Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Share Your Thoughts On Why You Support Hillary?

Post your reasons for supporting Hillary in the Comments Below.


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musikmaker224 said...

Because she cares about me, about America, about people. Because she has the answers for our problems and is ready to take the necessary actions that need to be administered in order to actually make a difference. Because I would put my life in her hands and trust her with every part of my being and every beat of my heart, a heart that is truly loyal and as American as the flag we wave in honor of those who have fought and died in the name of freedom and democracy. I support Hillary because, in some way, I feel that even though she may not know me personally...she must love me for taking the abuse the media and obama supporters have unleashed upon her. She is strong, intelligent, beautiful (inside and out)compassionate, LOYAL, here and ready to step up and be counted.

This is why I support Hillary, our next President.

Anonymous said...

Im a homosexual man who supports Hillary Clinton it makes me mad that the fact that there are so many dumb people in this country who would rather support Obama. I am not racist but Obama is not the right person for this position. I still support Hillary we californians love her. But the majority of our votes will either go to John Mcain or to none at all... This will hurt obama either way... Hillary We are with you and we will support Hillary For 2012.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is in the finals in MSNBC's Veepstakes! Go show your support! Let's help her win the poll!


Hillary '08

Anonymous said...

We can STILL get Hillary in the White House!!! We can write her name in the Voting Ballots! Not many people know this and we really need to pass this on... I checked with the DNC and they confirmed that although they feel its pointless-- It could work to have Hillary's Name written in the Ballot's .

I want Hillary Clinton for President!! Not Obama and Not McCain!!! If Hillary's a No Show on the Ballot- I will not take part in the damage of what may happen if one of the two horrible choices we are currently faced with for Presidential Nominations...

Anonymous said...

hillary for prez...


too f'n funny

Anonymous said...

OKay!~ here's the deal...
I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President because of a freaken dream I had May Day of 2006 in which I SAW the outcome of this election!

When A person has a choice to make there are always 3 paths: the Pos. choice the Neg. choice and the choice that bears neither a good or a bad result~ just a middle option. THEN each of those paths have the same 3 possible outcomes for each path. Hillary was the BEST path of the BEST options where NO ONE died, the war was over, wind energy came to every home, people started "waking up" to their own abilities. If I could have recorded that dream (or others since~ as it changes with FREEWILL options) EVERYONE in the entire WORLD would say: VOTE HILLARY CLINTON!!!
However, Mr. "O" (as I call him because this was a man Oprah went out and talked into running and then walked away from (publicly) when it was hurting her ratings) picked Joe Biden and that option he didn't make it! I am writting Hillary in and plan to convince as many people as possible to do so! I have no way of making everyone see something if their gifts are not sight. I can only tell you that this election (as it stands now) will be currently won by McCain unless we can still get Hillary in there!
There WILL BE info that the McCain camp will bring out that will destroy his chances of winning and it will be the perfect thing to destroy his reputation in the USA. Now, maybe McCain will not go search for this info ~ doubt it, but still an option if he uses his freewill. Maybe Mr. "O" can somehow pull off a prayer request being grated, but either way~ he will not stay president long if he does get in there. The Reps. have the advantage now and are going to have a hay day with Mr. "O's pi. This man is not known for keeping secerts either so that will fall on him too. It's all a mess and I am not wealthy so no one is listening to me. Maybe, just maybe, someone here and pass this along and vote Hillary in! She supports our scientist and we need that to improve our air quality, and remove our need for forgien oil. She supports inventors which also helps us out. She knows HOW to STOP the war we are currently in and the realtionships that will evade the NEW War coming. We need to take care of our people in the USA as if they were our children~ that and many other lines I sent to Hillary's page were used in Mr. "O's" speach today! so, did he take from her, is her page here really connected to HIM or is she trying to give him the info to help him get elected hoping that will avoid the new war? well the only way to do that is to have the correct person and that IS Hillary and I do NOT want that prideful @$$ who forced her to help his campaign (we all saw that McCain didn't have to ask anyone to "Help him"), and the www.cbs4.com had Hillary for his pick at 69% VS. Biden's 13%. Do we REALLY want a President who doesn't listen to the American people already? BEFORE he is even in office??? Do we REALLY want a president that says God is going to open the clouds and shine light on him as the chosen one??? or at least that is how he is presenting himself. Do we REALLY want a president who gives a great speach and can tear someone down but NEVER has offered even ONE REAL Strategy on HOW to do it??? He wants in at OUR cost and has NO plans just words. Hillary may not have had the words, Oprah, and all that money but she DID have the plans and she WAS our BEST of the BEST outcomes. Ihave no choice but to write her in. When I stand before God on my judgement day I want to be able to say I did EVERYTHING I could to heal our nation and bring our people together.

