Friday, February 29, 2008

Making the right decision to support Hillary Clinton

(*Edit for some reason the first time I posted the wrong video, here is the correct one) Reading someone else's blog I ran across the latest Obama video. It's a bit over the top, creeps me out a bit and pretty much just reassures me that I have made the right decision in supporting Hillary

I also run across this video recently which I found interesting. Apparently Obama in 2004 said he would not run for President due to his lack of experience.

Here is a video from this week. Jim Cramer from the show Mad Money talking about whose best for the economy. is my favorite Hillary Clinton ad running in Texas. It is very inspirational, funny and at the same time sad.


jilkat25 said...

Oh, I have not seen this ad!! I live in Dallas! I know if this ad were running here it would make such a difference. I cried (again) seeing Ann. She is still me hero, as is Hillary Clinton. How do we get this ad out between now and Tuesday??

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that immediately after Hillary's Children at 3:00 a.m. ad, Obama DENOUNCED AND REJECTED that type of fear-mongering ad only to turn around and release the same type of ad? He said, "We've seen these ads before. They're the kind that play on people's fears to try to scare up votes." He even added he doesn't think it will work.

I fail to see how he is an example of the "new style of politics". I guess he was against these type of ads, before he was for it. (Also, after being accused of copying other people's speeches, one would think he would stay away from copying Hillary's ads. This is even after stealing her economic plans. Doesn't he have an original thought in his head?)

In my view he's just a talking head-- here's my youtube video:

Obama Talks Too Much. He's All Hat, No Cattle. Just Words.

Frankly, at 3 a.m., I want a President who will PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTON
(reference to the times he pressed the wrong button in voting.)