Thursday, October 11, 2007

Clinton Proposes Universal 401(k) Plan

Latest Hillary News
-Hillary Beating Giuliani In Key Swing States
-Boston Goes Goo Goo for Hillary
-Clinton Unveils Retirement Savings Plan
-Selling Substance Over Style in Iowa
-NH Sen. Estabrook Backs Hillary
-Clinton Targets Retirement Security
-Poll: Hillary Holds Big Lead in Nevada
-Clinton Proposes Universal 401(k) Plan
-Clinton Outlines Innovation Agenda

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Anonymous said...

Since we all get to put away $5000.00 already into an IRA, I think that for best savings for retirement the politicians should allow all to contribute at same levels as current 401K rules allow. Sure would be nice to put away $20,000 into a 401K instead of $5000 into what max IRS rules allow. There is a huge injustice here. As a Disabled American who works, pays taxes and VOTES I am thankful that I have an employer that has let me continue working even with a disability. Too bad there is no employer sponsored plan here. I can only save for my retirement at IRA levels at least for now until I become further disabled.

Anonymous said...

I think she was A lil bit picked on
by the others. I was proud of her the way she took the stage and didn't let them scare her away from her goal of stating her case.

I am proud of her and Can't wait for her to take over the lead of our country. I met her and Bill when I was 14 in arkansas when he was running there. I have been waiting since I was 14 to vote for her!