Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Share Your Thoughts On Why You Support Hillary?

Post your reasons for supporting Hillary in the Comments Below.


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Anonymous said...

Because Hillary represents clear change from these horrible times we're currently in. Obama can spout the word change as many times as he wants, but does he have the necessary experience to do what Hillary can? I'm tired of seeing our great country becoming owned by other nations in exchange for oil, and I believe Hillary will restore us to the former glory of the last decade.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she is a strong person and the right candidate for this job. She has been fighting a battle that most of us would find impossible to endure. Her innovative ideas and "take no prisoners" attitude is exactly what America needs. I urge all of you whether you are voting for her or another candidate to really take the time to think about why that person deserves to lead America! I guarantee you will see she is the person for the job. Go Hillary!

~Heather D. Sumter, SC

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary b.c she doesn't talk nonsense like Obama.. She has her head on right and is ready to make this country a better place!! But if she does not get the nomination I will vote for McCain.. Barack would be the worst thing (besides Bush) to happen to the USA!!

Anonymous said...

I know its taboo to recognize Bill but I am grateful for his past leadership. Thus I trust Hillary to do whats right for America as well. Also Obama is a dangerous radical and a great threat to America. Comparing Hillary's leadership in the US Senate to Obama's lack of leadership, its obvious as to who is truly capable of being President. That Person is Hillary Clinton. I dont even want to get into McCain's failings. So Hillary please save us from the Obama-McCain disasters and win this election....and soon.

Anonymous said...

I support Hilary for a few reasons...one, I know she has the knowledge of how the white house is run. She knows the ins and outs of such from when Bill was president. Another reason is because I know she has the ability to withstand the pressure. She has proven to us through her time in congress that she stands firm and she doesn't take no for an answer. She seems like a very determined woman who knows how to get done what needs to be done. Also, she has shown her compassion through this campaign. I can see that she really wants to make things right for the people. That she really wants to make sure we understand that even though personally she isn't here for us, she will do what she can to make sure the nation is here for us by providing rights to persons that might not have had them before, healthcare to everyone, NO amendment to ban gay marriage, etc. It is time for a change, we have had men in office this long, and it's about time we give a woman a try. She brings something different to the table.

Unknown said...

I called indiana to for atleast two hours and a briefly talk to this young man. I told him Hillary understands the challeng4es Indiana is facing and shares our values...He abroptly interrupted me, I told me, "No she does" and hung the phone up...How do you achieve anything without proper communication...

Anonymous said...

The reason i feel i will vote for Hillary is a few. To start, when her husband was in office, our economy didn't suck as bad as it does right now, it was going in the opposite direction. We didn't have the issues that we have today, and today is not a result of then. I am not saying that Hillary should be referenced the same as her husband, but they share alot of the same attributes, and thats one reason. Secondly, I feel its time to give a woman a chance to be in office, we saw what the last idiot did for the past 8 years, lets let her try to turn it around, if she can't do it, don't re-elect to a 2nd term, which I personally feel she will do one hell of a job. Thirdly, there is no other qualified candidate on the democratic side. Obama is the anti christ. He fits the description perfectly. Also, the fact the his wife has said that she is not proud to be an american, and with all the non patriotic things going on w/ him, I think he is an idiot. Come on, not saluting our flag, get the hell out of our country then.
So good luck Hillary, the american people stand behind you all the way, i know you can make a difference, i believe in what you stand for!

Anonymous said...

hillary will fight for us! she doesn't just want to WIN, she wants to make america what it once was and can be again. she believes in america and we should all believe in her!

Anonymous said...

I think she's the best person for the job. All this time, the position has gone to a male, time to break the mold and make history-have a female president!! I am hoping to see it in my lifetime. Go Hillary!

robert lee said...

i support hillary because i know as a democrat, she supports and shares my stance on all issues. i embody everything the democratic party stands for, and so does hillary. her exit strategy on iraq is the way to go, her compassion for healthcare is unbeatable, and she's the best candidate we have!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because only she has given her stance on universal health care that will work; She is the one with the experience to get our troops out of Iraq and back home and only Hillary can galvanize our nation to the green status and aid the 2 big E's our Economy and our Environment.

Anonymous said...

I feel Hillary has the determination, experience, and clout to get our country out of this hole we've been digging ourselves into in the past 8 years.

Her position on social issues closely mirrors my own and I am confident she'll surround herself with the greatest minds to tackle the tough problems we have in front of us.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I believe she cares about the GLBT community very deeply and also because she has more experience the field then the others!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because She has what it takes to get our country BACK on the right track! I am gay and she is the candidate that I know will always stand for human rights! HILLARY 2008!
~Lance Kerry

Ruthie Flynn Morgan said...

I support Hillary because of:
her brains
her experience
her ability to connect with people
her articulation of the issues
her spouse who I would love to see as first "first man"
her ambition and drive

Anonymous said...

Because she is a strong leader, she has experience and talent. Women are peace makers.

Terena said...

I support Hillary Clinton because I believe she's the best candidate running for president, plain and simple. Senator Clinton is no plain and simple person though, she has shown strength in leadership and consistency through experience. Once upon a time she was a light at the end of the tunnel when America needed a change and yet maintained her dignity knowing that one day she would have her turn to prove to the American people she still had it in her to improve this nation. Now she has the chance to show exactly that as the next Commander-in-Chief. As a woman I am inspired by her. As a Democrat I am encouraged by her. As an American, I am damn proud of her.

Anonymous said...

Because she is a strong leader, she has experience and talent. Women are peace makers.

Anonymous said...

universal healthcare!!!

Anonymous said...

universal healthcare!!!

Anonymous said...

Im voted for Hillary and will vote for her again because she is a amazing woman and I believe in her and trust her.

Sharon said...

There are over three hundred personal reasons here:

And, a slew of reasons here:

Join the bandwagon people. It is pulling out of the station........

Take Care, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Hillary I support you because of your policy concerning Iraq. I beleive you are going to bring the troops back home. That is what I want. I also say that Bill Clinton was my favorite president ever!!! and so I really think in Bill's wife we could see the same greatness. I definitely don't want McCain to become president. Obama is okay but Hillary your my first choice. Keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton for so many reasons. One being because I feel that she is the only candidate that is really in touch with what our country needs. I believe with her experience & knowledge she will repair the damage made by the Bush administration.

Anonymous said...

I have been an admirer of Hillary Clinton since her days with Bill in the White House. Hillary is strong and smart. I supported her in her quests as First Lady. She was attacked time and time again in the media and by the Republican fear mongers and she still manages to hold her own. She is brave and quite a role model for American (or any) women.
In this campaign she has told me how she intends to get the job done when she is elected. Her ideas make sense to me and are not just a "shut us up" tactic, like these "economic stimulus" checks we are all waiting for. Her words have substance and weight. She is more than a motivational speaker. I really feel like when she says she will do something that she has thought it through, and formulated a plan that she can carry out. She hears the people and is genuine in her deep desire to help the American people. I feel like with her in the White House maybe we can hope again for a more prosperous country and be proud of the person in the White House.
I hope and pray that she gets into the White House. I am really afraid of what will happen to us if she doesnt.
Karen Eshliman
Beaumont, Texas

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she is experienced,because she knows the issues inside and out and has solutions for them ,not just well written speeches full of fluff.Because she was fighting for health insurance before it became a trendy cause.She will make change and bring prosperity to this country.People forget how good things were when Bill Clinton was in office and Having Hillary in could only be better.
Dara Giannotti N.J.

Anonymous said...

I support Senator Hillary Clinton because we need a strong candidate to run the White House. She is a fighter and a beacon of hope for the USA. She has proven time and time again when she's down and a lot of people count her out, she delivers for America. That's the candidate we need right now.

Anonymous said...

I believe in Hillary with all my heart. I believe that Hillary will be THE best President. She is brilliantly experienced and will strongly and wisely confront any national problem. Hillary will bolster our faltering economy and will bring the troops home.
I am handicapped and though I can't afford to contribute funds, I find other ways of helping. Days before a state's primary I make hundreds of calls on Hillary's behalf and I believe I am making a difference in helping Hillary to be elected. I can't wait to hear someone say, "Madame President, welcome to the White House." That will be a joy filled day indeed.
Mrs. C in Alabama

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I think she has the most knowledge and experience for turning our country back around. I know it might take awhile, but she has the guts and brains to do it. I would like to say that I'm a recent college grad and Obama does NOT appeal to me at ALL. I think Hillary really understands how middle and lower class American citizens are struggling right now and she wants to help. I think she has great plans for health care, which I need! Economics, health care, military, intelligence, contacts, appeal- she has it ALL. All Obama has is charisma. It's disappointing how many people are falling into his traps.

Anonymous said...

Because she's my bitch!

Cherry Blossom Marketing said...

I support Hilary because she has always been there for us… the people. She may come off as abrasive but she is a STRONG woman and maybe sometimes that gets confused. Her passion is what has always driven me to follow her work. I know she cares for the people and I know she has no problem standing up for everyone, even if that means she’s the only one fighting…. I believe in her because she believes in us and our country. She can get the job done!!!!

Anonymous said...

Simply put, I think Hillary Clinton is the best qualified to lead this country away from the mess Dubya and his Bush Leaguers have gotten this formerly great country of ours into.

We can be great again and Hillary is the person who can lead us back to greatness.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary for many reasons. One of them being, I look up to her. What she has one with her life is what I want to do with mine. She is a strong woman. Another one being that I'm a military wife with my husband deployed for the 3rd time in this war and I fully have faith that Hillary will bring our troops home. She is the most qualified for the job. The US NEEDS her as the next president.

mshillary said...


princessarita said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she will prove to be the best qualified once she is sitting back in the Oval Office. I have always been a fan of Hillary's even when she was not so popular with the American public during her husband's presidency. She has the experience and not the same kind John McCain has. Obama is not ready!

Anonymous said...

i support hillary for a number of reasons, i'm just going to go over a couple of them right now. 1. her universal health care plan is the only one that can get us universal health care, obama's plan only mandates children, i believe it's important for us to get universal health care because we are the only industrialized nation that does not have it. 2. hillary has done a lot of work for children over the years which makes me really believe that she cares about them-specifically the state children's health care act, was a big one. 3.hillary wants to establish universal pre-k. i think this is very important, my son is 4 years old and he's in early child hood education classes and i plan on putting him in preschool in the fall and he is soo smart, so i defiantly think that if you start educating them when they are young, they can really achieve a lot. 4. hillary has the ability to get more things passed as bills then her rival barack obama-obama has been in the senate for 3 years and has only had 2 bills passed into law-one was to name a post office and the other was to give money to africa, hillary has successfully had 19 bills passed. 5. the last one that i'm going to talk about is one that i just recently found out, she has very high ratings by various animal groups for being very animal friendly. i'm a big animal lover and this really huge for me because i believe in animal rights and that we should treat everything on this earth as scared as we treat human beings.

mshillary said...

