Monday, December 22, 2008

Message from Chelsea Clinton "The Difference We're Making"

As you know, it's been an exciting year for my family and I am so proud of both of my parents. This summer, I had the great opportunity of traveling to Africa with my father, where we met Jean Pierre, a young boy in a rural village in Rwanda.

Jean Pierre is alive and well today because of the antiretroviral treatments that the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) was able to make accessible to him. Jean Pierre told us that he wants to grow up to be a doctor and give more people a chance to live a healthy life.

Jean Pierre's story is inspiring, not just because he's benefiting from the work of everyone at CHAI, but also because he's leading by example with his lifetime goal of giving back and serving others through medicine.

While traveling across the country earlier this year supporting my mother, I was similarly inspired by the passion and generosity of so many Americans. In that spirit, I hope you'll consider supporting CHAI and the Clinton Foundation's other work in the U.S. and around the world. Gifts of any size make a very real difference.
To learn more about what your gift can accomplish, please click here.

From my family to yours, we hope you have a happy, healthy holiday season.

All the best for 2009,

Chelsea Clinton

P.S. Join me and get regular updates about our work at the Clinton Foundation.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

For Once I Completely Agree With Rachel Maddow

I am so dissappointed in President Obama for picking Rick Warren to give the inauguration invocation

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Condoleezza Rice on Hillary Clinton

"She's terrific," Rice told ABC television.

"I have known her for a long time, ever since she brought her freshman daughter (Chelsea) to Stanford (University) when I was provost at Stanford. I think she's going to be terrific," Rice said.

"President-elect (Barack) Obama has made his choice and he's made a terrific choice. Hillary Clinton is someone of intelligence and she'll do a great job," the top US diplomat said.

"She also has what's most important to be secretary of state, and that is that you love this country and you represent it from the basic of faith in its values, and I know that she will do that," Rice said. (AFP)

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Looking Back At Great Hillary Videos "Hillary In The House"

Paul Mclure the Talent behind the Hillary In the House video and he will be passing out dvds of his Hillary music video on Dec 15th at the fundraiser. If you cannot make it to the fundraiser but would like a copy of his dvd email him at

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Friday, December 5, 2008

How To Share A Great Blog Post

You should notice this share image at the bottom of every post. If you ever see a post that you would like to share just hover your mouse cursor over the share button at the bottom of the post and it will show you a drop down menu. Via the drop down menu you can now easily share any post you see on this blog on your facebook, myspace, digg, email and countless other options. Happy sharing!

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Caroline Kennedy to take Hillary's Sentate seat

Rumor has it that New York governor David Paterson has talked to Caroline Kennedy about the Senate position. Another Kennedy in the White House. Caroline is one of the most respected public figures in New York. Look for an announcement by the end of the year. (ABCNews)

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Congratulations Video for Hillary from a Supporter

Here is a great little video someone emailed me.

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Hillary up against deadline to pay Campaign Debt

America Ferrera has teamed up with Hillary and Bill Clinton to do a fundraiser in Manhattan to help raise money to pay off Hillary's Campaign debt.
"She will host an event at the Manhattan Center Studios on December 15 to help the former first lady extinguish the nearly $7.5 million debt" (allheadlinenews)
Hillary only has about 30 days left to pay off her debt. If you can't attend the fundraiser please order the new children's book "Dreams Taking Flight" it would make a perfect Christmas Gift for your daughter, niece, cousin, sister or a friend and it would help pay off her debt. I would hate to see her debt some how keep her from succeeding as Secretary of State.


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Al Franken Takes The Lead

Al Franken has taken the lead. (news article)
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The Future Of This Blog

Now that Hillary will be Secretary of State, this blog will focus on all things Hillary, watching the great works she does all over the world. This blog will also talk about equal rights, Bill Clinton, fellow Democrats that Hillary has supported and interesting articles that I find on the net about politics both national and international. Please feel free submit articles and if your interested in being a guest blogger email me.

