem tears into the republican party and even attacks Palin by saying "Palin's value to those patriarchs is clear: She opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality." Excuse me? I am tired of this woman telling the world what women value. Steinem has no idea what I value.

Isn't it time for another look at what women value? We may be surprised to find that what we value is the integrity of our feminity. Being a woman is not a weakness. We don't need strap-ons. A woman who is true to herself is powerful. We don't need to fear men or "patriarchs" to stand for something we believe in. And we don't need to tote around the book of "the Art of emasculating men" anymore.

Bottom line, I refuse to vote based on those "matriarchs" spreading fear and hate on behalf of a party that allowed the media and the Obama campaign to stomp on women in the first place. That's like saying to a woman that she must remain in a marriage that abuses her because someone "out there" needs to reserve her right to forego the use of a condom. THAT'S INSANITY.

Therefore, I will not be calling the media to smear a woman who navigated those uncharted waters effectively. I applaud Palin and her value system whether I align with them or not.

Steinem needs to put her pen down and listen to the 18 million voices that did not get heard, then speak from there.

Womens' rights vs. Womens' rights ~ choose.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Clinton Democrats Do It Better on the Economy

Hillary speaking on the economy. Anyone else miss Hillary?

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Contacts for US Senators

Here is a link to all Senators
Contact your Senators today and tell them that you want them to support the election of Hillary Clinton as Senate Majority Leader in '09!

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Hillary Clinton for Senate Majority Leader

The DNC may have undermined 18,000,000 voters...

...but we can do our best to make sure that the DSCC and the Senate don't do the same.

Please contact the DSCC and tell them you want Hillary Clinton as their leader in January:

Like LBJ in the late 1950s, Hillary Clinton can lead this country from that seat of power... and we 18,000,000 will have our voices better served and respected.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are You Smarter Than An 8th Grader?

Regardless of who you vote for, one issue that is not being talked about is Education. I know Hillary would have done a great job and I only hope that the remaining candidates take the time to address our education system.

If you have a moment take the quiz and see if you are smarter than an 8th grader, send the quiz to a friend and join the discussion on education.



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