I support Hillary because she has the experience to lead us out of the mess that George Bush and the Republicans have gotten us into. Enough is Enough...The American people have put up with this long enough...and 8 more years of Hillary is not going to be to much. I believe she is up to the job, and if she is not, she is able enough to get people that will help her to the job...not one person can do it...but with our help and others, she will do it ....Give her the
backing and she will...She will!!!
I have always said she was smarter then Bill...so let's prove it.
She will help the working people
and get insurance, jobs, college
grants, and help us stay green, and also get us out of Iraq. We do not need to be in there. The sooner we are out, the better we will all be...the gas prices are killing us all...Bush sure is not going to hurt his cronies....

Anonymous said...

I believe Hillary can do the best job. She seems more like a real person with the best ideas to help the economy and the nation as a whole. We don't need another stuffed shirt or someone who can't keep their wife and pastor(s) in control. If he can't do that .. how can he handle an entire country??

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is the candidate with the most experience to lead on day 1. I also support her because she is the ONLY candidate who doesn't view the gay community as invisible americans. She is the candidate for the working class, she understands how hard working americans have been hit by the economic downturn. Hillary is just the best all around candidate, and what this country needs to pull us out of the slump the Bush Administration has put us in.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary, because she is willing to bring an honorable in to the war in Iraq. I have a friend who right hand was injured and was trained to shoot with his left, so he can be sent back. This breaks my heart to know this. I have been a supporter of hers since the 1990's even before I could vote. The best time I remember was the mid to late 90's. Hillary has my support 100 %

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary, because she is willing to bring an honorable in to the war in Iraq. I have a friend who right hand was injured and was trained to shoot with his left, so he can be sent back. This breaks my heart to know this. I have been a supporter of hers since the 1990's even before I could vote. The best time I remember was the mid to late 90's. Hillary has my support 100 %

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because our country needs to change, and change fast and the only candidate that I see that can possibly do that is Hillary Clinton. She is experienced, and she is one of the most powerful women in the world. We all know that the day that the United States would have a woman president it would be Hillary Clinton, and that day is now, so why not support Hillary Clinton!

Anonymous said...

I think most Americans want the same things for this next administration: solutions for the health care crisis; major improvements in the economy; and an end to the war in Iraq. We have two Democratic candidates who are fighting for these things--only Hillary, however, has clarified her strategies and stood the test of time. Remember, the biggest obstacle the next president will face is her/his opponents (and we know who they are...). Hillary's been there! She's done that! She know what she's up against! She's fought the dragon! That's a big part of what people mean when they say "She has the most experience".
The stakes are very high this time around--who are you going to trust the next four years to? Hillary!

Anonymous said...

I think most Americans want the same things for this next administration: solutions for the health care crisis; major improvements in the economy; and an end to the war in Iraq. We have two Democratic candidates who are fighting for these things--only Hillary, however, has clarified her strategies and stood the test of time. Remember, the biggest obstacle the next president will face is her/his opponents (and we know who they are...). Hillary's been there! She's done that! She know what she's up against! She's fought the dragon! That's a big part of what people mean when they say "She has the most experience".
The stakes are very high this time around--who are you going to trust the next four years to? Hillary!

Anonymous said...

Hillary is a very experienced very determined person. If she sets her mind towards something, it is going to get done. No matter what, I believe she has the charisma, the attitude, and the know how to help bring this country back to the stability that she strives for in her everyday life. Her ideas on domestic issues that this country faces are very logical and very doable. Thats why I support anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a thinker and a doer, not just one key motive, but both.

Anonymous said...

Hillary has such great plans for this country. Obama puts down her programs yet cannot come up with any of his own.Hillary also has great people working for her. They always keep in touch and want to know if there is anything they can do for you. that's why I volunteered to make phone calls for Hillary; because she will be an even greater president than Bill.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because of her proven track record. She is the best possible candidate for the position.

Anonymous said...

I think Hillary is the most dpendable and most outgoing person.I think she would do an excellent job running our Country.She is proud of our Country,she puts her hand over her chest during The National Anthem unlike Barak Obama.It has been noticed by many people that Obama has not put his hand over his chest,instead he has both hands to the side.Hillary cares about the people,she doesn't discriminate.She keeps her promises unlike Obama who keeps changing his stories.Everyone out there make sure you VOTE FOR HILLARY ON ELECTION DAY.SHE'S GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO BE THE BEST BECAUSE SHE IS THE BEST.

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Hillary because she is the most experienced in getting things done in Washington. She is the one who can get all sides together, listen to the ideas and implement the changes that will be best for our country's future. She is level-headed, incredibly talented in the arena of diplomacy, and will restore our country's reputation to other countries who have abandoned us during this last administrations reign of terror.
She is our greatest hope to have a future for the middle class.

tazgirl said...

I support Hillary
Because i think she is a strong leader and she gives me hope in a time when we all need hope.. she is touching on the things i want to hear and i belive she can get the job done ,i belive with all my heart that she is for all of us and will be there when we need her most ... good job Hillary !!! keep up the good work and know we belive in you .

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she represents change to me. She has a solid platform, she knows what we as Americans need, and she knows how to get things done. She is the only candidate who can pull us out of the quagmire that the Bush administration has us in. She is the only candidate who has solid plans that can be enforced quickly to ensure the betterment of our nation.

Anonymous said...

There are many reasons why I support Hillary these are a few.
She has always impressed me with her work with Children's Defense Fund, she also is going to reform the No Child Left Behind Act which I've seen in action and it's a HUGE joke. Since I am a woman I would be remiss if I didn't mention her work on behalf of women's rights. Finally, Sen. Clinton announced in April she would increase funding by $300 Million for breast cancer research which is something that hits close to home for me, my mother is a breast cancer survivor and I support this cause with my heart and soul. There are many other reasons I support Sen. Clinton, however these are the ones I can think of at this moment

Anonymous said...

Hillary has my support because she shows strength, determination, and a clear concept of the change that needs to happen in the country. I am afraid of what this world will be like for my 3 children to grow up in. If we continue down the road we are going, I fear their will be nothing but misery and poverty for our future generations. Hillary has proven to be fearless, when faced with those who think she can't do it. She has an incredible idea for the future of this country. I've heard it said, "It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush, and it'll take a Clinton to clean up after this one!" I couldn't agree more!

Anonymous said...

Hillary is the most qualified and legitimately the most experienced candidate. Also as someone who can't afford health care I love that she hasn't given up on her universal health care plan that will cover everyone not just children. You it takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush.

About the attacks on Hillary's character coming from the Obama camp, I find that funny that instead of talking about his own accomplishments and what he has done for his constituents he has at every opportunity tried to convince people that Hillary is a person that she is not. Sounds like old politics to me, where's the change in that?

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary for many, many reasons. The first is that she IS the most qualified candidate with the MOST experience. We do not a president who needs on the job training, we are a country in peril in need of a strong leader...a strong leader like Hillary! We are also a country at war on two fronts and whether I support the war or not, I do support our troops and Hillary has the backing of 35 times more retired generals and admirals than her closest competitor. I am friends with a number of military recruiters and all of them support Hillary as well. She would undoubtedly make the best commander in chief! I also support Hillary because of her record. She has dedicated her life to making the lives of middle class and lower income families. whe has worked tireless for the rights of children and of our military. Meeting her onstage in Harrisburg PA was one the greatest moments in my life! Hillary will be the next president and she will save our country from economic destruction!!!!

Karly said...

I plan to vote for Hillary because, after reviewing both canidates websites and speeches, I believe Hillary has not only the best IDEAS about what our country needs, but the best ways to implement them and get things DONE! Anyone can SAY they believe in "change" or that they want to better the economy or get the troops out of Iraq, but she seems to have better ideas of how to actually acheive these goals. Thats why I've joined Hillblazers, made calls and put up signs to try and help Hillary win my state's vote here on May 13th!

celebsrus said...

I'm supporting Hillary because she isn't all talk no action. She is also tough as nails, and a fighter, We need a fighter. I would also like to see the first female president in the oval office. Thats coming from a white guy!

Anonymous said...

As a 47 year old women it does my heart good to see Hillary running.I've voted for her because she has spent most of her life trying to help the middle and poor class.I would put her credentials up against anyone.She stayed with her husband through thick and thin and should be thought of as a loyal wife and good christian.Can McCain say that?Hasn't he been divorced?

Anonymous said...

Hillary can make gas prices lower without going on a wild goose chase spending money on "alternatives" that already exist.

She will not infringe on the US constitution and the right to bear arms and supports the NRA.

Hillary supports Christian values that our nation was founded upon and American culture while not giving into every whining "special" interest.

Hillary understands that when you give special rights to one group, you infringe on the rights of others (she supports real equal rights).

Hillary will get us out of the middle east, pulling many of our foreign troops (like those in Iceland etc.) as we can stateside to enforce our borders.

In my opinion she's just plain tougher then McCain, more straight forward and not a loose cannon racist like Obama.

Thank you.
- Chris
- From the far far right.

DGold said...

Hillary is one of the most brilliant people I have ever heard. She is not only smart but compassionate. I feel that she truly cares about what happens to our country and at this stage, we need someone who is behind the USA 100%. She will be a great ambassador to other countries and I feel she is about solutions and getting things done. I support her 110% as there is no other candidate who comes close to her experience. I can not see a better choice for President than our gal HILLARY!

Anonymous said...

Growing up during the Clinton years were some of the best time in our family's lives. We have spent the last 8 years as I an now an adult in the hardest times and its getting worse day by day. It's time to get someone who can bring our families back into prosperity and out of poverty. We Love you Hillary we'll be behind you the whole way.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Hillary in the primary and I will vote for Hillary in the general election. Even if the delegates screw up and nominate Nobama I will write-in Hillary! Why? Because she is a Democrat and she's White.

Anonymous said...

...well besides obvious reasons like the other supporters wrote...on a personal level...when Hillary became one of my NY Senator's and she was hissed at by many only to COMMAND her republican constituents respect because she proved herself 100x over...at the time she first came on...I contacted her office about the company I had been working for...the owner was not only in violation of every OSHA law known, a loyal employee of 22 years who developed throat cancer (no doubt from the materials used and no safety measures in place and was dying...when the owner tried to cut him and his family off the company insurance policy...I couldn't sit idle anymore...I had to get proactive and do something about this grave injustice...I contacted Hillary's office...not only I get an IMMEDIATE reply...Hillary contacted my district politicians to get on top of this matter...she couldn't have impressed me more with her instantaneous regard and follow up on the matter at hand...hands down, Hillary is thee ONLY HOPE for this country's dire mess that the sleezeballs put us in...she can rectify their wrongs and get us back to where we should be!!!