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Message from Dorothy Rodham " I'm proud and inspired"

I'm so proud of everything my daughter has accomplished and excited about what her future holds.

Her life is full of amazing achievements, and her story has inspired millions of people, especially young girls, to achieve their dreams, no matter what they are.

There's a wonderful book about her life I'd like to share with you. It's called Hillary Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight, and it is the perfect way to share my daughter's story with a child you want to inspire.

As you know, Hillary is still working hard to pay down the debt from her campaign, and I hope you'll take this opportunity to help her out. With your contribution of $50, you will receive a copy of Dreams Taking Flight with a specially designed Hillary Clinton bookplate.

And for that special person in your life, with a contribution of $250 or more, you will receive a book that's personally signed by Hillary to him or her by name.

Contribute to help pay down Hillary's debt, and we'll send you a copy of Hillary Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight.

I know you're just as proud as I am of everything my daughter has achieved, and I want to thank you for everything you've done to support her!



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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gallup Poll: Americans Approve Of Hillary As Secretary of State

Hillary as Secretary of State
Gallup Poll
69% of Americans approve

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Conservative Group Attacks Hillary

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Bill Clinton on Hillary as Secretary of State

From a CNN Interview

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Help Save Marriage & Sign This Petition (Parody)

Here is another great video

Share this video with your friends/facebook/myspace etc

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hillary Wants You To Help

Hillary sent out an email today and is asking us to help SOS Children's Village

Here is a video about SOS Children's Village

Learn how you can help here

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Change the world with President Bill Clinton

The absolute highlight of the first session of the first day of the inaugural Clinton Global Initiative in Hong Kong. Former president Bill Clinton asks Uday Khemka about India's role in climate change prevention.

Bill truly is a Global Leader

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Prop 8 The Musical

I love Jack Black

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Make A Video For Hillary

Make a video for Hillary congratulating her on becoming Secretary of State. Upload your video to YouTube and email us the link at


A moment to celebrate

Here is a message from Bill Clinton
I am sure you have heard the exciting news: Hillary Clinton is nominated to be our next Secretary of State! This is great news for our country. She understands the challenges we face, and her experience and judgment will help President Obama restore America's reputation in the world and make our nation more secure.

Take a moment to celebrate this wonderful news by sending Hillary a message of congratulations.

This nomination would not have been possible without the hard work of everyone like you who has supported Hillary throughout the years. I know I speak for her when I say thank you for everything you have done for her.

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton


Monday, December 1, 2008

Hillary Officially Secretary of State

Post Your Comments


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and some good family time.

Be sure to check out Milk this weekend while your at it.


Don't Forget To Vote For Us

Vote for us in the 2008 Weblog Awards
Vote now and vote often!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hillary Accepts Secretary of State Position

NYTimes is reporting that she has officially accepted
"As news spread on Friday evening that Mrs. Clinton had decided to accept the job, so did a basic consensus: the assignment was probably a triumph for Mrs. Clinton, if a costly one."

"President-elect Barack Obama has settled on former campaign rival Hillary Clinton to be secretary of State, following a high-stakes courtship that is expected to lead to a formal announcement after the Thanksgiving holiday, aides to both said."


Update: Hillary Set To Be Secretary Of State

Here are the latest reports

Bloomberg "Senator Hillary Clinton is likely to be nominated for secretary of state after the Nov. 27 U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, according to an aide to President-elect Barack Obama. "


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

5 Things You Can Do While We Wait For The Hillary Secretary Of State Announcement

While we wait to hear if Hillary will be Secretary of State, which I personally think it's hers if she wants it.

In the meantime here are 5 things you can do while you wait

1- Join 7 Weeks To Equality - Help promote equality
2- Support Terry McAuliffe for Virginia Governor
3- Buy the Hillary DVD ( it will be a collectors item)
4- Join our Facebook
5- Vote for us in the 2008 Weblog Awards

Oh and if your on Linkedin join my network
My profile use the email


Monday, November 17, 2008

Hillary to accept Secretary of State

According to the UK Guardian Hillary is going to accept the Secretary of State position. I don't know how the UK could know before the US publications but well see.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hurry! Limited Edition DVDs Available

If you haven't picked up your limited edition Hillary DVD, it is not to late. Contribute $50 or more today and we will send you a special keepsake: A DVD of with Hillary and President Clinton's historic speeches in Denver, the inspiring video that introduced Hillary, and a special message recorded just for you.

