Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hillary Gets Another Super Delegate

I'm sure now that Hillary's calendars from when she was a First Lady have been released, the media will not dwell on how much she accomplished but instead on any suspicious "gaps" or discrepancies. Much will be made of where she was, and when, and whether it counts as "experience". It's already started with Newsweek noticing "curious deletions". (They should see my calendar!) And when do we get to see Senator Obama's calendars from the last 10 years?

The media is also made a big flap about her $5 million loan to her own campaign, even though Bill is certainly rich just from speaking fees since leaving office. Last night I heard a caller on talk radio make wild accusations about secret financial deals implicating Clintons with the Saudis and the Bush family. I had to turn it off after a few minutes before it got even more ridiculous, and this was on progressive radio. The hysteria over and focus on the most inane, petty details of Hillary's existence are maddening, compared to the seriousness given to Obama at all times. When did this start? I don't even remember anymore. His speech defending his ex-pastor on Tuesday was treated a grand speech on the ills of western culture and race relations and he was given a 30 minute chunk of airtime that was not matched by a similar media gift to Clinton. The media also reports over and over again that "everyone" has released their tax info. except Hillary. This is not true -- John McCain has also not released his tax returns. The media hasn't even noticed!

But the reason I write this is good news for Hillary. Not only John Murtha, but also another super delegate has endorsed her in the last few days -- West Virginia superdelegate Pat Maroney, a DNC committee chairman, also chose the New York Senator. Now if only she could get some positive TV time! Yesterday, Hillary attended a “Solutions For America” event with Sen. Evan Bayh in Terre Haute, Indiana. Obama gave another speech. Guess who I saw on TV every time I looked at cable news. It would be nice if we could convince the media that we want to see more coverage of Clinton.

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