Anonymous said...

There are many reasons why Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton ( HRC ) should be the 44th President.

HRC has the right experience & substance to bring forth the changes required. As first lady HRC worked tirelessly for children & famlies while practicing law in Little Rock. In recognition of her professional and personal accomplishments, she was named Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1984.

You may ask why : Simple - Because HRC cared enough then to take the time to make a difference During the twelve years that she served as First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, introduced Arkansas' Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth.

The above was an example and testiment to the character of ( HRC ) it didnt stop there either where ever there was a cause that required championing HRC was not to far away.

Now you may ask this is the real world people will always do what they can do ( if they are that way enclined ) HRC has proven that it is part of her make up, well before deciding on the journey of becoming the 44th President.

Now it does not matter which part of the world in which we live : CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE...!!!

They say never work with children or animals ( You require the patience of a saint ). However if a person takes the time to maybe make that bit of a difference maybe just maybe they may just stumble across what it is required to help make this World we call home a place thats good for all, excuse the analagy ( The Creation of the wheel ) comes to mind.

If I've lost you please return to the top of the page & read again.

HRC has been trying to make a difference the moment it was possible to do so.

Its not going to be easy but a little thing like that will not stop HRC from moving forward, all that is required is support from a Nation excuse the analagy ( to set the right seeds & allow them to grow in the right way ).

HRC character has been tested time & time again yet rather than being applauded for her strength of character. The media try to demonise her unfairly.

It goes without sayin some of those same people wouldn't even cast a shadow in HRC light.

Now taking a positive out of a negative its perfect training for the toughest job in the world, I'm sure you'd agree.

Still it does not deter HRC.

in closing ( before I write an essay :-) this was supposed to be a comment )

HRC can take USA forward bridge the gap between neighbouring countries and almost make peace on earth all with the help of everybody involved. Mission Accomplished.

thats the song sheet collect your copy at the door PLEASE :- )

Seriously though : its not going to be easy it will take time but HRC can do it given the right SUPPORT...!!!

: SO LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN peeps its starts with each one of us to provide the initial start required for HRC...!!!

~Zain UK

Anonymous said...

Im voting for hilary we all need a change from the three stooges that has been in there for 8 years.This country is in bad shape and we need a voice that will stand up for the people.Hillary can and will be able to do the job.Gas prices out the roof no jobs all thanks to the three stooges for 8 years.We dont need mccain in there or obama for that matter it will be the same ole same ole.U ask obama a question he goes right around the question.Sort of like the three stooges in there now isnt it.And mccain is just to old and iraq are troops will never come home But hillary is going to take care of it.I voted for her husband bill back in the 90s.She is a great woman with some back bone to her.Hillary u have my vote.If she doesnt get the nomantion to run against mccain im not voting at all plain and simple.Im not going to vote for somebody that cant run a country and i dont want it on my mind that i voted for the lesser of two evils Good luck hillary.

Outsider said...

Unfortunately I can't vote or donate for Hillary - but as an Aussie I know that Hills will be the very BEST POTUS you've ever had and simply a superb Leader of the Free World! Please encourage your family and friends to vote and donate for those of us out here who are cheering and literally praying for her to make the difference the
world needs right now!

Anonymous said...

Because, Hillary is a smart leader. She serves on top committees in the senate and I trust her abilities as a result. She's has served on five Senate committees: Committee on Budget, Committee on Armed Services, Committee on Environment and Public Works, Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Special Committee on Aging. She is also a Commissioner of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe as well. This is experience. She also rather familiar with the White House.

I do not trust Obama has anything solid, but ambition and simple rhetoric. He hasn't proven himself quite yet. And that pastor of his is really scary. To think he stayed with that man for 20 years if really overwhelming for me.

She brought gutsy calls for change in our health care system. She's learned much about diplomacy over the years. She is change.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I agree with her stand on issues that are a priority to me. Heath care, environment, the war in Iraq, education... I know Hillary Clinton, I know she doesn't stop until she gets things done. I have heard Mr. Obama's stiring speeches, but I have basically no idea where he stand on things. All he says is "change", but what does that mean? Hillary is a person I have grown to trust implicitly in a position of power. She WILL actually DO what she SAYS she will do. I know her, and I stand behind her 100% - Don't stop Hillary!

Anonymous said...

It is certainly time to get a democrat back in the White House! Hillary represents the strongest democratic leader in today's society. Her words are backed with years of experience and legitimate results. There are going to be some difficult times ahead and experience is going to be an invaluable asset. She also has a supportive spouse who works towards bettering tomorrow in an optimistic effort, rather than degrate the society he is been entrusted with.
Hillary may have some negative personality traits, but I think some of that is gender bias being typcast into traditional roles. She speaks her mind, gets business done, and pushes those aside who interfere with progress. This should be considered a positive tool in the position of Presidency of the United States, rather than a fault.
I hope I have the opportunity to vote Hillary in November!


Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is the one candidate who truly is ready for day one. Ready to appoint a FEMA Director who actually knows Emergency Management, ready to appoint a Director of Mine Safety who cares about mine safety, ready to get serious about infrastructure knowing that it costs less to maintain rather to repair/rebuild once a structure has been destroyed or fallen apart.
When you elect a President, you elect not just them, but who they bring with them to operate the government. Far and away, Hillary Clinton is THE person to get to work come January 20, 2008 so that the Federal Government can begin the long road to becoming a functional,working entity.

Unknown said...

Well, She's strong, very intelligent, a democrat and a wise woman. Her energy is positive and there is no BS invovled in anything she has to say or in any question she answers. I believe her and in her and for the first time in a long time, I feel hope that if Hillary is elected, she will work hard and not be pushed around and fight for what is necessary and right in our country. No one other than this amazing woman can save us. It's time!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to early voting in NC I proudly cast my vote for Hillary yesterday, then took my two daughters to her rally. My older daughter, who is 13, attends a school where Obama is the "in" candidate, and she has had to defend her support of Hillary on many, many occasions. Last night when Hillary walked out onto the stage, my daughter cried. She is so inspired by Hillary's strength and intelligence and commitment to the American people that she was just overwhelmed to see this woman she admires so much just a few feet away from her. When my daughter wiped her eyes and told me she felt silly, I told her that I had teared up as well when I cast my vote for Hillary.

I support Hillary because in NY she went from town to town, coffee shop to diner to auto shop to gas station talking to people to find out what their concerns were. She took the time to get to know the people she was asking to vote for her. She didn't just expect support. She didn't just ride her husband's coattails. Hillary worked hard to earn the support and respect of the people of New York, including my Republican mother who voted for Hillary twice.

Hillary gets us, she really does. She doesn't look down at people or categorize them or stereotype them. She just cares. And more than just caring, she comes up with solid, doable solutions. She doesn't waste time with warm, fuzzy speeches. She just gets down to business, talks to people with respect and practical ideas.

And this woman is tough. She has gone through the most intense public scrutiny of any first lady in memory. She has been scorned, mocked, belittled, insulted... and that's just by the media. She has had her most private, personal issues laid bare publicly not just in her neighborhood or her town or her state or her country, but around the WORLD. Yet here she is, poised to become the very first woman president of the United States. If she can not just survive that, but actually conquer it and thrive, then she has what it takes to be Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

I trust her with our future. Hillary has the strength, the courage, the fortitude, the ideas and the determination to turn this country around. She knows what to do and is ready to step in and do it right away. I really believe in her.

Julie S.
Charlotte, NC

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because of the amazing track record she has. Over the years she has proven that she can handle and overcome so much both professionally and personally. She stands for women's and family issues. She believes in "no child gets left behind" and she believes in health care for all. She has implemented several programs as the First Lady of Arkansas and as the First Lady of the United States. We need her to fight and bring this country to the Pre Bush standings! She is the candidate who speaks of plans and solutions... her counterpart on the other hand talks a lot but says very little. I have yet to hear a plan or solution from Mr. Obama. GO HILLARY!

Fumbling Toward Ecstasy said...

Hillary is smart, strong, dedicated, experienced and aggressive. She is truly the change that we need. She is tried and true and has always been committed to helping this country. She doesn't just offer promises, she offers results. Obama is an idealist and she is a realist with a positive outlook.

Anonymous said...

I am 45 years old, and never before have I had such a hard time making ends meet. It is horrible, and keeps getting worse. When Bill Clinton was president, I was doing great. I had money, health insurance and everything....and I know Hillary was right there with him. Obama flat scares me..Nooo...McCain is a carbon copy of bush...God forbid. I WANT HILLARY!!!
CHARLIE from Ft.Worth Texas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because of all the candidates, her values most closely resemble mine. Her Universal Healthcare platform is sound and far better than anyone else's. I have been without health insurance for 4 years now. I work "temp" and when I worked for an agency that offered insurance, I could not afford it. Here in the Metroplex, the County Hospitals no longer minister to the needy. They are now businesses and insist you pay or leave...I've lived in Britain, I know a Universal/National Health Care System works! Hillary is a strong candidate and the only one that can possibly beat McCain. I've said it once, I'll say it again--a vote for Obama is a vote for McCain. And here's my fun reason for supporting Hillary--the thought of Bill becoming the First Gentleman makes me positively giddy! What a team!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i support her because this world is in trouble and it is going to take a strong person to put us back on track. we have had 8 years of big money running now it is time once again to think and look out for the little person i have watched her from back before her and bill got in the white house she stays by her word. she does what she says she will do and works hard not for herself but for the well being of others no matter if the are gay sright white black or blue all people are the same with the same needs and she works hardd for the avg joe. and we need her like no other time.

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Hillary Clinton because I believe with all my being that she is the candidate who has America's interest at heart, and not her own personal gain. I believe she has the great sense of what we need to not go backwards, but move forward to new horizons and begin working within the world we live in NOW, not what we wish we had or had in the past. I believe she will get the appropriate people on board to help her reach her goals, and she has experience working within the system to make it work for her.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary for the simple reason that she is the best candidate to be the next president. Additionally, Hillary is my senator and has been an asset to New York State. I teach about health care and her plan is clearly THE ONLY ONE that really resembles Universal Health care - which by definition means everyone (universal) is in the system - and does not mean forcing people to pay for insurance they cannot afford, as has been the accusation. It is the ONLY way that all Americans will have access to decent, affordable care. And finally, I support Hillary as a daughter who feels proud when she hears her mother talk about how inspiring and wonderful it would be to go to the polls for her in November - not just because she's a woman, but because she's a woman who is the most qualified candidate for the job.

And it's nice to read comments from people who support Hillary for her merit, which contradicts what I believe to be highly inaccurate reporting from the news media that those of us who support Hillary do so because (especially ONLY because) we do not like Obama.

Aaron said...

