Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Polls Show Hillary Up


Campaign Memo

Mark Penn, Chief Strategist

Mark Penn

Another poll has come out that answers the question "can Hillary win?" A Newsweek poll shows that she beats John McCain by six points, getting to the magic number of 50.

This is the first major poll taken after the roll-out of Hillary's campaign. It is the third major national poll in a row that shows Hillary Clinton beating or tied with McCain and Rudy Giuliani:

  • Today's Newsweek poll shows Hillary leading McCain by six points (50 percent to 44 percent) and Giuliani by three points (49 percent to 46 percent). Hillary is up from just last week, when her lead over McCain was only one point in the same Newsweek poll (48 percent to 47 percent).
  • Yesterday's TIME Magazine poll showed Hillary tied with McCain at 47 percent.
  • The January 21 ABC/Washington Post poll showed Hillary leading McCain by five points (50 percent to 45 percent) and leading Giuliani by two points (49 percent to 47 percent).

These polls make it clear that Hillary Clinton is the leading 2008 contender right now.

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