For $250 or more, you will receive the special "Signature" edition personally signed by Hillary.

Click here to contribute today.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Terry McAuliffe running for Virginia Governor

Looks like Terry McAuliffe is going to run for Virginia Governor. Please head over to and support Terry

Hillary the Trailblazer & other updates

Glamour magazine has a great article about Hillary: Hillary The Trailblazer (Click To Read)

usy in the Senate: Senator Clinton held a conference call Tuesday calling for a comprehensive new stimulus package to jumpstart the ailing economy.

In a letter to President Bush and Senate leaders, Senator Clinton outlined a series of measures that would protect those Americans hit hardest by the recession and put the nation on the road to recovery, including: extending unemployment insurance benefits, providing assistance to financially strapped cities and states to prevent cuts to critical services, and investments in infrastructure and alternative energy projects that could quickly provide hundreds of thousands of new jobs while laying the foundation for future economic expansion.

Today in Albany, Senator Clinton also called for a new national commitment to revitalizing the nation's infrastructure and expanding and improving mass transit systems. Delivering remarks at the New York State Public Transit Industry Fall Conference, Senator Clinton urged support for a sweeping new plan to improve existing transit systems, expand public transportation to areas that currently have limited access, and overhaul the process by which public transit is planned and financed.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

A race not yet decided. Help Al Franken

Just 206 votes. That's the difference separating Al Franken and Norm Coleman in the Minnesota Senate race -- 206 votes out of about 3 million cast.

In the coming days, Minnesota officials will carefully count every vote to make sure they get the most accurate count possible. But once again, Republicans want to interfere any way they can with the vote-counting. They're setting up legal challenges and questioning the voting officials' integrity.

This time we're ready. The Franken Campaign is working hard to make sure every vote is counted -- but they need our help. Al Franken needs to keep his campaign active to stop the Republican attacks and make Minnesotans' voices are heard.

Help make sure this important election is decided fairly -- contribute today to Al Franken's campaign.

The people of Minnesota have spoken, and I don't know who will end up winning the final count. But I do know that if Republicans succeed in stopping this count prematurely, we'll lose the chance at having a great fighter for Minnesota's families join me in the Senate.

Al Franken is a good friend who will give us a stronger and more effective Democratic majority in Congress. It's up to us to make sure he has what he needs to fight back against Republican attacks and make sure every vote is counted.

Help make sure every vote in Minnesota counts -- contribute right now to the Franken Campaign!

I know I can count on you to help my friend Al Franken. Thank you for your hard work.



Hillary for Secretary of State?

That is the big rumor of the moment.
"President-elect Barack Obama has met in Chicago with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is under consideration for secretary of state." (Associated Press)

Personally I would like her to stay in the Senate, there is more leadership opportunities where she can lead on the issues that she pushed for during her campaign.

What Do You Think?

Poll Answers


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hillary at the Glamour Awards

Image via CelebUtopia

Hillary was named as one of Glamour's 10 women of the year.
Here is a pretty odd video of David Cook playing a song for Hillary at the awards


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wow Watch This: Keith Olbermann on Prop 8

Keith Olbermann comments on Calif. Prop 8, gay rights, marriage, love and more.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Here is your chance to support Hillary & Healthcare

Hillary was recently denied an opportunity to head up a sub-committee
From the Washington Post
"Ailing Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) apparently has rebuffed a bold bid by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) to take over health care policy in the Senate when the new Congress convenes in January.

Sources tell the Sleuth Clinton had approached Kennedy, who chairs the Senate health committee, and Democratic leaders about creating a new special health care subcommittee, one she would chair.