I support Hillary because I know that I can expect a hard working president who will be fighting for Americans versus companies that send our jobs and our money abroad. I have donated over $300 to the campaign and just ran 7 miles along the Embarcadero here in San Francisco wearing my Team Hillary/ Hillary 08 shirt that I just received from the Team Hillary store. I ran right in front of the ballpark as people were going in to watch the Giants game and got a lot of smiles and nods! Go HILLARY!

Anonymous said...

As a 27 year old woman, I fall in the age range of Obama supporters. However, I have loved the Clintons since Bill was elected and I was only 11 years old. I am engrossed in her speeches and inspired by her words. She gets me excited about the future and I haven't felt that way in a long time.
I come from a blue collar family and have overcome so many obstacles to become the strong, indpendent woman that I am today. I feel that Hillary understands my struggles and the struggles of my family. I know that she can help end the obstacles that we all face and guarantee us better days ahead. Bill did it and I know that she can too. My family and I support her 110%..

Anonymous said...

I am a single parent and college student, without insurance or the ability to buy into corporate insurance policies. I live paycheck to paycheck, and wonder if I one day will lose my job because I cant afford the gas to go to work. Thanks to Hillary Clinton, I aqm proud to say that I am no longer a repressed republican but a dedicated democrat. We need a president who isnt afraid to fight, a person who still remembers the struggles of their past, and has the desire to make American life better for the next generation. Hillary Clinton has such qualities that we CANT let her slip through our fingers, but we must empower her, so that she has the opportunity to do for us what we cant do for ourselves. I hope that God blesses me to meet this incredible woman, if for no other purpose but to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. We need to embrace her in love, faith, and with a sense of family unity. As americans, we have very lofty goals, so there are no easy answers. We need a person who doesnt quit just because we hit a brick wall, we need to assure each other that we will continue to work together to find and implement the right approach to achieve our goals.

Patrick Hopper
Jackson, TN

Anonymous said...

I am a single parent and college student, without insurance or the ability to buy into corporate insurance policies. I live paycheck to paycheck, and wonder if I one day will lose my job because I cant afford the gas to go to work. Thanks to Hillary Clinton, I aqm proud to say that I am no longer a repressed republican but a dedicated democrat. We need a president who isnt afraid to fight, a person who still remembers the struggles of their past, and has the desire to make American life better for the next generation. Hillary Clinton has such qualities that we CANT let her slip through our fingers, but we must empower her, so that she has the opportunity to do for us what we cant do for ourselves. I hope that God blesses me to meet this incredible woman, if for no other purpose but to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. We need to embrace her in love, faith, and with a sense of family unity. As americans, we have very lofty goals, so there are no easy answers. We need a person who doesnt quit just because we hit a brick wall, we need to assure each other that we will continue to work together to find and implement the right approach to achieve our goals.

Patrick Hopper
Jackson, TN

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton for many reasons. But what I feel strongest about is the fact that she is a strong, brilliant, caring woman. I am a single mother of a little girl and it would be nice for both of us to be able to see a real step towards equality. I want my daughter to see someone brilliant and female as President. My daughter needs to know that she can do anything she wants.
- Christina, Asheville NC

Anonymous said...

Hillary has laid out her entire budget: where every dollar comes from, and where every dollar is going. This transparency is key to restoring investors faith in the American economy.

As per her economic policy, she has established a three-fold plan to improve the American financial crisis, reduce the nation's dependency on foreign oil, create a plethora of new jobs, and reduce the nation's negative environmental impact. In a play lifted right out of FDR's extremely successful New Deal policies, Hillary is pinning down a "green economy": green jobs, green energy, and green living. These are ESSENTIAL to the betterment of the United States.

Hillary is the only candidate with a truly universal health care platform.

Hillary is the Democratic candidate with a solid, fundamental understanding of foreign policy and international affairs that is capable of both responsibly ending the Iraq War and restoring America's international reputation. Obama's anti-vote stance in 2003 was little more than a passive objection.

Hillary is the only candidate with unwavering and unconditional support for gay rights, and she is the only candidate with the foresight to guarantee gay marriage. She is the only candidate who has set up a real time line for the termination of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and she was the first candidate to address anti-discrimination legislation during this campaign.

Hillary has vowed to directly improve federal funding for inner city security and safety, which is crucial to the future of Philadelphia.

Finally, Hillary has earned the right to run for president. She has worked her entire life in preparation for this role. While Obama was working as a lawyer, his biggest client was a Chicago slumlord. His Chicago-politics are hardly better than Philadelphia politics. His entire campaign has been run on the foundations of a contorted 2002 speech, on race, and on popularity.

Obama is a hologram of a candidate, and his emphasis on his image far exceeds his interest in real issues that affect Americans. His supporters are, indeed, delusional.

Hillary has my vote, and she should have yours too.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for her and Her family ,I supported Bill and his campaign. Everything was better when we had them in office, I believe in her and her commitment to the American people, She is Genuine, reliable, and I truly trust her to Change this country in back into the direction it needs to be, She CAN DO IT !! GOD BLESS YOU HILLARY AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I know she would get us out of the terrible time we are in.
She is for homosexuals to be treated fairly.
She is for ProChoice.
She cares about the environment, unlike the Bush Cabinet.
We need someone strong and understanding and she is the person for America to put us back on track.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I firmly believe she is the only one of the three who understands ME and how I feel. She has experience. She has the guts. She has the WILL to fix this country. She has a plan. She wants to bring our troops HOME. She wants to fix our education system. She wants to give everyone healthcare! She speaks to me on social issues including choice. Plus, she has shown us over the past several months that she is tenacious and I believe she WILL fight for the good of this country. I can't say that with the same confidence about the other candidates.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Hillary because she is for the American free life. A woman has the right t have a abortion, who are we to say whats someones choices? Homosexuals are ridiculed cause of religion. She is for all of the American people universal health care, womens rights for abortion "who are we to judge a situation of someones life and problems such as rape" , The right to wed who you love, that is why i'm voting for Hillary Clinton she will make things the way of the American dream, The pursuit of happiness.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because of her experience, because of the Clintons' extensive experience in fixing the economy, because I know she will repair our image in the world, because I know she will fight for the middle class and blue collar worker, because I know where she stands and I trust her. I would also like to make it clear that I am an EDUCATED person, and voting smart, for Hillary. If Obama is nominated, I don't care about the party uniting, I will sit on my hands. I am from Chicago, and know more about Obama than the rest of the country and I refuse to vote for him. I absolutely, completely do not trust him. Hillary is the only candidate that can bring change and and fix the horrible economic situation we are in.

JenniferThomas said...

She's an incredible woman. Her issues are solid, her debates are untouchable and she rocks a pant suit. : ) Seriously, I am 21 years old, I am a woman and until now I've never been so heavily involved in the political arena. Hillary is poised, she's confidant and as she's said on many occasions 'On day one, she's ready to take action'. She's an advocate of womens rights, she's an advocate of breast cancer awareness and her first priority is this country. It's time for the men to step aside and let a woman take control.I believe in her, as do I believe she will change the world. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON 2008!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Hillary gets the nominee because Obama is scary!
I have heard from friend's who live in kenya that Obama supported the communist leaders there. I cannot imagine having a president that supported communism. I hope everyone will vote so as to ensure we will not have Obama in the white house.
Hillary is adorable, I love her smile.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because, she's stands for change in economics, she's ready to bring the working class back to the United States. Hillary represents pride, dignity, honor,equality, and forgiveness. she believes that all Americans deserves the same rights as, she supports everything from gay marriage to gays in the military, to a woman has the right to choose. We live in such a f'd up society since you know who took over and I believe Hillary can change all that, and if not at least she can set it in motion. good luck Hillary i'm voting for you.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I've always thought she'd make a great President and I've always thought she could be the first woman to become President. After the worst president in history, Hillary could well go on to be our greatest. She is obviously far stronger than our other choices this election year. Like many other people, I have never been as interested in a presidential campaign and I've never volunteered for any candidate until now. Personally, I think Hillary is amazing.

Unknown said...

Why do I support Hillary?

I think she is our only hope to help our country get back on a positive path. Hillary is very intelligent and has a lot of experience that will make a great leader for our country. She will select the best people for her cabinet who will clean up the mess W has created for us. Like she talked about before when her husband had to clean up the mess W's father left us. Bill saw to it that we did not have a national debt problem when he left office and was on the way to solving the social security problems that we knew existed 20 years ago. W totally messed that up. Hillary has been trying to help all of us get good medical care every since Bill took office but no one listened back then. Hillary is a very good human being and cares about everyone and especially children and the elderly and the poor and the disabled. Hillary knows how to also be strong and help our military defend our country and help other countries defend themselves when they ask for our help. I believe she can be a good foreign relations President and peacefully solve the problems that exist without needing to be in wars.

Anonymous said...

If you listen to your neighbors when it is NOT campaign time - the majority of them are longing for a leader who does not get wrapped up in the political game, someone who does the work with or without the job title...and this is who Hillary is, this is what she's been doing her whole life - it's not just another JOB for her - it is her passion. We know about her because we have heard about the CHANGE she has already made and we are wanting that change to keep going. I don't think many people are willing to risk voting someone in who hasn't already demonstrated CHANGE of any kind - at least not the kind that has reached each of us coast to coast like Hillary has.
A MAJOR plus - at the PA debate - Obama spent the whole time defending himself and delivering blanket responses and putting others down...it was VERY impressive that Hillary did not give in to that - it set her apart from the regular politician we DON'T want in the white-house. She delivered fact after fact and clearly demonstrated working knowledge of the white house and how it should/needs to be run. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes." They will say, "Women don't have what it takes." ~Clare Boothe Luce
Hillary has what it takes. She is fresh, yet experienced. She is my childhood dream, and I believe in her tenacity. She has shown how hard she fights when it seems so easy to throw in the proverbial towel. Hillary has a strong background in politics, values education, and knows how to break past the men's club and stereotypes that women battle everyday. Obama stands on a platform of change, and I firmly believe Hillary is the change our country needs!

Anonymous said...

