Sunday, November 11, 2007

Democratic Successes this year, and in the future!

Our party has enjoyed a multitude of successes since 2006. I remember after the 2004 election feeling so down. I had put so much thought and energy into that election, and to wake up and it all be over--so much disappointment and other emotions filled my body.

After all, this is some of the most important stuff of our LIFETIME! I thought we had a good chance in 2006, but was still lacking the confidence. Democrats proved that we CAN do it! We not only won back the House AND the Senate, we gained a lot seats in local races (Governors and State legislatures)! It was a great year. In the 2007 elections, we had some successes as well, although there wasn't a whole lot going on this election. We won another gubernatorial race in Kentucky! We also won a lot of victories in Virginia, winning back the Virginia state Senate, and gaining seats in the state House as well as other states.

It's been a good year! We have to keep the momentum going! Right now, all the leading 2008 Democratic presidential candidates poll higher when compared to any of their Republican opponents. I believe Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is the candidate to continue our successes past 2007 and into the future. The days of the Republican smear machine are over! Their tactics just don't work anymore. According to RealClearPolitics, which takes an average of all current polls, Hillary fairs best against Republican Rudy Giuliani! She leads him by over 4% in the polls! I believe Hillary is the one we need to stand up to the Republicans!

Sure, internally we have our differences. But we also have some basic goals and principles that unite us all as Democrats! Instead of attacks against EACH OTHER during this crucial primary campaign, let's focus on what's at stake. The 2008 Presidential election, and possibly gaining MORE seats in the House and Senate.

Congressional leaders haven't been able to pass everything we want, there's been a lot of roadblocks. Republicans blocking important bills, President Bush using his veto pen.

We HAVE had a great deal of success also:

*We've provided disaster relief to Katrina victims.
*Raised the minimum wage from $5.15/hr to $7.25/hr over over a 2 yr period.
*Implemented important recommendations from the 9/11 commission, including 100% inspection for all air cargo entering the USA .
*Passed the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 strengthening public disclosure requirements concerning lobbyists, placing more restrictions on gifts for members of Congress, and requires mandatory disclosure of earmarks.
*Passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2007, and effectively OVERRIDING President Bush's initial veto of the act.The bill garnered bipartisan support which funds various water projects including beach restoration, clean water and flood control programs--many projects crucial in sensitive areas like New Orleans.

We also have passed numerous other important bills, such as The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, expansion of SCHIP, and an original bill that required withdrawal from Iraq that President Bush unfortunately vetoed.

The point is, this Congress HAS proved we know how to govern, and by picking up more seats in 2008 and getting a Democratic President (preferably Hillary Clinton) we can do SO much more! Let's focus on our successes and what we CAN continue to do, not attack each other!

We need EVERY Democrat in 2008 and every other year!


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