Her hope was to draft the legislation that would fulfill her presidential campaign promise - and President-elect Barack Obama's - for a sweeping health care overhaul plan."

Head over to The Washington Post and the NY Post and leave a comment about how you feel about this

You can also message Senator Kennedy and let him know that you support Hillary and that you would like to see Hillary play a role in helping to reform the Healthcare system.

Time Magazine Article"The One & Future Hillary Clinton"

Time Magazine Article"The One & Future Hillary Clinton"

Time Magazine did a great article on Hillary Clinton.

Here is an excerpt

"I'm going to be focused, as I always have been, on what we're going to get done. I'm not interested in just enhancing my visibility. I'm interested in standing on the South Lawn of the White House and seeing President Obama signing into law quality, affordable health care for everybody, and voting in a big majority for clean, renewable energy and smarter economic policies. That's what I'm all about, and I'm going to use every tool at my disposal to bring it about…"

While she didn't achieve the Clinton Restoration, Hillary emerged from that race as the symbol of a movement that has come to represent the hopes and frustrations of millions of working-class Democrats…

Looking back on what she accomplished in the primaries, Clinton said, "I really felt like people were responding to my campaign in large measure because they feel invisible, that they have just been overlooked and marginalized in ways that undermine their hopes for the future and their capacity to realize their own dreams…"

Clinton put that star power to full use this fall, campaigning at more than 200 rallies and fund raisers for upwards of 80 candidates across the country…

Read the rest of the article here

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Message from Hillary

We did it! In this incredible year, we have changed our politics, our country and our nation! And I could not be more proud or more grateful to you for sharing this journey with me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything you have done, for me, for Barack Obama, and for all our Democratic candidates, to make these successes possible.

I know that President-Elect Barack Obama will lead our country in the new direction we need. And with the great success of our House and Senate candidates, we can make our agenda a reality.

But make no mistake -- our work is not done! I will be doing everything I can in the Senate, working closely with the White House on the goals you and I set out. With President Obama and our strengthened majorities in Congress, we can get our economy back on track. We're going to make sure every man, woman, and child in America has health care. With smart, effective new policies, we will move toward energy independence and create millions of new green jobs. And we're finally going to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible close and reestablish America's relations with our allies around the world.

We cannot do it without you. We're going to need your strong support on these issues. Those who oppose us may have lost yesterday, but they are not going to give up. We have to match their passion and their effort if we truly want to build the America we believe in, and the future our children deserve.

But today, let's celebrate the amazing things we have accomplished and the history we have made. Our journey has been marked with moments of elation and moments of sadness; but now we can take the time to appreciate the difference we have made.

I'm so proud to be on this journey with you. Thank you so much for everything you did -- for me, for our nation, and for our future.




Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nominate us for the 2008 Blog Awards

Nominate us for the 2008 Blog Awards

The 2008 Weblog Awards

To nominate a blog you need to visit this page(
Leave a comment under the category that you feel we belong under. I myself am not sure which category would be best. I am thinking either Best Liberal Blog, Best Political Coverage or Best Hidden Gem.

Your comment should contain the name of the blog, the main URL for the blog, and (if possible) the URL for a RSS/Atom feed. For example:

Hillary Grassroots Campaign

Your nomination would be greatly appreciated


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hillary Social Network?

So I have an idea for a social network based around Hillary and HillPac.
We could easily have one built for about 20k. After it is built we could meet minimum hosting responsibilities via donations and some google adwords.

If you like the idea please let me know.
I am thinking we could raise 5 dollars from a good 5000 supporters and that would be sufficient.
Post your thoughts and suggestions for functionality you would like to see and let me know what you think.

3 Things You Can Do On Election Day

1. Join HillPac and Help Get Democrats Elected
Here are some Democrats that need your help
You can find more Democrats that need your help on HillPac

2. Vote No On Prop 8

Article About Prop 8 in the Economist

3. Vote For Education
, Join the Campaign for Education.

Are You Smarter Than An 8th Grader? Test your knowledge in Math and Science against 8th graders throughout the world and learn how you can support education.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Get Out The Vote

My two favorite people

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hillary In The News

Columbus Dispatch: Clinton exhorts faithful not to get complacent Read here.