Well I hope there is enough room to put my comment...it might be easier if I just wrote a book.
First of all I support Hillary because every where I look I see or hear someone complain about this and that. Gas prices too high,no jobs,just today we at work received a e-mail that one of our plants was shutting down and that 70 employees will be
displaced...that's the new word for you no longer have a job these days. Before Bush losing a job was not that big of a deal mind you did get depressed but you could find a new job in no time. But now displaced means your pretty much left out..period. There are no jobs to be found and people are losing there homes,there dignity,and there way of life as they have known it. Americans are having to sell there household items just to make ends meet,to buy gas to look for jobs that aren't even there or just to be able to have a hot meal to feed there familys...Now that's sad, we are America, the brave and strong, where did we go wrong?? Well we can't dwell on the past right? Americans see Hillary as a way of hope and they know she will do all she can to turn the tide sort of say. She will bring US back to life,to finish out our dreams and watch those dreams of our children and our childrens children. No, not just Dreams but solutions. Solutions of health care for everyone, Solutions to the gas prices,house loss,job loss, and NAFTA. I could list alot more...On my way home tonight to Tennessee I had to stop in Ga for gas, and the female clerk was upset because a male clerk that does the same job was not doing his job...and she mentioned that the male clerk made two more dollars on the hour then she did,,,that really makes her feel less important as if she can not do the job as well as the male clerk. I leaned up to the counter and I said When Hillary wins this fall all of that will change,,,she asked what did I mean by that and I told her that Hillary realizes that females are not getting paid as much as there male co-workers,nor are a lot of others, and that Hillary wants to try and do something about it..the female clerk then replied Hell yeah she was voting for Hillary!! I told her that Hillary lost in Ga for the primary but yes she could vote for her this fall.She started telling all the females working there and the customers too that they had to vote for Hillary in the fall!!! I walked out as a proud america, for being able to give that person hope for a dream, hope for a solution...So that's why I support Hillary because I can tell those that are being knocked down that hang in there help and a solution is on the way!!!

Anonymous said...

We support Hillary because she is a strong,independent woman. Also unlike Obama she realized the overwhelming need for national health care. I have known so manly people without insurance suffer needlessly. I think she is strong and down to earth. Our vote goes strongly for Hillary. She is real,intelligent,hard working,and honest.

Anonymous said...

I am forty thousand in the hole with medical bills, from cancer and radiation. No insurance, you can't get help without having kids or not working and screwing the system!!! The only person I see who is going to help the "WORKING MAN" is Hillary! Obama says he's helping the "MIDDLE CLASS". That just doesn't sound like me or who needs the help.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe she is the one who can get our country back on track. It's way overdue.

Anonymous said...

I'm for Hillary because Hillary has been there for me. I grew up without healthcare. Hillary took on the establishment, she took on the Republicans. As a child I thought the First Lady was working just for me and my little brother, so we could have healthcare. Now as an adult I have insurance, but my wife isn't covered because of a pre-existing condition. What nonsense. We need you again, Hillary. I can't wait to hear the words "Madam President!"

Rod said...

I believe in Hillary Clinton because she has survived the most in her political career. She has been persecuted from her days in Arkansas; Barack Obama has been given a silver platter in his career, especially his favorable media coverage. Also, I believe Hillary's election will get rid of the nightmare that is the Howard Dean debacle--what incompetence and bias!!!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary for all the wonderful things she's done and tried to do for our country these past 30+ years. I believe she is such a strong woman in every aspect. She is a fighter, and just because the odds aren't favorable for you, does that mean you back out and give up? No, you keep fighting for what you believe in. It takes passion, courage, and willpower to get a change started, and she embodies all three of those qualities. She's well educated, she's in tune with the American people, and she is true change from the politics of the past. We've always had a man as president, so perhaps it's time that a woman take the stage and show that she can be just as glorious. She is also an inspiration to anyone and everyone that's ever been counted out, knocked down or judged on the pretext of stereotype in society. She is proof that even when the odds are against you at birth, you can still make something of yourself and rise above anything negative that life throws at you. That is why I support Hillary. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because we need someone in the White House that can kick ass not do the soft shoe. What a mess we are in...and I believe she can clean it up.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is what I think America needs to get our country going in the right direction again. This is the first campaign I have ever donated to. I trust her like I trust my own mother to do what is best for me and my American family. It is not just because Hillary is a woman or because she is white. Its is because she is the right person for our country today and tomorrows to come.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she has actual solutions to the problems our country is facing. She is a strong woman who can put this country back together. I believe she will bring about the change this country desperately needs!

Anonymous said...

I am from Indiana and have been fortunate to see Hillary twice. The one thing I can say about her is she is the most sincere politician I have ever heard speak. She is not speaking just to hear herself speak--she has a very specific plan on how she is going to make life better for the middle class Americans. She will get it done! Anyone of us can tell you what is wrong with the country, but I need to hear how it can be fixed and that is what she has done in a way that an average American can understand. GO HILLARY!!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is walking/talking proof that she will not back down. She won't back away from a fight.

Who do you want to stand up for you for higher wages for the middle class?

Who do you want to stand up for you for equal rights?

Who do you want to stand up for you for healthcare reform?

Who do you want leading this country during trying times of turmoil with those who mean us harm in other parts of the world?

Someone who won't back down from a fight. That person is Hillary. She doesn't just give us soundbytes and promises. She understands the issues and is passionate about them. She's passionate about this country.

But she also has been there. She's seen the inner workings of the White House and the political machine in D.C. She understands what needs to be done and how to do it.

That's why I believe Hillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States.

Anonymous said...

1. She is clearly the Smartest most common sense choice.

2. She walked in Gay Pride.

3. She has helped Blacks her whole life.

4. She would be the first Woman president.

5. Her views are right on with mine.

Anonymous said...

Hillary stands for everyone ... not just interested in helping a select few BUT EVERYONE .. just what a president should do. She has shown a history of really caring about the people of America that goes back for 30 years... seriously if this doesnt show a dedication I dont know what does. On top of it all she is most qualified(we all know that) and one we can count on to get things done not just talk about it.... Politicians can all talk the talk but it will be Hillary that can walk the walk!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary stands for everyone ... not just interested in helping a select few BUT EVERYONE .. just what a president should do. She has shown a history of really caring about the people of America that goes back for 30 years... seriously if this doesnt show a dedication I dont know what does. On top of it all she is most qualified(we all know that) and one we can count on to get things done not just talk about it.... Politicians can all talk the talk but it will be Hillary that can walk the walk!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary stands for everyone ... not just interested in helping a select few BUT EVERYONE .. just what a president should do. She has shown a history of really caring about the people of America that goes back for 30 years... seriously if this doesnt show a dedication I dont know what does. On top of it all she is most qualified(we all know that) and one we can count on to get things done not just talk about it.... Politicians can all talk the talk but it will be Hillary that can walk the walk!!!!

ruth said...

Hillary is the right person she is strong she has proven that. we need a leader in this time of war and someone who will get us out of this economic crisis obama wants the power and the title he needs to work as long as hillary has and earn the title he just isn't experienced

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because of what she is fighting for and becuase she is a strong woman. As a future parent and educator, I admire the work that she has done for children and their families and for the poor. As a woman, I love the fact that as First Lady, she spoke out against the degredation and abuse of women. She is who we need to continue to make positive changes in our nation. She will mae it better.

Anonymous said...

i am supporting hillary because i do not see any other choice at hand....i am disgusted at what the republican party has done to our economy and quite frankly, i CANNOT AFFORD to have another republican in office, and i think hillary is the ONLY candidate who is going to actually stand up for our country and our rights as a democracy....

Anonymous said...

I have watched Hillary through out her time beginning with First Lady of Arkansas on up to First Lady of our Country. And what I saw was someone who would not sit idlely by when she thougth something was wrong, whether it was popular for her to speak up or not. Although I thought President Clinton was a great President, one of our BEST. I do feel that Hillary would be even better. She is cautious, but wise in her decisions. She listens and looks at all sides. She is relentless when she believes in something and as with President Clinton she feels a responsibiity to this Country. Neither of them need the stresses of more time in the White House, but what energizes her and her husband is the need to restore this Country back to where we can all be proud. She makes me believe that it is possible to return to peace and prosperity. She makes me want to be a better American.

The Dog Listener said...

I listened to my online radio of British news the other day. They were talking about how much better Hillary might do if she were a man. Well, as I've said before I believe she's the only one with balls in this race and to quote an age old saying "She's the right man for the job"
From a British ex pat living in DC.

Anonymous said...

Because Hillary is the smartest of the candidates and the most capable. Because she states clearly what it is she wants to do as prez and I like and agree with her ideas. Because she's not a quitter. Because she's a strong woman and that sets a good example. Because she cares about people and this country. Because I've supported her since 1992!

Anonymous said...

Hillary has the experience and the know-how when it comes to foreign policy. She is about action, not just words and she's proven that in the past. Another key reason I support her, she believes that all Americans should be heard. I believe she has the perfect combination of strength and compassion that this country desperately needs. She is the ONLY choice for President if we want our country to once again be as successful as it was pre-bush era.

Anonymous said...

Im supporting Hillary because she has the most experience to really change what is going on in our country today. Obama can speak and make as many speeches as he wants, but words will not change what is going on in this country, actions will, and Hillary is all about making things happen for the better of this country and the world.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of the state our country is in. Someone needs to do the housecleaning and though this may sound stereotypical, who else but a woman can do the job? I am a single mother and I am tired of working crappy jobs for crappy healthcare. I am tired of our money going to waste on the stupid war when it can go to our children's education. I am tired of the education system telling me "no, we can't let your daughter into pre-k, she doesn't speak spanish and you make too much money". We stand divided and Hillary can unite this country in ways Obama and McCain cannot.

Anonymous said...

Because I think McCain would be Bush all over again and I don't trust Obama's judgement regarding that nutbag preacher he has known for over 20yrs. Come on! How could Obama not have know Wright's views if he was listening to his sermons on Sunday for years on end. What a load of bull. I would have to wonder what else would Obama have poor judgement on?

Anonymous said...

As a woman working in a male-dominated profession, I know that I often have to work twice as hard at my job to prove myself to the boy's club. As a result, I come out ahead of a lot of the guys.

I know she will give 200%. She will be legendary.

Anonymous said...

For One Thousand Years Of Peace

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is the stronger candidate. She has tremendous fighting streghth and has not given into the powers that be who are calling for her to give it up. Since when do we not get a vote? Obama has not won all the states yet, he has not won all the delegates he needs. Heck he did not even really win his Senate seat. But know one talks about that. His opponate was indited and dropped out of the race so he was unopposed. That is how he became a Senator. Is this the man we want running our country? I don't. He is all smoke and mirrors, he has no experience running anything yet. The only thing he can do is talk a good talk. But what will happen if he makes it to the White House? This country will fall apart worse than it is now. But that will never happen because if he is the candidate he won't win McCain will. The repulicans will eat him up and spit him up. He thinks Hillary is playing dirty, wait till the real race starts. McCain will kill him.
Hillary is the best for the job she knows her stuff, she is smart, and she won't back down. We had a surplus when Bill left office and this country was doing well I think with her in office we will again.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States because she knows what she is talking about. Ask her a question and she knows the answer. Not like bumbling Obama who only knows what he has practiced. Hillary is strong, stern and will be the best President that the United States has ever seen. They call it a machine, I call it commen sense.

Anonymous said...

I support Hil because..

Hil + Gay = equal.

She also knows her shit!

