Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bill Clinton as First Spouse

Bill Clinton as First Spouse

Bill Clinton plans to be a First Husband for the 21st century: A post-modern, post-ego presidential spouse who doesn't earn an income of his own, but rather pays the bills from family savings and does what he can to help the missus down in the Oval Office.

"I've tried to get in a position where, you know, I — I won't — I'll be able to do what she did when I was president — that is, I don't want to spend any time making a living," Mr. Clinton said in an interview on CNN late Tuesday night, when asked about his activities if Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton wins the presidency in 2008.

"I hope I will have saved enough by then, if she is elected, that we can just, you know, pay our bills and — I'd like to keep our two homes, our home in Washington, our home in Chappaqua," Mr. Clinton added. "And otherwise, I'd like to devote whatever time she wants to whatever she wants me to do and I should be able to have probably two to three days a week to do in the foundation. I certainly hope so."

Mrs. Clinton has been fairly explicit that she would keep Mr. Clinton busy if she becomes president, saying he could become "ambassador to the world" — with missions to improve ties with other nations and tackle foreign policy hotspots.

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1 comment:

Patty McCabe-Remmell said...

I am looking forward to Bill being the First Husband. I am currently reading Senator Clinton's autobiography (when it was first published I was doing my MA in English Lit and had way too much reading of other things to do) and I was wondering which china pattern the former President would pick for state dinners. Seriously, though, this is going to put the White House staff in a tizzy and I say IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! The role of the First Spouse should not be dictated by archaic gender lines. I'm looking forward to this with great glee!