Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Ultimate Hillary Audio Collection

I am in the process of creating the ultimate collection of Hillary sound bites. Interviews, speeches and more. Check out the collection and if you feel so inspired to help just upload what ever clips you might have and put them in the Hillary Clinton Interviews collection

Here is the Collection of Hillary sound bites

Here are some great sound bites from the last 2 years

Hillary Clinton Speaks To Moms Rising

Hillary Clinton Takes The Oath Of Office As The 67th Secretary

Clinton On Her Role: I'm Chief Diplomat

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1 comment:

msakel said...

This is a great idea from Hillary Grassroots Campaign blog!

The soundbites are truly memorable and will become part of History.

I was wondering where we could purchase a video of Hillary's DNC speech (Obama won nomination) and her Historic Building speech where she announced her withdrawing, etc.
I believe I saw this displayed somewhere on the HILLARY
GRASSROOTs Campaign blog some time ago! Anyone knows?