Love u Hillary

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hillary has the experience and a firm foundation and clear values for our country. She is an advocate with a lot of the issues that I feel strongly about. Finding cures for diseases, equality and human justice, ending the war, opportunity for affordable education...etc and the list goes on and on. She is very proud of her beliefs which makes her come across sometimes and being staunch or impersonable. However, she is a very sweet, funny, and kind hearted person. She has not given up on the American people and we should not give up on her at all. Give 'em Hill. Lets rock the vote.

Unknown said...

I support Hillary Clinton because it's time for people to stop asking women to take the backseat for the "greater good." I want to be able one day to tell my daughter honestly that she can be WHATEVER she wants to be.

Anonymous said...

she is the smartest blonde i've ever met. I believe she is the only one running in the elections for president that can actually bring our troops home, and strengthen our beautiful united states

Anonymous said...

I just feel that Hillary has the know how to be a great President! I see her coming through for us...so vote Hillary!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because not only is she a remarkable woman for the work she has done over the years, she has the knowledge and the power to bring this country back to the once great nation that it once was. Though many are against her in this election, I believe it is only because they are afraid, afraid that she might succeed in doing something that may have wanted to have done, only they have been to afraid to do so. Though Obama might seem qualified, I feel he isn't simply because he does not possess the experience nor does he have the will power to do what it takes to fix our countries economy to end this war in Iraq. No matter what he says he will do, all of it seems nothing more than just words spoken with no actions behind them. This nation doesn't need someone who will promise everything but never show us results, it needs someone like Hillary who will help us regain control of our lives and our nation. Hillary for '08!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is real. We need her in office because she cares! I trust Hillary to do what's right for America !!Not what's right just for the rich, the privileged..the real heart of America!! I know she has the ability to withstand the pressure of being a President.She has proven she will not back down when she believes that the people of America are being hurt or mistreated. I guess the thing it comes down to is she is "AMERICA" No, Not AMERICAN,America,She gets it!!She understands.She is not pandering.....She hasn't ever candy coated anything and she not going to start now.One person said"As a woman I am inspired by her.As a Democrat I am encouraged by her. As an American, I am damn proud of her."WOW!! That is perfect!!!!!PLEASE tell everyone you talk to ,everyone you E-mail the amazing woman She is .....I HAVE ALL MY TRUST IN HER!! AND I AFRAID OF OBAMA!! I am not sure where America will be if he is President. :C( SORRY, But true......GO HILLARY!!!!!We Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Because Sen Clinton has advocated consistently for the concerns she stumps for. She, by virture of having served in the White House 8 yrs, has the diversity of experience and opinion to back her current view on the best way to "solve" the concerns she advocates. Because Sen Clinton, by virtue of having advocated so long for certain concerns (healthcare), has her plans to solve the problem of the concern on paper. Obama does not. TALK IS CHEAP, PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I love the Clintons. She will bring much anticipated change and will make history as the greatest president in US history. Plus, Obama is a cult quack. Not a proud American, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified for the highest office in the land. Ol' boy Barack has too much in common with the current President, George W. Bush, to offer any change worth believing in. And, to make a point by analogy: If a person had only one year of experience in business, it would be ridiculous to think that he or she could run the largest corporation in the world and then be given the title of CEO. Likewise, it is ridiculous to believe that a person with only one year of experience in government could run the most powerful nation in the world and then be given the title of President of the United States of America.
For information on Barack Hussein Obama's special treatment by the media, and the issues that aren't making the news, visit http://insightintoamerica.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

yes even though im 11 years old i am very knowlegable about who should be president. My mom wants hillary because she can win a fight and can take anything she believes in. I am all for hillary one for all and all for one. She is very intelligent and a smart woman who needs to be president. We dont want Obama do we? I went to the dinner here in fort worth texas and got a picture and gave her a very beautiful bonquet with a lovely poem inside. I have never cared about politics but when i look at her you can tell she would always make a good president and cares about everyone no matter what. I watch her every day on CNN newsroom. We need hillary and i would rather have MCain then have a white hater in office. Or so he says his paster only belives that.

mshillary said...

I am sorry the media does not want Hillary to win..I guess it is because she doesn't get out there and throw
basketballs..Obama looks weak among blue color workers...She can take
on Bill O Riley doing a great job on his show and she can out shine Chris Matthews with his yelling at his guests because they don't agree with him..Can anyone tell me why the media does not want her to win. It can't be because they hate Bill so much. Hillary is her own person and will do for this country like she has done for the past 30 years. I have always loved her spunky ways and if she falls, she will get back up and be stronger then ever...I am praying that she wins Indiana and N C both...that will put her in a good position to let the super delegates know that she is the clear choice. I like her idea on
moratorium of the gas tax. This makes sense in the short term and
will give a us a breather..If
Bush thinks his little paychecks
is going to help the American people, he has another thing coming..Most will spend it on food for the table, and gas to go to their jobs..I loved it because she
could not figure the coffee urn out at the gas station....I can't figure them out either..Smiling

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she sees the needs of our country and is willing to try innovative ideas to take care of those needs. Even after decades in politics she hasn't been jaded by the environment that destroys most politicians. She can truly relate to the average American and she really wants to solve the current day problems with current day solutions. She's the one exception to 'teaching an old dog new tricks.' But we need her experience as well as her willingness to try new things. She's what this country needs.

Anonymous said...

Everytime Obama speaks it seems as if he has to stop, think, and filter himself. I wonder what he is stopping himself from saying? Hillary never does that. As soon as she starts talking she KNOWS what she is talking about. She has a great plan for gas prices, and although there is not too much that can be done, something is better than nothing. Hillary is not running her campaign strictly on ideals, she is keeping it real. She knows that she just can't jump in office and bring the troops home in a month, noone can. It could and should be soon, but it will take some time. For Obama to get up and make false promises makes his message very clear, as well as his inexperience. Of course there are going to be some politics to be played but he should not stand up and promise to bring troops home that soon. That makes him a liar. Also, it would be dangerous to bring them home that soon. You have to have a solid plan to help put an end to all of the damage our being in Iraq has caused, you can't just uproot everyone and go "oops, our bad, sorry our last president was stupid." That is true, but it can't happen like that while all goes back to running a campaign on ideals alone vs ideals and experience. I am sure there are some things that I have left out (like reverend Wright) but if America can't wake up and realize that it's high time for a woman, an extrememly experience and gifted one at that, to have a shot, then America just might not have a shot.

mshillary said...

I agree on all counts that Hillary is the one to be president. But my stomach is telling me, with all of the numbers she is not going to make it...I have figured, counted, and my calculator is tired..Please, everyone, tell me she is going to win...She just has too...I am an old woman and I want to see her be our president before I leave this earth.
Why is it he Republicans support her, and not the democrats out here where it counts....I love Hillary....I will not accept anyone else....I will not vote for anyone else..Democrat or not....I will
not vote for anyone else !!!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she believes in us, and our country. She will restore our standing in the world. As she once said "It took one Clinton to clean up after a Bush, and it will take another Clinton to clean up after the other Bush" She will focus on AMERICA.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I see her as a very strong woman, a natural leader. I feel like she will stand for the people who can't speak up due to small social stature or poverty. I believe that Hillary Clinton will bring the power of this country back to where it belongs, in the hands of every individual living in this country. We are a democracy people, have we forgotten that? That means no matter who you are, no matter how small and unimportant, YOUR say is still important and considered. I think that Hillary will make the changes we need made. Plus she supports the legalization of cannabis, which is a wonderful mood stabilizer of natural sorts that can easily, and inexpensively, provide an answer for those who need certain medications which they can't afford to buy.

Anonymous said...

Because she is COMMITTED to universal healthcare for American's without insurance. She was involved (along with Ron Wyden) in the planning, etc. of the Oregon Health Plan which covers THOUSANDS of working poor, and poor. This was in 1993!!! She has been committed for 15 years for healthcare coverage.

Anonymous said...

I'm supporting Hillary because :
Only a woman can clean up the mess this country is in.
Only a woman can stand the heat in the kitchen. (the White House)
Only a woman will roll up her sleeves and get the job done.
Only a woman has the love, patience and wisdom to unsnarl a ball of yarn. (the war)
Only a woman never passes the buck.
Mrs. C

Unknown said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she and her friends & family are used to cleaning up after a BUSH; and they did a great job too--Time to do it again. She's perfect for the job.

Anonymous said...

She has been in the white house once when they put a freeze on gas prices and Im sure she will bring the prices down again. which means she will bring the economy back up!

Anonymous said...

i support Hillary because i feel she stands for what America needs....after 8 yrs of Bush!!!! Obama all of a sudden is against his pastor....but he sat there for 20 yrs and listened to it....part of him must have believed it! dont u agree? and mcain he doesnt even no whats going on with anything around him!!!! hes to old for 1 and he is just gonna finish what bush started so we need Hillary for CHANGE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Hillary because this country needs a strong leader. We need someone who is strong enough to not let the position go to their head and somone who has the intelligence to be open-minded.

I'll also say that a small part of me is voting for her to stomp out ignorance. I want to educate those who choose not to vote for her for irrelevant reasons (e.g. -- she's a woman, she doesn't smile enough, her husband strayed, we need a man to work with the male leaders of the world, etc.).

All together now: Hill - a - ree! Hill - a - ree! Hill - a - ree!

Anonymous said...

I think that the republican Bias media has attacked Hillary, in order to get Obama as the nomination. Not only that, He has outspent Hillary in almost every election so far. Yet She is still in there, times got hard for her and she kept on fighting. She’s just what this country needs. She is not afraid to say what she will do, She is not afraid to go on shows like O’reily and defend her views. This country is hanging on by a thread (.6% economic growth) it would be a Huge Gamble to put Obama and his lack of experience in office. We need change, But in order to bring change we need a strong person in office that will not be afraid to stand up and fight back and hold her ground. Hillary has shown she can in the past months alone.

Anonymous said...

She has convinced me she is passionate, knowledgeable, strong, convicted, and determined to make a difference for all of us. She will help us work together to rebuild our nation to the level of pride the world can't deny. As a recently retired US Marine, I can tell you, she'll end the war in Iraq with honor and the people of Iraq will have the tools to rebuild themselves. GO HILLARY!

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton Song - REACH HILLARY

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she'll be able to wrestle with the sharks and get results. That is what America needs: RESULTS.
I've been noticing how the only response from Obama is how others are playing politcs as usual instead of coming up with real soltuions himself.
I know people have legitimate concerns about the gas tax holiday. But no one bothered to examine how such a break might benefit the economy. The most obvious is increased vacationing. But Hillary also brought up how truckers and others who actually work in the transportation industry will benefit from the tax. They no longer have to worry about the impending doom of summer gas prices for this year. This is something that affects their lively-hoods.
We all know it's not a long term solution, and no where did Hillary mention that it was, but at least she's listening to the real and immediate concerns that people have. Long term plans are good, but they take time. I think its best to at least try help stop the bleeding instead of waiting around to do it.
(Besides, Hillary's right, if they can come up with money to bail out corporations, they can darn well save me $3o-$70 at the pump over the summer.)