Orlando Sentinel: 40,000 Cheer Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton In Orlando Read here.

Hibbing Daily Tribune: “Clinton rallies the Range: Sen. Hillary Clinton told a roaring crowd of nearly 5,000 people last night that ‘hard-working folks” of the Iron Range want a government that works as hard as they have their entire lives.”

President Bill Clinton has also been crisscrossing the country for Obama-Biden and other Democrats, making stops this week in Nevada, Missouri, Kentucky, Georgia and Arkansas. Read about “Clinton Mak[ing] the Case for Obama” here.

“A Tide That Doesn’t Just Lift the Yachts:” Hillary also held a conference call with reporters and voters in New Hampshire previewing her upcoming trip and continuing to make the case for Obama-Biden and other Democrats. The Boston Globe reports:

"I think you know you're on the front lines of the election," Clinton told Obama field offices in a conference call also opened up to reporters. "New Hampshire is going to be critical to our victory." The last eight years have been "very good" to the wealthy, she said, and Obama would only return income tax rates back to what they were under the administration of her husband.

"We want a tide that doesn't just lift the yachts," she said. "We want to lift everyone up." Read more.


Proposition 8: "It Is Written, but I Say unto You."

John Seery from the HuffingtonPost wrote up a great bit about Prop 8

My wife and I have been together for almost 25 years. We have two beautiful children. For the life of me, I simply cannot see any way that same-sex marriage threatens my marriage, not by any stretch of the imagination. Not in the least. I just don't get the claim about how the ban is necessary to "protect marriage."

The argument about procreation doesn't make any sense. If that were the crux of the matter, then marriage would be proscribed or discouraged for older hetero couples, or infertile couples. Such childless marriages are no less sacred or celebrated. And it's not as if the presence of same-sex married couples is going to inhibit the procreative tendencies of hetero couples. Why presume that these sexualities are competing or in active conflict with one another, as a zero-sum trade-off? Is the sheer idea of same-sex coupledom somehow a romantic turn-off for certain heteros? Are the "Yes on Prop. 8" folks implying that a sizeable number of otherwise hetero individuals will convert to homosexuality if same-sex marriage is permitted, and that's why the breeding foundations of society are allegedly imperiled today? Will hetero couples have less sex because they'll get depressed that same-sex couples will now be sharing the institution of marriage? The procreative argument just doesn't fly. Maybe someone out there can explain it to me. (Read More)

Vote NO on Prop 8


Help Out These Three Friends

Let's get right to it. With one week before Election Day, these three great members of Congress need your help right now.

Kirsten Gillibrand was one of the earliest volunteers in my first race for the Senate back in 2000 helping to organize Women for Hillary. In 2006, she unseated a Republican incumbent in upstate New York; now she faces a tough campaign in her first reelection.

Pennsylvania's Paul Kanjorski is facing a barrage of negative attacks from Republicans desperate to win his seat. He's a great friend who works hard on behalf of the people in his district; now he needs our help.

And Joe Sestak -- also from Pennsylvania -- is a retired admiral who worked in the White House during Bill's administration. Like Kirsten, he defeated a Republican in 2006, and we need to make sure he wins his race this year so he can continue to speak out for sensible national security policies on behalf of the men and women of our armed forces.

These three friends have been on the front lines fighting for us, and with Barack Obama in the White House they can help put America back on the right path.

But they're in three hotly contested races -- races we must win if we want to keep and expand our majority in the House. Make sure Kirsten, Paul, and Joe will be back in Congress next year.

Make the difference for Kirsten, Paul, and Joe -- contribute directly to their campaigns today.

After Barack Obama wins the White House, he's going to go to Congress and ask for support for his agenda -- the same agenda you and I have been working for.