I have dreams too for my life and I hope to one day accomplish them. Right now I have my first "Real" book out: Worthy as I honor 100 people in my life~ an autobio done in a unique way that lifts up my role models, family and friends... the editing could be better but at least it is done! However, in the dreams I have about all this~ my outcome was linked to Hillary's and now I do not see the reward I was to receive when accomplishing my retreat that supports a grant so other fostercare children could attent college and the Holistic Healing retreat looks like an "Outback" location now.
People do not always believe in angels, guides, or even God so it si hard to explain to them, but Hillary needed to be in the White House in 2012 and in order to do that she had to be elected NOW because she wouldn't get there until Jan.2013 on the next election. Maybe it doesn't matter but this year and 2012 election SHE has MY vote! WHO IS WITH ME IN WRITTING HER IN ON ELECTION DAY?!?

Brighest Blessings,
Sabrina Oxford
Author of "Worthy"

Anonymous said...

Hillary is my candidate. I am heartbroken over her loss to the "boy's network." My beloved mom said wisely "it's always been an old boy's game, & hundreds of years from now, it still will be." Yes, things have changed-we women have a chance for visibility, but in terms of power, what's different? Not much. HILLARY is preparaed, experienced, witty, warm, brilliant, shrewd, tough, & a woman of action, not JUST RHETORIC like Obama. He didn't pick her because he is ruled by his bitchy wife, Michelle, who competitively hates Hillary and Oprah. She made dust of Oprah, didn't she. And Obama listened to Michelle and distanced, clearly. Plain and simple. Who would you rather have lunch with-Hillary or Michelle? Point made!
Hillary showed class & bravery when she knew she was losing-she didn't lose a moment of composure. I respect that, and her bearing, and BILL, who was one of the great President's of our era, despite his peccadillos. You can't deny his intelligence, his understanding of int'l relations, his concept of the "big picture." He is a HERO. And the team of those two would have been outstanding, except to those JEALOUS, ENVIOUS people who can't stand that the Clintons have stayed together for the common cause-so what if it's politics, is that YOUR BUSINES, no no no. They would have been a formidable team and could have mended many fences & been innovative in new programs. OUR HUGE LOSS due to the naivete of so many who believe this snake oil charmer, Obama. Glib, slick, sneaky, meanspirited, ambitious beyond belief, without any substance, a panderer to many, whipped by his wife, & not strong enough to distance himself from a friend who made Anti-American remarks. when he is running for the highest position in the land. HOW DOES ANYONE respect that behavior? That's ok, if he wins, you'll see that I am right..at a big expense. and Mc Cain--feh! Yes, a war hero, granted, but an opportunist & cheat to the eyeballs. With that little breathy Jackie Kennedy voice-YOU DON'T FOOL ME, Mc Cain, and I don't trust that you wouldn't have us enter yet ANOTHER war! That's it, off my soapbox. i feel better, until I think of how Obama may win, and will shun Israel, and cater to Muslims & anyone else that has the bucks to allow him to leave his role someday as one of the richest men in the world. Gag me with a spoon!

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