Anonymous said...

Hillary rocks!
If people want "real" change they should vote for her! She's a woman that knows how to get things done!

anshee1 said...

Dear Madam President, I wanted to let you know that you have won my vote as of today. I planned on voting Republican all along, nothing anyone said seemed to change my mind, until I watched your performance in recent weeks. I could relate to your fight to the finish for what you want more than anything in your life despite everyone telling you to quit. I felt that when I was going through infertility treatments and the adoption process. We have a wonderful teenager that we were lucky enough to adopt at birth. Our dreams came true, because we never gave up. This is why I respect you. Like us, You are a fighter. Like us, you set your sights on your goal,and no matter what obstacles are in your path, you keep pressing forward. You keep a positive attitude because you know that the most important thing is keeping your eye on the end goal not on the distractions that could make you falter and discourage along the way. You have taken such beatings in the press, and from "other people" (LOL), with such grace and with a great sense of humor. I love it when people can laugh at themselves. It is a very hard thing to be able to do, but if you can do it, and do it well, it can help you out a lot. I respect you for your leadership, and for being a role model to all the little girls who will learn that those male bosses who think they can bully them just because they are men, aren't the only game in town. You have done so much for women. You are right up there with with all of the great women pioneers in history, and we thank you for helping us all. So, in closing, 1 female vote from Florida. Good job. Hang tough, WE ARE WITH YOU!

Anonymous said...

I would rather see hillary as our next president because i think she influanced bill when he was in office, and he did a good job. and i would rather see a powerfull woman who is not afraid to speak her mind running this country. And if obama gets in, just how long before the Klan starts burning crosses on the white house lawn? and i honestly believe that no one truly wants a black man running our country. It should be a white person. no hmongs, no blacks, no mexicans and no other people who don't belong in this country getting a free ride off our goverment. i believe hillary would end this war over in iraq and bring our troops home. i don't want to come off as racist, hell i own 5 color tvs. and i believe that the health care in this country will improve, and health insurance will be there for everyone, not just those with children. so i say you go girl, win this fight, don't let this country suffer in the hands of the black man who doesn't know what he is talking about. and my hats off to bill for standing behind you and supporting you like you did for him.

Anonymous said...

I think Hilary is this countrys best bet for "Change". It's common sense......we not only get her as president, but Bill will be in the background, which in my opinion is just "SMART"! QUESTION: Why would a intelligent U.S. citizen vote for someone with a name like "Barrack Hussein Obama" ??? Especially after the WTC tragedy??? That's just asking for trouble!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I believe in Hillary because of her experience, education, honor, values, views, beliefs, and realistic approach to solving problems and getting things done. Any person willing to take over the office as president with such passion is the president that I want to have represent our country! What a brave woman! What incredible stamina! What a tough road ahead. Hillary, don't give up....you are the woman for the job! I believe in you....I am one of your delegates!

Ann Emery, Texas

Unknown said...

I support Hillary because I believe she really does care about us as people! I think she will do all she can to fight for those of in the middle class working our tails off and trying to raise families. I think she will fight to the end no matter what obstacles she faces. I love her work ethic and her personality. Come Hillary- win this for us!!!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she has proven that she will not be influenced by the media nor by people who want to get us into war, or special interest groups that steal from the American people for the sake of profits. She is so strong, and her knowledge is vast.
If she can stand so strong in the face of that terribly bias media as well as the horrendous attacks from obamanics, then I stand with her 100%!

Anonymous said...

It's all about reaching out into the community at every point in a person's life, not just when they decide to run for president. Hillary has clearly done this and I am extremely pleased with her background of improving education in all aspects as well as reaching out to the children of today.

I am going to school to become a teacher and I would definitely like to see her in charge, guiding education in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton, because as a Gay American, I am not invisible to her. I am equal to every other American, and my vote matters to her. She cares about our community, and many other communities that the other candidates don't. She's always standing up for the working class, she stands on her principles and doesn't back down. I also believe she is the perfect combination of compassion, strength, strong leadership skills, experience with foreign affairs, and intelligence, unlike any of the other candidates. Hillary cares. This country needs her now!

mshillary said...

I agree with you 100%..The media makes me angry because she has had the chance to win, and they do not want a woman on the W H...The media
won Bush his last two terms..and
I can see politics will never be the same again because the Media has
controlling the winner. As a child growing up, we was proud of our news makers because they was non biased...and only told the facts..
today, the inject their own views,
and that is contrary to our beliefs in this country. I agree with every thing that you say!

Anonymous said...

Hillary has the experience to lead this country through difficult times, much more so than the other democratic candidate, Senator Barack from Illinois.

These next few years are going to be a pivotal time for our nation. With the rising price of energy and with it the rising price of food, there will be many people in this nation and abroad who will need help. There have already been food riots in third world countries over the price of food.

There are also certain legislative acts expiring - they are going to need careful review before deciding if they should continue or not.

Also, oversight of the various federal agencies needs to have outstanding advisors. The Clinton's have these people, Barack does not have capable advisors - we already know that from his foreign policy advisor's gaffes.

Last, but not least, If you look at Obama's Plan for America, not once does he mention Gays, Lesbians, Bi-sexuals or Transgendered people. Nothing about our Civil Rights, Nothing about Civil Unions or about Marriage. NOTHING!

I was really shocked to find that out - but that goes with the black religious community - they have always refused to address that their are black homosexuals in their own community.

They refuse to see us. They disown us. Preachers like Rev. Wright are only interested in their own agenda. Although it may be Senator Barack's, it is not Senator Clinton's. Thank America for that!

Senator Clinton, if you don't get the nomination now, you're sure to get it in four years - after Senator Barack either fails in the General Election or fails at leading this country because of his inexperience.

Good Luck Senator Clinton. You are the best hope for America.


Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because she is the strongest person running.She is the only one who can get America back on track.She is a fighter for all of us.We have got to get her in the office,We have people starving and near starving, loosing their homes. i wonder how many people we have on antidepression meds.How many good people are loosing.People are at their end dealing with all the stress .Can't find a job.Giving half their check to the gas pump.Please Hillary if they give this to Obama.Drop out and run indenpent.I will not vote for Obama.At this point i could care less about dem,or rep.John Ebwards is stupid for backing him.

Aaronski said...

I support Hillary for the majority of the reasons spoken on this page. I also wanted to get the word out about the electoral college advantage she has....this is a HUGE reason I support her, among others like, she supports all sects of people, she is willing to go agains the media and special interests that make up their own agendas, she does not give up when everyone and all odds are against her, she recognizes that the normal american has to pay too much for school, and has a hard time even getting there because our public schools were turned into a joke by no child left behind. She realizes that a tax break on gas WILL help, expecially to those who are self0employed in the services industry, no to mention that the US postal service gets a 15 MILLION dollar increase in expense to operate their fleet of vehicles every time the gallon goes up ONE CENT. This among a million other reasons, I could write a book on it.




Anonymous said...

I am NOT old enough to vote; If i was, it would definitely be for Hillary. & She won WV ! Woo. I got all the friends/family I know to vote for her. Shes definitely going to make a comeback to Barack Obama. Love ya Hill!

~Yours Truly, EMN~ said...

I support Hillary because she has the EXPERIENCE and INTEGRITY to serve as President of the United States. I TRUST her. This is not an opponent bashing statement, however, I must doubt the integrity of a man who attends a church for 22 years, compares his pastor to a close relative and says he has never heard anti-American sermons from him. He is lucky only sound bytes have been played to the moral majority; I’ve heard some of the sermons in entirety. This leads me to believe: a) he doesn’t go to church regularly, b) he is lying about not hearing the sermons or c) he has an ulterior motive in becoming our president. I cannot and will not vote for him if our party chooses him. A trickle-down effect will result because those who have turned tail and ran away on Hillary in favor of Obama will feel it when their re-election time comes up as well. Pastor Wright’s sermons bother me! Values and Patriotism are important to me and hearing Wright say “GD America” is worrisome. Being a good speaker does not a president make. Many diabolical people have been good speakers; let’s not forget about Hitler and his speaking ability. Hillary has consistently been honest to the point where it may have personally hurt and I will bet she isn’t worried about ever having to denounce her pastor. She has a positive plan for this Nation to pick us back up and direct us up and over the storm that has been created by the current administration.

Bonju Patten said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she is first and foremost a leader with 30 years plus experience to support her. She has initiated and passed bills as a Jr. Senator in Washington, she has traveled the world with her husband, President Bill Clinton and has had the opportunity to speak with every member of foreign diplomatic corp - male or female and receives the respect of her office as First Lady and now Democratic Presidential Candidate.

It galls me that half of America is scared to death of her becoming president - I don't know if it's sexism or because she is a Clinton but she is first and foremost a woman who has tirelessly fought for healtcare, women, children and the right for every American to have a voice in government.

I belive in the issues that Hillary supports and what her plans are to make America great again.

I cannot pull a lever down for two men when there is such a powerful rightous educated and experienced woman running in the same categoy. It will never happen and I will never vote McCain or Obama because each of these men have their own baggage they are dragging around with them that I cannot seem to get around. Obama-an empty suit supported by Republican ideals and money; McCain- has a rich wife with ties to foreign lobby groups, he will extend the war 100 years and our children will see a draft, his ideas for America are tired and old just as he is. We cannot afford to nominate any man -

I will continue to vote Hillary even by writing her name on the ballot for 2008.

Catherine Haig Bonjukian

Anonymous said...

First let me say this,

Men have been screwing up this country for far too long. Maybe this country needs a woman's touch for a change.

Secondly, I remember an economy much stronger when Bill was in office than it is present day(Now you think that Mrs. Clinton had nothing to do with that?)

Last but definately not least:
I am a struggling father, and as prices go up on everything and pay remains the same, it is becoming
more and more difficult to make my support payments and still have a roof over my head. I have recently read an article in which Mrs. Clinton has introduced a plan for legislation to reform the laws governing the one sided legislation in regards to support orders(although I think that she could extend the scope of the legislation to target all low income fathers rather than targeting the african american community soley. Or the publication that wrote on that article needs to be a little clearer). It is an excellent start to something that has just gotten so out of hand that more and more fathers are commiting suicide. The stats on the suicide rates in this area are just absolutely frightening.

Hillary All The Way

Anonymous said...

Hillary You are the only choice that makes sense. I live in upstate NY and I know what you have done for us here...You Cannot give up. You would be the best thing that happend to this country in a long time...You have mine and my husbands support...Good luck and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hillary has been fighting for a better America for 35 years. listen to her speak and she clearly is the only candidate I want to hire.