Every vote he can count on in Congress will make a difference to the millions of Americans who count on us for leadership. That's why it's so important that we make sure great Democrats like Kirsten, Paul, and Joe keep their seats in Congress and keep fighting every day for the American dream.

The Republicans think they have a shot to win all three of these races, and they're dumping millions of dollars into the typical GOP playbook: negative attacks, negative attacks, and more negative attacks.

If Kirsten, Paul, and Joe have the resources they need to fight back in the final seven days, I know they'll win. It's up to you to make sure they do.

It's up to you -- make sure Kirsten, Paul, and Joe can stand up to the Republican attack machine. Contribute now to their campaigns.

After all our hard work, we've almost reached our goal. With Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House and bigger Democratic majorities in Congress, we're going to achieve things that didn't seem possible just a few years ago.

I'm so proud to have had the opportunity to work with you, and I know that your friendship and support will continue to make a difference for me and for America in the years to come.

Thank you so much,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Please take a moment and join No On Prop 8

Four things you can do today to STOP Prop 8.
Post A Video On Facebook or Myspace
Donate to Prop8
Join No On Prop 8 On Facebook & Myspace
Send An Email


Hillary on CBS and Nightline

Here is an interview with Hillary from Tuesday on Nightline

The last video got deleted. So here is the video of Hillary on CBS last week


Moby and Natasha Bedingfield speak out for Education

Join the Campaign for Education

Hillary on the Economic Crisis

Hillary from her new NY site


Florida, Get Out And Vote!


60 Votes - Hillary for Al Franken

Again this is amazing
Please head over and Join Al Franken's Campaign

Rain Or Shine Hillary Campaigns! Vote Early!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chris Cornell Speaks Out For Education

Join the Campaign for Education


Help reach 60 Democrats in the Senate

Sixty is the magic number. If we reach 60 Democrats in the Senate, then the days of Republican obstruction are over. With Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

But we can't reach 60 if these three Democrats don't win their extraordinarily close races: Mark Begich up in Alaska, Jeff Merkley in Oregon, and Mark Udall in Colorado.

I need these three Democrats working side-by-side with me on the Senate floor to accomplish the goals you and I set out -- rebuilding a strong middle class, health care for every American, and ending the war in Iraq. Barack Obama needs their help to reach a filibuster-proof majority that will end GOP obstruction once and for all.

Feeling the pressure with only two weeks before Election Day, Republicans have stepped up their attacks against Democrats. They're putting everything they have into these races, and our candidates need to match their efforts dollar-for-dollar.

They're tight races where the polls have them tied or within striking distance, and your decision to support them right now could make the difference on Election Day. Join me today and help Mark, Jeff, and Mark win.

Click here to make a contribution directly to Mark, Jeff, and Mark's campaigns.

These are some great candidates who need our help. Mark Udall has been a leader on clean energy issues in Congress and is running a great race for an open seat in Colorado -- now held by a Republican.

Jeff Merkley in Oregon is the son of a sawmill worker who was the first member of his family to attend college. He's running against the entrenched incumbent Gordon Smith, and now his race is right on the knife's edge. Your contribution could make the difference.

Mark Begich is a lifelong Alaskan -- he's the first mayor of Anchorage actually born in the city. He's is working hard to unseat Ted Stevens, who is facing corruption charges back in his home state.

These three great Democrats are all within striking distance of victory. With just two weeks to go, now is the critical moment in their races. If you contribute to their campaigns today, you could be making the difference that gets us to that magic number of 60 votes in the Senate.

Help us build a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and end the Republican obstruction. Contribute to Mark, Jeff, and Mark's campaigns today!

As we're celebrating a new direction for our country on November 5, with a Democratic President and a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate, you'll be so proud to know that you helped to make the difference. Thank you so much for your hard work -- we are almost there!


Hillary Campaigning for Al Franken

I am so glad that Hillary is out campaigning for Al Franken. He is one of the smartest people out there when it comes to politics.

Please head over and Join Al Franken's Campaign