With a win of 65% of the Vote in Kentucky Hillary has added another 250,000 votes to her Popular vote tally. America has spoken yet again.

Yesterday as I flipped through the news channels I heard more references to the fact that Women are speaking out against the treatment that Hillary has recieved in this Election. What does this mean? It means that we are being heard...... that the news media is finaly listening to what America is saying.

Obama must have people watching the blogs because for the first time he thanked Hillary for breaking the glass ceiling. He used the Sexism in this campaign to his advantage and now, Now he speaks out so that voters will come to his side. I am from Tennessee and we have a saying, sly like a Fox.....

I do not buy into Obama. I have very closely followed this historic campaign and I wish I had a dollar for every time Obama has changed direction. The latest being the back and forth mud slinging between Obama and McCain. First Obama in a town meeting states "Iran, Cuba ect... are just little countries they are not a big threat" Then yesterday Obama said " Iran is a huge threat" He changes his stance like he changes his pant's. One news commentator made since last night, (God bless him) when he said " If I am holding a sawed off shot gun to one side of your head and a 22 pistol to the other side , one is smaller but they can both kill you" I guess I am Clinging to my guns and my religion by repeating that....God Bless America..... Well let me take a minute to go open my chicken house door so my chickens can come home to rooooooooooost.

All Hillary supportes keep up the good work and remember


One Million Woman March ,Denver Co at the Democratic convention August 25, 2008 GO Hillary

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she has always had America's best interest at heart.
I voted for her in the Va. primary.
I am a republican and cannot in good faith vote for McCain. I am tired of my presidential selection being the lessor of the two evils.
If Hillary Clinton does not win the nomination - I will not vote in this election for the first time since I have been old enough to do so.

Anonymous said...

I like what you say and talk about, and i do not believe obama if it were me I would go on television and ask the people what do you want me to do please tell me if you want me to quit and see what they say. then i would rip appart oboma's change speeches apart and say what did he do in office to affect change... he did nothing and then say what i did to affect change while in office, then i would attack his ideas with dropping his pastor and what they believe and if he really is part musslim and attack that,then i would attack his dividing the country into blacks and white there are no such people as african americans your either american or not.. then i would say how i would confrount the oil companies and make jobs and equal pay for all, housing for the homeless,help for kids in adoption centers,help end hunger in america by feeding all who want it, tax the companies overseas that were once here, I would ask mexico and cuba if they would like to be the newest states or apart of the usa. to improve relations here i would put higher import tax and get rid of the gasoline tax.I would bring back the steam locomotive into the american railroad system for both jobs and better energy so they dont need diesel fuel anymore

Anonymous said...

Here’s a good reason I think Hillary Clinton should be the Democratic Nominee:

Surprise Element: If she gets the nomination in late August at the Convention when it looks like the nomination has been heading to Obama, the Republicans will be thrown off course. They are already starting to target Obama because they feel he is the Party’s nomination. They will not be expecting the party to switch gears and by the time they recover the country will be on it’s way to vote in the first woman president.

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I believe she will be the only candidate to follow through with her promises. Healthcare, Education, Gay rights, the War in Iraq. All things I believe she will tackle if elected president. I never thought I would see a woman president in my life time and I pray I will get to. Especially one with the great qualities and backbone that Hillary has. Florida supports Hillary!!!! Let us be heard!

Anonymous said...

As a woman, mother, and wife of a soldier in the U.S. Army, I support Hillary because she cares about the issues that truly affect me. She shows that she will be a president who will acknowledge what needs to be done and actually do it.

H. G. Wells said...

from day one in the white house she was active for universal health care and support for senior citizens. if she is not on the ticket, i will write in a vote for her if i have to. i will not vote for anyone else - period.

Angela said...

I believe that Hillary is the best choice for president. She understands the struggles that the American people are suffering under the current administration. She wants healthcare for everyone, she has REAL plans to fix the economy, she supports our troops who have been in a war far too long, and she wants to strengthen the middle class..
Hillary has the experience, and she has a strong desire to see America strong again.. I saw her speak in Kentucky and her words were inspiring, I am with her all the way!! HILLARY 2008!

JEAN said...

Nancy, Thought you might find this interesting.

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun

It's an amazing time to be alive in America . We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first front-running freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.

We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender. Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.

The reality is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at him. Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.

Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost.
Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.. Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America . But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial 'beauty.'

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists - something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on 'the rich.' How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, 'All praise and glory to God!' but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have 'hijacked' - hijacked - Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois , he refused to vote against a statewide ban - ban - on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood , and San Francis co values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches. His vision of 'bringing America together' means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers. Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.

But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.

It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to be our president in a nuclear age during a global civilizational war.

Subject: Kind of scary, wouldn't you think Remember--God is good, and is in time, on time b every time

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??

I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! If you think I am crazy,. I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate.

JEAN said...

this is why Hillary needs to win.....

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun

It's an amazing time to be alive in America . We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first front-running freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.

We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender. Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.

The reality is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at him. Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.

Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost.
Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.. Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America . But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial 'beauty.'

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists - something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on 'the rich.' How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, 'All praise and glory to God!' but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have 'hijacked' - hijacked - Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois , he refused to vote against a statewide ban - ban - on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood , and San Francis co values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches. His vision of 'bringing America together' means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers. Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.

But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.

It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to be our president in a nuclear age during a global civilizational war.

Subject: Kind of scary, wouldn't you think Remember--God is good, and is in time, on time b every time

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??

I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! If you think I am crazy,. I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate.

JEAN said...

this is why Hillary needs to win

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Subject: A Black Columnist on Obama

Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun

It's an amazing time to be alive in America . We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first front-running freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.

We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender. Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.

The reality is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at him. Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.

Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost.
Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.. Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America . But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial 'beauty.'

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists - something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on 'the rich.' How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, 'All praise and glory to God!' but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have 'hijacked' - hijacked - Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois , he refused to vote against a statewide ban - ban - on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood , and San Francis co values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches. His vision of 'bringing America together' means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers. Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.

But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.

It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to be our president in a nuclear age during a global civilizational war.

Subject: Kind of scary, wouldn't you think Remember--God is good, and is in time, on time b every time

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??

I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! If you think I am crazy,. I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate.

Anonymous said...

Because Hillary is the best
qualified for President. The
media has been against her from
the beginning and they have been
pro Obama. I think Hillary should
run as an independent candidate.
She would beat Obama and McCain.
When Bill was President this country was in the best shape but
since we have had eight years of
Bush the country is in the worst

Outsider said...

Many of us in the Free World are silent supporters of Hillary because of her grace and intelligence and clear sight ...... the people of America need her guidance and compassion ...... and we all need her steady hand in a world that is verging on chaos! Please go on to DENVER Hills - for us all!

tazgirl said...

I think Hillary should
run as an independent candidate.
She would beat Obama and McCain we need her in the white house to fight for us and all we belive in
she is what we all need .

GO HIllary !!!

We belive in you .

GAIl Brown
MAdsionville Ky

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is a leader, and that's what we need in the White House right now. If Obama is nominated, I will vote for the next best leader: McCain and frankly, I find that horrifying, but I will not be forced to vote for a Democratic candidate who is not prepared to protect and lead this country.
Hillary gets things done. She's proven it over and over again. This is a no-brainer. If she needs to, sure- go independant. She'll win. There's too much at stake to give up. Heck with the media bashing and the speculating of "the same ol' politics" vs. "hey, come on over to the "change" camp. Would you idiots like a side of hope with that ignorance?" Such a ridiculous notion that Americans can't recognize hope unless it's pointed out to them. That's what I call audacious!
HIllary, you've GOT to keep going, or I will have to switch teams! Yuck! Go Hillary, gooooo!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary because I believe she really cares about what is right and good for this country. I also think she has the experience to do the job.
Vote for Obama? Someone who refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance and who took his oath of office on a Muslim bible???? PLEASE!!!!!!
Hillary is the right one for the job!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary Clinton because she is a strong women and the right candidate for this job. She has been fighting a battle that most of us would find impossible to endure. i believe in her i think is time we give a woman a try

Anonymous said...

Hillary is the only person to get the job done and turn this country around! Men have been running this country since forever! What is more of a change then finally having a women in charge! Hillary please run as an independent! Obama won't win unless he puts you on his ticket! You are a true inspiration for women all over the country! Keep fighting for us! And we will keep fighting for you!

Anonymous said...

I support Hillary, because she stands for everything that is good. She is a good daughter, mother and wife. Hillary is down to earth and yet she walks with class. Hillary puts herself on the line for everyone else.... even when it means, she will catch hell for it (waiting for today to concede, so that her supporters and loved ones, could be given a special time .... that is so like her). She has sacrificed so much for so many and for soooo long.... this path she was forced on doesn't seem fair. I am angry, but I will always support her and trust her to make the right decisions. I won't vote for Obama unless she is on the ticket .... so we will have to see if this man is a professional partner and a gentleman ..... if not, like thousands of others I will wait until 2012!!!

Americanfirst said...

This web site sounds bogus.Anything positive you can say about Hillary can be said about Obama. Where do you people get all these crazy notions. Do any of you read or check sources or do you just go to Fox (News?) Why are you all so hysterical. I never knew Hillary was so perfect. Why don't you think for yourself or are you starting a new religious cult? This isn't a competition! She lost the nomination fair and square so it's time to grow up and get over it. We have a county to save.

Angela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said...

I really get so tired of all the Obama supporters attitudes. They are so rude!
According to them Obama can do no wrong.. doesn't matter if he hangs around with racist and well simply put...IDIOTS!
They call hearing his speaches drinking the Obama Kool-aid.. that statement bothers me.
They follow him like its some kind of cult.
Then they have the nerve to insult a former first lady. They have been so disrespectful toward her. Their words have been so mean hearted and a disgrace.. The number of people who voted for him only tell me one thing.. and that is the extent this country has suffered a moral decline.
I support Hillary because I think she is most qualified for the Job.. I feel like I know Hillary. The bottom line is with Hillary I know what I am getting.. with Obama no one knows much about him.. they don't know what they are getting when they cast a vote for him.. I am proud of Hillary.. I wish only the best to her and will support her.. she has what it takes to turn this country around!
But IF somehow and I doubt Obama will be elected, but if he is, Someone besides me will have to take credit for the mess..because it was not my doing..I voted for Hillary and if at all possible I will vote for her in the general election.. My vote will not go to Obama.

Outsider said...

As an Outsider, I say without hesitation that Hillary is the BEST CANDIDATE that America has EVER produced for POTUS - and consequently Leader of the Free World! As things stand right now, I suspect that the US may not weather the storms ahead ........ and we will be looking at another country for Leadership unless Hillary is reinstalled! BOBOTS (i.e. Robots) will never win over the rest of the world with their rudeness and uncivilised attitudes - and that's a given!

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